Need some help. I have a hp 550 laptop and i want to know if the bios can be modded for windows 7. Thanks
Hi BIOS Experts, i have hp pavilion m7581in with XP Media Center installed in it. I wanted to know that if i mod the BIOS to SLIC 2.1 (if possible) to get windows 7 then WILL I LOOSE THE LICENSING SYSTEM FOR XP? Another question is that when i downloaded the updated BIOS from hp and when i extracted it, it was a .rom format but when i saved the current BIOS using winflash, it was in .bin format. I m now cnfused that which one is the BIOS file? If i would have updated my PC with .rom file had my PC been crashed though it was an original update?
can you please post full info - i have searched everywhere and tried to follow several guides without success
HP Pavilion ZD8000 slics do not work The cast version of the HP Pavilion ZD8000 slics do not work, could be programmed with other certificates?, Thanks.
SMBus and SPI are totally independent. The flashrom utility can talk to SPI (flash chip), but not SMBus (clock chip etc.). There are multiple problems with the output above: You are using a flashrom version which is at least half a year old. That's ancient. flashrom doesn't find your chip. This could be caused by the ancient flashrom version, or perhaps your chip has an unexpected ID. Forced read on Intel chipsets can lead to skipped regions (this is a chipset limitation). You can't know that, but newer flashrom versions would have warned you. AFAIK you didn't report the issues above to the flashrom development team. Please retry with a current flashrom version (straight from the flashrom svn tree) and if that one still doesn't find the chip, contact flashrom developers by mail flashrom _at_ or on IRC This command line can't work. See below: "flashrom can never write when the flash chip isn't found automatically". Technically, it could write in such cases, but there were too many people who tried exactly that, ignored all warnings and killed their BIOS, and because of that this functionality has been disabled.
I was wondering if anyone received an upgrade kit for the 8510w/8710w. My cd only mentions the xx30 models.
I flashed the file in my BIOS. Than installed windows 7 from the HP cd. But its still not activated. Sorry im new here....
Hi, I have made a big misstake to upgrade the BIOS of my 6910p to the latest version. Seems that this update switches the fan on all the time and oh boy I wished I could revert back the the old bios. I understood that it is not possible to re-flash an old BIOS version and that this is only possible when using a romPaq. For this you need a USB floppy drive - which I bought - and then during start up you can boot from floppy to restore. When I did this I choose update, I got a warning that I was updating to an older version and i confirmed by pressing F10. After this the update seemed to work however after a couple seconds I got a second warning that it might be dangerous and if I wanted to continue. I pressed F10 to confirm. After this I got an error that the disk could was not readable Is there anybody that could help me get around this. I found below in a old text but I do not know if this is any different from what I have tried
Hi, Im totally noob to bios mods. I have a HP Compaq V6000T (about 2 yrs. old) notebook with vista pre-installed. I did the following: 1. downloaded the HP bios update from HP site it comes with Swinflash utility for phoenix bios. 2. updated my bios (no changes made). 3. with winhex copy paste the updated mod and patched the bios.wph file. 4. updated the bios again. now everything seems to be working fine and the version reported by RW-everything is SLIC 2.1. thanks for all the good job you guys are doing. now I just go ahead and install win 7 right? Model: HP - Compaq preario V6000T Version: F.2D Released:2008-12-22 Utility: sp42187.exe