So, hypothetically, if I flashed a modded BIOS using the "/bbl" option on accident (copy paste error), would that possibly be a reason for the computer to not recognize and device and not be able to boot?
I think I may have found the way to update the HP bios to SLIC 2.1! It also may just be Hazar's 7lo*der playing tricks on me and not uninstalling properly... SO until i get the chance to do a fresh install of Windows 7 and can verify properly, I'm going to hold off on make a guide on how to do it. Either way, victory or failure i will describe what i did in the end to see if anyone else can use it to finally figure this one out....
Hi engage16. We are pressing F5 until you post step by step detailed procedure which will save us from all the frustration!! Thanks!
Its the 360AF3E bios. Its for the G50 series of HP Laptops, should also work with some of the G60 laptops also... But it seemed that the major issue that was stopping you guys was the checksum errors and alike situations... and this method gets around them... It may or may not help everyone but its a step in the right direction... Writing out guide step by step as i redo the procedure... should be up tonight or tomorrow night.... Stupid having to go to work...
But the dual SLIC BIOS that were mainly discussed here do not have Phoenix BIOS, but Compaq Rompaq, so it is "apples to pears", sorry sebus
where can i download Pheonix BIOS Editor from, as the only version i can find on here or google to download is if anyone can provide a link.. THANKS
So you are talking of Phoenix bioses. We can mod almost al of them already! This is old news. Or is it a HPQ bios *.bin? We are talking about HPQ-Phoenix bioses which are different.
Okay so what is the difference between a hp rompaq bios and an hp pheonix bios? And even if we are talking about two differnt things at least we'll have a single certralized guide to mod the pheonix based ones. At which point you guys should be glad you've taught someone with no previous knowledge how to modify them sucessfully, at which point I'll start helping with the mod threads, or helping search for this holy Grail of mods... From what I've read is that your having issues with dual slic bios and I found an easy way to mod them. So it may end up helping you guys also... So until tomorrow night, when I get the chance to finalize the guide. I guess we wait and see......