Tool to Insert/Replace SLIC in Phoenix / Insyde / Dell / EFI BIOSes

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. imatrix

    imatrix MDL Guru

    Jul 29, 2009
    I would use PHLASH17 (PH161700.EXE) and issue the following command
    ph161700 BIOS.ROM /x /c /s /force
  2. andisofti

    andisofti MDL Novice

    Sep 29, 2009
    Satellite M30X ATI Graphics

    Please mod bios to "Dell SLIC 2.1" for use with Windows 7

    -Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
    -Motherboard Model: Satellite M30X ATI Graphics
    -Bios revision: Bios_ATI_2.0
    -Bios Type: Phoenix BIOS

  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This they should do, there was a bug at previous RC versions!
    So it's about the date / time format.
    I guess your mod refuses to flash, because the flashtool checks for bios sum.
    You can disable that check. Use latest RC version to mod or better wait for the final release of it.
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  4. bla

    bla MDL Member

    Mar 10, 2008
    Will it make any difeference??

    Will it make any difference imatrix?. Since the bios flashed ok using the flash tool provided by the manufacturer.
    What does the /x/c/s/force stand for?. excuse my curiosity i just want to make sure i dont brick the lapi.
  5. muzi8213

    muzi8213 MDL Novice

    Oct 31, 2009
    RC9 working fine without errors and changing any in system.
    but result of mod bios was exactly same as before.
    could not flash it with flashaid.
    in ini file deleted the item of checksum but not worked.
    how to disable the checksum?
    anyhow can wait till final release.
    thanks to everybody.
  6. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    Intel bios will not flash at this time....sorry.
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  7. bla

    bla MDL Member

    Mar 10, 2008
    never mind

    Never mind imatrix I got the full switches of the new version: "ph161700.exe"

    Phoenix Flash Utility for DOS - Version
    Copyright (c) Phoenix Technologies Ltd., 2000-2008
    USAGE: Phlash16 [options] [@rspfile] [romfile]
    romfile Override the default BIOS image name BIOS.WPH with "file".
    @rspfile Response file containing more options
    /A:address 32 bit address where to put the File Image.
    /B:file Override the default BIOS image name BIOS.WPH with "file".
    /BBL Program boot block.
    /BU[=name] Backup flash memory into BIOS.BAK before programming.
    If "name" specified, override the default filename BIOS.BAK.
    /C Clear CMOS checksum after programming.
    /CS Verify BIOS.WPH image checksum.
    /DMC:string Specify chassis manufacturer DMI string.
    /DMM:string Specify motherboard manufacturer DMI string.
    /DMS:string Specify system manufacturer DMI string.
    /DOxx:string Specify OEM DMI string number xx.
    /DPC:string Specify chassis asser tag number.
    /DPM:string Specify motherboard product ID DMI string.
    /DPS:string Specify system product ID DMI string.
    /DSC:string Specify chassis serial number DMI string.
    /DSM:string Specify motherboard serial number DMI string.
    /DSS:string Specify system serial number DMI string.
    /DUS:string Specify UUID DMI string.
    /DVC:string Specify chassis version DMI string.
    /DVM:string Specify motherboard version DMI string.
    /DVS:string Specify system version DMI string.
    /DESC Check the descriptor mode.
    /DEV Display device information from WPH file.
    /EXIT Exit without rebooting.
    /E2 Generate a new UUID when current UUID is (FFF...FFF).
    /H or /? Help screen.
    /I Verify image size matches flash part size.
    /MODE=n Specify mode n (0, 1, 2, 3).
    /MFG Manufacturing mode - Automatically reboot without keypress.
    /N Program only if BIOS.WPH is different than system BIOS.
    /NOB Do not allow an older BIOS to be flashed to the platform.
    /NIC Update network controller driver with *.lom files.
    /NOBIOSINFO Do not display BIOS date and part number while flashing.
    /O Override (disable) all options from BIOS.WPH.
    /P Production mode (minimize messages and delays).
    /PF=string String to pass on to command line.
    /PN Program only if same BIOS part number.
    /REMOTE Specify remote operation over RS232
    /RO[=name] Read contents of flash part and save to a file.
    /R=n Retry flashing a block n times if flash fails.
    /S Silent operation (turn off speaker).
    /SWAP=NO Disable Axx autodetection.
    /T Show debug timing info (Warning: flash is done TEN TIMES!)
    /V Verify each block after programming it.
    /VBL Show warning for Vista Bitlocker.
    /VGA Update VGA module with *.dat files.
    /X Ignore XMS memory manager check.
    /Z Zero before erasing a block.
    /UUID Generate a new UUID .
    /DOSKEY Ignore DOSKEY check .
    /Mod:filename Update current system BIOS with the module specified by
    /Fbin:filename Update current system BIOS DMI with the interface file
    specified by filename, do not need image file.
    /FileUUID Generate a new UUID to BIOS image(Will not flash).
    /ShowFileUUID Show UUID of a BIOS bin file.
    /Force Update BIOS from image file directly without any modification.

    To update entire system BIOS you also need the following file:
    BIOS.WPH (the interface file with the BIOS image)
  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Yes RC9 is fine....
    Flashaid? What is that? Could you post a link to it, please?
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  9. muzi8213

    muzi8213 MDL Novice

    Oct 31, 2009
    you can find out Flashaid 4.2 in the above P8010 original bios link.
    inside bios_data.rom, flashaid 4.2 and others.

    meanwhile what i tried please look in the above.
  10. luky

    luky MDL Addicted

    Dec 21, 2008
    Andyp I tried one more Slic.bin 2.1 and do OK, others are not.
  11. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008

    Use Lenovo 6F 2.1 SLIC
    Change SLAC to OEMS in advanced

    Should work!
  12. luky

    luky MDL Addicted

    Dec 21, 2008
    Andyp When you remove the check mark in the Advanced "Replace existing SLIC table with ID" and enter SLIC TP-6F make bios SLIC 2.1 100%. Please enclose a picture and see if you think so. Thank you!