You really don't understand what the purpose of rejecting homebrew ISO's is, the iso can contain unwanted extra's, with Homebrew iso's created by yourself you would know what is inside, how it is created. etcetc.... Not even considering the DMCA requests which will decrease the search engine ratings for MDL.
Does anyone have a link to this version of Windows 10? Win 10 RTM Enterprise Volume:MAK [x64] English International. I have the key but the ISO is proving difficult.
Download the business iso by using this tool: It contains Enterprise VL.
Agreed. Many humans do forget just the same way as @pisthai with his constant attacks to MDL's policies respect allowed and prohibited content. @pisthai constantly whines as soon as he got the opportunity, just like this thread, to always complain and bash mods/admins/owners decisions over MDL . I think @pisthai loves to talk nonsense along with an incommensurate blabbering just for international sport. Yep, that's him: @pisthai, quite imperfect human like any other. Besides that he's a good ape.
seem the op does not understand that he/she can get a genuine Windows Pro 10 simply by asking MS for the Download.... I usually send them to "MediaCreationTool" then get what they want. PS: they might need to "read" a little to get it.
The rule against homebrew ISO is perfectly called for. Who would want to waste downloading gigabytes worth of data, then waste kw worth of energy to hash-check that thing and then compare with the official version? Someone made an ultra-giga-mega-h4x0r ISO? That's fine.. if you share the god damn scripts used to build it. No scripts?! Fk off, it's probably trash as you did not bother documenting it..