In what sense an OEM logo and in what sense a Branding logo? And why are you telling me that? I just posted the link that was asked. You asked this linki, instead to look yourself for it. In future I'll not help You no more, if don't want. And if You asks link, then don't comment peoples who help You. Next time remeber, You can yourself use search and don't ask if You don't want it.
iam just answer your post about using Windows 10(also 7, 8,..) Manager => Visual Customizer. It is there under OEM Information. not about link you posted... iam sure you misunderstanding about my post... as far as i know, Windows 10(also 7, 8,..) only change OEM logo, not branding logo, thats why i post " already try it" because iam using windows 10 manager.
Hello ! i just to try the 1.2.2, I notice to the /A didn't work : "%~dp0System Brand Changer.exe" /A I had the OEM's folder from here : I use a Windows 10 1909 Core Edition on Acer Brand Thanks for you great work I hope you can find a fixe because is very importante for me... Regards
Mesmo que o projeto tenha sido descontinuado venho reportar que o programa se utilizado no Windows 10 build 2004 faz com que o sistema não inicialize mais, sendo possível somente voltar a funcionar fazendo uma restauração de sistema com midia de recovery, realizei o teste em vários equipamentos e tive problemas com vários até descobrir que o problema era o System Brand Changer, fiz o teste tanto com a versão 1.2.1 e 1.2.1
This project doesn't work properly on win 10 anyway, only on pre 14393 it worked somewhat: &
Thanks for the info I created a script for manufacture detection and add this with the System Brand Changer.
Even though the project seems to have been discontinued, I report that if the program is used in Windows 10 build 2004, the program makes the system no longer boot, and it is only possible to return to work doing a system restoration with recovery media. test on several devices and I had problems with several devices until I discovered that the problem was the System Brand Changer, I did the test with both version 1.2.1 and 1.2.2