This will require a bit of work as the PE structure is different. Will let you know. But would be quite experimental Andy
Hi Andy I think the problem PhoenixTool 1.90, the same method using 1.90 to blue screen of death when booting windows, 1.85 is ok, 1.90 ACPI blue screen error, Bios are a few errors,tested on 3 computers
Please, just one question for better understanding: Where is the difference between orig. Lenovo 2.1 SLIC and modded SLIC by phoenixtool? Background is: If I have orig. Lenovo 2.1 SLIC, I can update by Lenovo-Bios and SLIC is still available...if I have modded SLIC and update by Lenovo-Bios, I will loose SLIC! Thanks for explaining.
Hi Guys, I've been trying this tool to mod my first Insyde bios (Acer Aspire 3410) But when i run the tool on the latest BIOS file form the Acer website i get the following dialog: View attachment 10632 The way I understand it this message means that the bios already has a SLIC 2.1 marker only it's not "activated". I've been searching for information on a method to unlock the "hidden" marker but has so far been unsuccessful. I have tried running the tool to mod the bios and it seems to work just fine (I have not flashed the modded bios yet though). Can someone tell me if there is an easier/more secure way to get the SLIC 2.1 aactivated that using Andy's tool ? Also I would like to know how to flash the same version of a bios using the flas**t tool. When I try to flash the same version as the one already flashed the tool tells me that the version is already flesh and then it aborts. I appreciate any info you can give me thanks. ildoc
tqhoang, I wish I could list a version! I don't know which version started to suffer from this problem Loxxx, I already flashed my laptop with the file posted by silencer51. It activates Windows 7 successfully. What I need to know is exactly which version of andyp's phoenixtool is free from this problem!!
I would express my appreciation to Andyp's work on Pheonix SLIC Tool. Motherboard: Asrock H61M/U3S3 Bios v1.20 Pheonix SLIC Tool v1.90 RW everything report on ACPI Table Running Andyp program, the program automatic selects SSV2. The modification of BIOS is simple and no manual tweaks required. After verfiy with SLIC Dump Toolkit, the SLP and SLIC are inserted. I have installed W7 and the activation works. Thanks Andyp made insertion of SLIC in UEFI Bios becomes mission possible.