yes is working perfectly with this activator version "7Loader_By_Orbit30_&_Hazar_v1.2.exe" but,what else do you know about this soft reset problem on the HP DC7100?
Here's another input: I've checked the BIOS update of my new notebook (8530p) when it got the SLIC 2.1. The first interesting thing is, both updates (old and new) use the same HPQFlash. There are some difference in Ver.txt but the areas defined there have nothing to do with SLIC position. The second interesting thing is, that in the case of model 8530p the SLIC table moves position. It does not remain on the position of version 2.0 SLIC. So but the most important thing is, that I thought about use cases. Let's imagine there are 10 BIOS versions for a specific notebook. Version 8 introduces a SLIC update to 2.1. So now a customer wants to update from version 1 to version 10. Then also the SLIC has to be updated. So there must be a switch in the BIOS image itself that tells the flasher or somethings else that SLIC update is ok.
One-click installs? Hi, was there a one-click installs on these or did I misread - the HP530 in particular? Thanks.
hi, I'am a bit busy but i will post it to night. I'll PM you once publihed. You will just have to open the archive, launch HPQFlash and follow intructions (next, next) 3 clicks
Thanks TTAV134!!! TTAV134 - THANK YOU . SLIC 2.1 changed and verified for HP530. I'm surpised noone else could handle this for awhile.
Hi, I loaded HPQFlash but did not flash it at the moment because the newest BIOS uses a even newer HPQFlash. Also this type of BIOS is EFI. Interesting is, that it says something that this model is not from 2007 and so there is no need to check for boot block update. Did anyone look into that function of HPQFlash? 08/16/2009 08:19:44.971 Check if system has legacy BIOS 08/16/2009 08:19:44.989 IsBIOS2007andOlder(): failed: hr = 0x00000000, dwRetCode = 0x00000004 08/16/2009 08:19:44.990 Exit IsBIOS2007andOlder, bIsBIOS2007andOlder= 0, bStatus = 1 08/16/2009 08:19:49.348 Enter CheckBootBlockUpdate. 08/16/2009 08:19:49.348 CheckBootBlockUpdate: don't need to check, not a 2007 product 08/16/2009 08:19:49.348 Exit CheckBootBlockUpdate, bStatus = 1 Hotpepper.
hi, What's your original HPQFLash version, and from witch bios have you extract it. I will patch it. regards