Android 8.0’s “streaming OS updates” will work even if your phone is full We've probably all had this happen at one point or another: it's time for an OS update, and your phone wants to download a ~1GB brick of an update file. On Android, normally this gets downloaded to the user storage partition and flashed to the system partition. But wait—if your phone is full of pictures, or videos, or apps, there may not be enough space to store the update file. In such circumstances, the update fails, and the user is told to "free up some space." According to the latest documentation, Google has cooked up a scheme to make sure that an "insufficient space" error will never stop an update again... more
Hi I find this very interesting website principaly on Computing section of course; so I believe is better see all contents
Go to Mars HPE & NASA with Supercomputer on Board
Yes it is interesting on the computing section, especially because there is that much data created (you cannot store them all) that you have to program filters which are able to differentiate data within a very short time. Such trigger systems which differentiate 'useful' data from others are interesting...also interesting is the LHC Computing Grid. Anyway their research itself and ideas what can be achieved.....and meaning/importance of the research isn't. IMO we actually can go without it. It seems to be exciting but without real importance for humankind. If the Physicists are missing a theoretical 'particle' then they will find it in the future for sure. And they mostly don't get evidence of their existence but conclude that they must have existed in that particular situation since they found its 'signature' or its particles from its 'decay' So it happens quite frequently that they create 'false positives'. Or particles named Xi cc++ which should have existed only a short time.... To say it precise (and I know it's my special opinion): CERN is actually useless. It's a huge toy. Concerning structure of matter or even universe it helps almost nothing, though. It's like tying loose ends. There will be always 'new' smaller particles and there will be always new dualities. (particle and anti....)
@ Yen ok I respect your opinion; but in another hand myself since when kid I always like to know new "things" about science maybe for this I think is interesting anyway
CERN can deliver a lot of material for fantasy and science fiction.....fear of creating a black hole or something.... But actually it is dry stuff for experimental Physics of elementary particles and statistics. Furthermore you need to determine the conditions which have to be met that it is considered as 'discovered'. As example the Higgs-Boson / inconsistencies..... The branch of research is situated there where one creates more questions than to find answers.
A better research branch than CERN: Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor Introduces New Technology for Fast-Charging, Noncombustible Batteries
Hey very good news Yen congrats to Mr. John hehe maybe Miss Maria Helena Braga is Brazilian scientist?after I make search there and for last maybe Toyota work together with University of Texas
wow very interesting MJ and thinking with myself a lot of "things" exists since 19 century (or same before) and only now humanity start to put in pratice and tell is "new" technologies argh!!
I find interesting article is one thing to think!
Mathematical secrets of ancient tablet unlocked after nearly a century of study Dating from 1,000 years before Pythagoras’s theorem, the Babylonian clay tablet is a trigonometric table more accurate than any today, say researchers...
wow good find MJ really have a lot of secrets hidden in severals places around the world this is only one! think for example how Incas people build Machu Pichu or even pyramids on Egipt... Google Translation
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