I was wondering now that I have the Mirror Repository up now and have reached Junior Member status I could get the name "MDL Mirror Specialist". If you dont let me get it its ok. I just thought the name fit. Thanks.
With my records now, maybe I can get a title of "MDL Helper" (The Norwegian MDL expert) or something like that. I also test alot, and always post new info from MSDN/Technet and with the proper activation solution. I unique title had been very nice, I'm putting a lot of effort down here at MDL now. And I gets lots of thanks, so I has to help some
'MDL Expert' is already a default title for members with more than 1000 posts. 'Helper'... isn't it somebody that has to do a lot of 'unqualified' work? What about 'Experienced MDL Tester'?
@Yen I was wondering if I could get full moderation rights to my Thread including being able to open and close the thread and be able to delete and edit posts. Thanks.
I don't really want to close it because I want people to be able to talk about what belongs on the list and what does not. Doing that over PM is a pain. But thanks for trying i guess it is fine how it is then. Thanks Again.
Matrixleader has received a temporary ban for reasons that will not be discussed publicly. However, do not worry. Those reasons do not relate to you in any way.
Since you are addressing me I want to answer, too. Don't worry, you did everything right. Moreover I like your attitude. You are a kind person. Matrix leader alone is responsible for his temporary ban. Keep on your good work.
I know I don't meet the exact criteria, but wanted to ask if there's a chance to get the title of "Developer" as CODYQX4, I made a lot of the code of the new toolkit (although the Office knowloedge is totally from CODYQX4), and I'm still working on it. You can check the credits window of the toolkit
I think it would be fair to ask CODYQX4 about first. If CODYQX4 agrees with it, I'll agree with it, too. Just ask him to reply here.