v1.98 now on main page. Slightly updated from above in that replace empty modules is default for EFI. Andy
This feature seems to fail if the given filename was too long. Cut the name to be within 8.3 and it could work.
Confirmed working: Model: MSI H61M-E33 (B3) Version: AE Tool: phoenixtool 1.98 Mode: Dynamic Thanks very much andyp for your excellent work.
hi, i would try to mod myself my asrock z77 pro4 with 1.10 firmware , but have some question. first i'have flash original bios (not modded), but when using tool (1.98) to mod which method should i use: 1. module + rw file + replace empty modules 2. dynamic + rw files + replace empty modules 3. ssv2 + rw files + replace empty modules rw file is always needed or mod can be done without it ? with next fw update mod should be redone? with module metod i obtain PUBKEY x2 MARKER x2 with dynamic metod receive message " no complete slic table found" go ahead and obtain PUBKEY x1 MARKER x1 which one is right? sorry for poor english and all my questions but i think that can be useful for other new user. thanks.
Hi ! defender For newer ASrock M/B like z77 pro4, it is usually dynamic + rw files + replace empty modules. For a bit older ASrock M/B like H67M, H61M, it is usually module + rw file + replace empty modules. ssv2 is usaully NOT suitable for recent ASrock M/B. As the M/B manufacturers changes its bios structure from time to time, the tool cannot be so automatic that mod the bios with the correct method by default. So u need to choose the dyn method or mod method by yourself. rw file is needed for the sake of safety especially for non-AMI Aptio UEFI bios. For AMI Aptio, the rw file can be NOT needed. The important thing u need to do is to check the modified bios (under the dynamic or module method) with the Tools to see there is any message like the following example. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E7788IMS.230 Pubkey found in 996AA1E0-1E8C-4F36-B519-A170A206FC14_0_301.ROM at 0 Marker found in 69009842-63F2-43DB-964B-EFAD1C39EC85_0_299.ROM at 0 'SLIC' string found in 4C494E55-5849-5342-4554-544552212121_1_296.ROM at 753 OEM/Table IDs identified are: 1. DELL M09 Pubkey (x1) Marker (2.1) (DELL M09 ) (x1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If so, it should be working. But, please note the mod bios may NOT be working as some M/B manufacturer puts some EFI lock in the bios that the tool fails to add SLP and SLIC into the bios even if the following "success message" come out with the checking by the tool. Please note that each big M/B manufacturers have its own official version tool to add SLP and SLIC like Intel's oa2intel tool. As Andy's Tool is not the M/B manufacturer's own official tool, the tool cannot be 100% correctly working forever. Thus, u need to use the tool very carefully as the tool is always with a element of risk being made the M/B brick (with wrong method) or NOT able to activate windows XP / Vista / 7 (even u correctly using the the Tool). Thanks Andy for paying his great effort and time to develop the great tool. nel1156
Hi Its been pointed out that some modded EFIs, when flash is attempted with EZ-Flash, give a security verification error. It seems to be coming from module 97AF1D95-203C-42DE-8D6B-D13EB7E5A55A Code: .text:0000000180000B36 .text:0000000180000B36 loc_180000B36: ; CODE XREF: sub_180000A94+78j .text:0000000180000B36 ; sub_180000A94+8Dj .text:0000000180000B36 mov edx, [rsp+38h+var_18] .text:0000000180000B3A mov ecx, 4 .text:0000000180000B3F call sub_180001780 .text:0000000180000B44 test eax, eax .text:0000000180000B46 jnz short loc_180000B5B .text:0000000180000B48 lea rcx, aSecurityVerifi ; "Security verification failed." .text:0000000180000B4F call sub_1800003D0 .text:0000000180000B54 mov eax, 80001002h .text:0000000180000B59 jmp short loc_180000B75 If anyone has this issue and wants to try a test version (I simply intend to patch the JNZ at B46 in the first instance) then let me know Andy
Very true... this tool is in now way official. Intel and Dell have tools for this I have an old MSI tool but can't release it All other manufacturers will do, they just aren't available. I would steer clear of SSV2 mods for EFI these days - they were an early (but useful) fudge. Andy
thanks nell1156 for your answer (in my opinion this must be sticked in first page) and Thanks Andy for your great tool.
Hi ! defender and all Thanks. I just share my experience. Before u buy a new M/B (that want to flash the mod UEFI bios), I suggest u download the rom file for a test Mod to see the chance of being mod success. So far I know ASUS, Gigabye and MSI M/B have LOWER chance than ASROCK and ECS to get the mod UEFI-bios successfully. Amongst ASUS, Gigabye and MSI, MSI has better chance to be mod with success safely (Thank for Andy's recent fix). But, for MSI, u need to flash the SAME version of bios and use the MOD rom file to boot by M-flash to test it work or not. (eg. flash the 2.4 version bios into the rom and then use the MOD 2.4 version rom file by M-flash to boot as a file. It will get brick if flash the 2.3 version bios into the rom and then boot the MOD 2.4 version rom file by M-flash. It is because the change of bios includes the M-flash module.) So I think MSI is the most safe for testing the MOD UEFI-bios with M-flash. For Intel broad, u should use the official tool ITK (available in intel site) to add SLP / system manufacturer name (i.e. system manufacturer name = SLP is only for Intel broad. For other broads, SLP is NOT as same as system manufacturer name.) and add SLIC by OA2intel (Intel doesn't release to public and u need to find in the Internet) It is 100% working. But the SLIC 2.1 bin is a bit old and less options to be chosen. The tools works for Chipset 945 upto latest 7 series. Besides, any update of bios WILL NOT remove SLP and SLIC. BUT, for other M/Bs, the update of bios WILL usually remove SLP and SLIC. Besides, I note there are some changes amongst the bios files for M/B manufacturers. In a bit older M/B like H67, and early H61m, there is ONLY a dummy SLIC rom with no Pubkey rom and no Marker rom. About a bit newer M/Bs, it comes with a dummy SLIC rom, a dummy Pubkey rom and a dummy Marker rom. For the latest M/B, I find there are 3 SLIC roms, a dummy Pubkey rom and a dummy Marker rom. Due to the above, the number of modified modules increases by the Tool. It somehow confuses me to guess the success percentage of the MOD UEFI-bios. It is because I know SLIC rom, pubkey rom and marker rom are paired with each other. I don't know what are the REAL uses of the EXTRA 2 SLIC roms. That is my concern. nel1156
Hey nel1156. I disagree. Using MSI here at work I've been able to Slic all boards with little issue. Even the new Ivy Bridge Bios for the older Z68 G3 boards work. And I have to add that I've never had to flash the original - flashing the new modded bios/efi has worked for me every time. Maybe it's because your using m-flash. I always boot to dos and flash from there....
A question to Andyp: Tell me, please, 1) why in phoenixtools-198 while attempt to set a vendor, different from ASUS, the DMI mode become inactive? 2) where can I read details about DMI (permanent mod) method, how can one do it "by hands", not with the help of your tool?
As far I know, DMI method can only be implemented in ASUS EFI. So for different vendor, it is turned off by default.
Thank you. So, if I wanna modify AsRock with ASUS SLIC, I should not use permanent method? (Or I can use it with any MBs?)