This is no request thread! HP COMPAQ bioses, how to modify the bios?

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Yen, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. darwusch2

    darwusch2 MDL Novice

    May 17, 2007
    I'll post it later tonight. The maximum file size for posting was about 95 kB so I couldn't post the whole file. Any tips on posting the whole size?
  2. darwusch2

    darwusch2 MDL Novice

    May 17, 2007
    The flasher which came with the modded bios is the HPQFlash modded version without signature verification. I used the modded one from this forum though, so in the flash utility there were no additional changes needed.
    Only that 1 byte in the bin file of the bios...

    Here is the link of the forum where I found it:
    You need to register first, wait 2 hours and post 5 times because the file is cut in 5 pieces. Funny forum rules...
    To make it worse, registering can not be done through Google translate :)

    I renamed some files in the zip file, I removed all the Chinese characters and renamed to an English translation.
    And then I uploaded it to 4shared:
    www . 4shared . com/file/y1Hurm6-/6910P_sp49709_slic21.html
    (remove the spaces, I can't post links here yet...)
  3. darwusch2

    darwusch2 MDL Novice

    May 17, 2007
    That's what I said, it's the only new difference. Thank you for posting the file with a better link.

    I just installed windows 7 on the 6910P and it activated just fine. So it's really slic 2.1.
  4. Tahunasky

    Tahunasky MDL Junior Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    So would i be correct that this would work on a 6710b and 6715b bios ? And if so would i look for the sequence 07 FC 66 B9 9C F1 DD BE XX 00 63 FF FF 66 BF and change as above.. ?
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It would be better to understand what it does. I'll decompile the modules like sebus would be cool to get another Chinese mod....
    Actually we don't know what's the clue about FF--> FE
    Is it always the same change?
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  6. darwusch2

    darwusch2 MDL Novice

    May 17, 2007
    Which means:
    It adjusts the RPL (requested privilege level - stored in the bottom two bits of the selector) field of the destination (first) operand to ensure that it is no less (i.e. no more privileged than) the RPL field of the source operand.

    ARPL appears in operating system software, not in application programs. It is used to guarantee that a selector parameter to a subroutine does not request more privilege than the caller is allowed. The second operand of ARPL is normally a register that contains the CS selector value of the caller.
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Oh well..:D

    I was confused I thought 66 FF is ARPL di, di
    Thanks for your explanation, guys.

    By developing the patch it seems there is somebody that knows much about that kind of bios. / The 'Chinese' programmer of the bios itself? :D
    I never would figure that myself. It needs to be confirmed at other bioses as well.

    Is that the way:
    00 63 FF FF
    change FF--->FE
    Then replace the marker at any instance.

    Tried several bioses. Should match. One hit only....untested yet. ;)
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  8. Tahunasky

    Tahunasky MDL Junior Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    I have downloaded the latest 6710b bios:

    F.16 (8 Aug 2010)
    ftp //ftp hp com/pub/softpaq/sp50001-50500/sp50197.exe

    When i look for the following sequence from the 6910b modified slic 2.1 bios the closes i come to it is:

    07 FC 66 B9 9C F1 DD BE XX 00 63 FF FF 66 BF - 6910b from forum post
    07 FC 66 B9 9C F1 DD BE 7F 00 63 FF FF 66 BF - 6910b Bios with slic 2.0
    07 FC 66 B9 9C F1 DD BE 7F 00 63 FE FF 66 BF - 6910b Modified with slic 2.1
    07 FC 66 B9 9C 31 D7 BE 00 FF 63 FF FF 66 BF - Latest 6710b Bios with slic 2.0

    00 63 FF FF - cant find in 6710b

    I am to scared to try this on my own laptop as its the only PC i have and i need it for work.
  9. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    6715b latest BIOS 68YTT.BIN F.0E 25 Nov 2008 does NOT have 63 FF FF sequence at all

    It has MANY occurrences of 63 FF xx , so probably HPxx15b/p/s uses something different, maybe it will be figured out eventually...

  10. darwusch2

    darwusch2 MDL Novice

    May 17, 2007
    The 6910P original bios has two instances of 63 FF FF. Only the first has been changed to 63 FF FE in the modded version.
    Not the second one.
  11. Tahunasky

    Tahunasky MDL Junior Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Just to let you guys know, i modified the bios from the info provided on my 6710b laptop, and its rebooted with slic 2.1 showing up, and the laptop seems to be running ok..

    Thanks guys - especially darwusch2, TTAV134's and Yen !!! If you are ever in buenos aires i will buy you a beer !!!
  12. pokerface

    pokerface MDL Junior Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    2510p slic mod works without problems.

    Downloaded the bios mod with slic 2.1. flashed de bios without problems.
    Installed Windows 7 with cert. and licence and activated.
    And past Windows validation.

    Thanks to TTAV134 for his bios mod, and Darwusch2 who found the bios mod for this problematic Hp biosses.

  13. zetitres

    zetitres MDL Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Sorry to hear that there is not known solution for nx8220, my wife will have to stick to xp or use a loader. I have a 8510p running 7 with Daz loader. Have downloaded the mod bios and will flash this laptop, shall revert with result.