Hmmm ... would say there should apply same rules for Location string and Title . Fortunately the info isn't interpreted by Windows Scripting Host . Title is your decision . I still like the implemented joke in first one ... but as you like.
Usertitle characters are considered invalid: - if the associated character is filled in the blank character stripper field in vboptions - if the character is filled to the badwords filter - if it is an invalid character for the mysql db codepage that is being used on the forum If these conditions are not met, there are no character limitations: the field can even include arbitrary HTML tags
While fabulating about possible user titles i noticed that i would like to see Mr.X beeing awarded with 'MDL Guide Pack' (obviously i asked him before since i don't wanted to hurt his feelings with this -- but he indeed liked that joke). And the fact that i can call him a friend is secondary here . He already proved to be a skilled Guide Dog . EDIT: Just stumbled over some missing Developer titles ... only saying: heldigard, CodeRush, MSMG (already mentioned) and AnarethoS .
lol no hurt feeling, on the contrary, I'm ROFL ... mmm Skilled Guide Dog > MDL Guide Puppy suits just fine on me hahahaha... No really MDL Guide Pack is fine.
Interesting ,you mention the puppy thing, was a short thought but i dismissed it, as it's actually not appropriate .
I have resized the new chips to 30x30px to have them consistent. (They looked a bit too bold on screens with lower resolution).
I know . As Yen already said and i actually intended a debate is welcome. Every user will decide what title he/she would like (if he/she does). No-one is forced ....
Shouldn't it be a reward to the helpful? If I'd go and request my title to be "Spinning Tortoise", what did you say, doggie?
Doggie was only the ignition spark here . You decide what title, although you might consider 'MDL Spinning Tortoise', since the context makes a good song/joke . Like those animals since they always remind me of Atuan (iirc ... referring to the disk-world-carrying one).
Didn't note the number on the donkey cart, sorry. I like games where one levels up. Although I probably won't arrive at the highest levels, ever.
OK. Would mean there are some new Titles wished: PaulDesmond = 'MDL Magnet' Carlos Detweiller = 'MDL Spinning Tortoise' nechrist = 'MDL Guide Pack' (could laugh about the joke )