Its still you however its spelt ......... and i already said that if someone understands something they could even explain it to you . The picture i have in my head at the moment ---- > Imagine a ball . It has a spin . Either up , down , left or right . Thats its resting state . You know wich one it is . Thats localisation . If other balls with other spins are near to it they ' form a chain ' / an order ....... but keep their own spin . Thats symetry . You hit it with a laser and if that laser has a certain amount of power ...... the whole chain of balls change their spin 180 degrees ....... and flip backwards and forwards at a certain frequency / periode depending on the power of the laser and the frequency of the pulses .Thats the timr crystal . I'm not sure about this bit . I only had a quick look Usualy if you kicked that chain with a laser it would develope heat wich might destroy it or change the spin of the first ball in the chain but the electromagnetic forces between the balls would absorbe the energy , and the spin of each ball would work against it ........ and they wouldnt all flip . But at a certain frequency they dont get hot and do flip . If thats not right i'd be pleased to know it and why
Heh I'd be pleased to know a lot of stuff about these tons of suppositions, thinking of time in such terms, jumping into one's own stomach all the time, no energy change, no absorption of it - but influencing these phenomena with energy, hiding behind a certain Sch-cat and all that... It's all fine with 'probabilities' but....
In other words, R2D2, you can't do what I said needs to be done, so one can actually begin assessing it rationally, even if one is not necessarily a physicist.... When I see a critically minded article, which is really a critical appraisal, leaving the jargon behind - we can talk... In the meantime, this is nothing but a lot of silly (and potentially dangerous) blah-blah ("Gimme da money, I is bad, I can get you power, all your money for my research HERE!!!")... P.S. Can you muster a rational critical response to what Chomsky is positing in this interview?!? If not, I think you should be a bit more humble before a man with balls way bigger than yours... Joby Aero Inc, a California-based company developing an all-electric air taxi for commercial passenger service, announced it has achieved an important milestone in the development of its aircraft, flying a full-size prototype vehicle more than 150 miles on a single charge, including a vertical take-off and landing. The flight was completed at Joby's Electric Flight Base in Big Sur, CA as part of the company's ongoing flight test campaign. The aircraft, piloted from the ground by Joby's Chief Test Pilot, Justin Paines, took off vertically before transitioning to forward flight and completing 11 laps of a predefined circuit. After more than 1 hour and 17 minutes in the air, the aircraft landed vertically, having covered a total distance of 154.6 statute miles.
From phase shift to climate catastrophy in one post !!! @ Subjective .......... YOu keep telling us that YOU wont believe anything untill YOU see an explanation that YOU can undertsnad My critical response to what Chomsky says = Hes right .
I wasn't asking you but OK, it's a public forum... Seriously, not when I understand it but when anyone at least averagely well educated can, if non-jargon is used, understand the idea and consequences of (using) such a technology.... And broadly speaking, Chomsky is frequently right in his analysis of political processes, yes...
I don't get it: why are you asking me such a question when you posted it here without prompting from me - I merely reacted to what you posted...??? As for some of these small, midnight misunderstandings....
I posted it cause i know you like chomsky and as he was pointing out, there is a middle ground to everything. You have chosen polarization, if you don't understand something then it's bs! That reminds me of the George W Bush statement after 9/11 , "either you're with us or against us!" I expected better from you @gorski , but you only have to look at the coronavirus thread to see this behavior from you on full display. From what I see, you are not qualified to comment on coronavirus, in fact the only person in that thread that seems qualifed is @Yen , and you certainly aren't with quantum physics. So what makes you qualified to call anything bs that you don't fully understand, all I see is borderline gaslighting!
Ars Technica: Microsoft’s Windows 11 outreach efforts aren’t going very well. Lake Huron sinkhole surprise: The rise of oxygen on early Earth linked to changing planetary rotation rate. PC Gamer: Knights of the Old Republic's cinematics in Unreal 5 will make you pine for when Star Wars was good. 9to5Google: Android’s built-in ‘COVID Card’ vaccination record is now available for Australia. The Register: Google: Linux kernel and its toolchains are underinvested by at least 100 engineers.
Actually, you are wrong on these issues, confused as much as Yen, it seems to me! 1) I am way more "qualified" in the area we are talking about: public health policy. Yen isn't. Clearly, he would be a danger to public health, if he were to get his hands on the reigns for that policy... Moreover, given his job, he is biased, in several ways. And then, on top of that, he is adrift, constantly shifting his position, depending on a new YT guru coming along. If this is your cup if tea - who's to stop you... But it is clear to me, from that tread that he is lost in terms of public health policy, constantly changing positions drastically! It beggars belief, in fact but OK... 2) The demand for "plain English" science, philosophy, laws etc. is not a novel one and it has merit! What you are insinuating I am claiming re. my quantum physics knowledge is BS and a very WRONG, black and white thing to do! I was expecting way better from you!!! My points were nuanced and very, very different from your b/w perspective, which leaves.... everything to be desired in terms of fair and open debate. I asked for a critical assessment, not a PR release article a business would put out, to best sell itself. And nope, not everyone can do this, true... I for starters can't. But I can understand things, if they are done in such a way. So, I'll tell you what I did here: I was honest, I didn't BS, pretending I knew what all those presumptions in each sentence, each new notion brought into the article actually meant! More than anything, I was not pretending I knew what potential consequences of such a technology might be. Not a novel idea, to question our powerful science BEFORE it messes up this world yet again. But it is essential to do so nowadays. It's disappointing I have to do xplain this to anyone here, you especially... 3) Chomsky did say certain things but I doubt he would go half way towards accomodating Fascists, Eugenicists, climate change liers and the like, so you may wanna revisit that "principle", if this is what you are saying...
@gorski Huh?! So what was this? If you would like we can argue about this too! The Register: Google: Linux kernel and its toolchains are underinvested by at least 100 engineers. The selectiveness of patching in popular Linux distros and how it destroys security.
I just came here for one post to chime in because as soon one posts a username with '@' I got notified. This pretty much summarizes what's going on. But most important out there on a wider scope. I posted once it actually doesn't matter about me or gorski. We both don't have real responsibility for public health. It happens out there. The term gaslightning also attracted my attention. It is the same term Robert Malone is using when explaining what's going on. Besides of the huge censorship on anything what is not approved by public health authorities. (Malone's story with his wife's book on Amazon was just the beginning, yeah I know unknown by gorski and anything after elaborated by him also unknown...).. I don't have a personal issue with gorski. I am familiar with the mechanisms of gaslighting. "..comes everyday up with another guru"---"..confused as much as..." and so on. What really matters is that the FLCCC and others are gaslighted by public health authorities. My qualification...well... My posts are public. Everybody is invited to reflect what I post and I am always open for a discussion. (What the public health authorities even do choke off, there is still no healthy will for open debates and real scientific exchange). By saying that. Thanks @R29k It was you posting an article about cytocine storm. It made me finally researching more about. And today we know...people are not dying by the virus itself, they die due to an immense state of inflammation. COVID-19 has several states of progresses, we learn more and more about. (Viral state, inflammatory state, post covid and long covid state. The latter is actually an immune disease). Each state requires a specific and different medication. Yeah also something the public health authorities still do not know and refuse to accept. They are on their vaccination trip and close their eyes for anything else happening..granting EUA for useless and expensive stuff like remdesivir, making an 1.2 B deal with Merck on molnupiravir which has exactly one MOA of IVM only. I am learning every day new stuff and adjust my assessments when appropriate... I talk to docs, scientists and do exchange knowledge / insights... My 'bias' is an conviction based on what I know and have learned and that much included in my life that I even put 'my life' into the hands of it protecting my self against covid exactly the way I post over there. I am against compulsory vaccinations and will fight for keeping the right on physical integrity. I respect any voluntary decisions on vaccination. I support the FLCCC and the doctors by sharing what I can. OK, just wanted to say that, no intent for personal issues. Do not want to spoil this with covid here, too. I return to the right thread...
Not true. As I have amply demonstrated over the whole thread, with all of @Yen's twists and turns... Out there for anyone to read and see for themselves... But this "trial by proxy" - everything and anything is implied under the table, so one doesn't have to prove anything - is speaking of those who deploy such tactics. It's for the weak and meek... I do not behave like that, as you can see above!!!
R2d2: I already wrote about it in plain, simple terms... "A time crystal is, as you might expect, an arrangement of atoms or molecules that form a regular, repeated pattern in time. They'll sit in one configuration for a while, then flip to another, back and forth and back and forth." There are many suppositions here already and how do we know any of them are actually factually correct? Starting with a notion of time. As regular, constantly repeated and above all "manipulable"? 'Tis the thing our utilitarian science is most after and thoughtlessly and mindlessly so!!! And we are supposed to take it all in - just by nodding?!? As for Linux kernel, drivers and so on - agreed, we all know it to be true. So, wth is it doing here, in a debate that has nothing whatsoever to do with this?
The only supposition is being done by you, go look at time in quantum physics. The Linux kernel, well this is a tech/science thread and it is news. I was just interested in seeing you critique one more thing you don't understand fully! I like your posts @gorski but your inflexible positions aren't good.
@Yen there is a fundamental issue with media and the control of the narrative on anything these days. It seems to have started with the Trump administration and the blatant lying to the point where it started being accepted as fact. This issue is on the observer, the media can't be trusted they are two sides of the same coin. I was having a discussion with a doctor the other day and he was telling me ," isn't it funny that even though information is so easily accessible, people seem to be getting more stupid". That just makes me sad. The average media consumer doesn't have the time to fact check anything ! Then the other issue is if you have an opposing view, the general response is you're "hating" on something. It seems to me the world has gone to a whole other level of stupid! There are vaccine passports now so watch out!
R2, nope, wrong, I am asking for flexibility from scientists, at least when they are addressing the general public. If one, on the other hand, tells me "go see x...", I take it that person does NOT understand the issues fully and properly, hence this is the 'pretence bit' I do not appreciate, the bit where there is a lot of posturing and stuff opposite from what science is supposed to do - illuminate.... Sadly...