What tool are you using that gave you that error? Did you try using any loaders or a non-official (aka hacked) version of Win7? Please post an RW-Everything ACPI report for further help.
Hello, I´m using Slic-Dump-Tool V3.2, that shows the Dump-error! It is an untouched Version of windows 7 x86, that works on many other PC´s. Here is the ACPI of RW Everything. I hope really, that you can help!
looks like you need to install the dell certificate, search the forums for an app called My Digital Activator, run it as administrator (as in right click on the .exe and go to run as administrator) and that will easily install the certificate/key for you.
Hello, I can install cert and key, but the tool get an error slic table not found. And if there is no slic table, the cert doesn´t work anyway!
yep I did that, but the tool cant seem to recognise it was a Dell bios, I tried a few custom mod, but I'm convinced the mod will work. also, have u seen incomplete rweverything for Dell Bios?
Whell, hello people! I have few ideas with those themes SLIC 2/2.1. And a question is there is some way to to made external addition for CMOS CHIP, never main right now for exatly model (93c, 24 series or same) to flash into a SLIC table and connect it via serial to paralel converter direct to address bus. Why address bus ? - because the SLIC table is take not same address in every BIOS, so i must to know per model, what is address of SLIC Table into BIOS of desired machine and here is only reason for flashing each SLIC Table from 0 (zero) address into flash devices. What do you thing about ?
hi, will this tool, v1.35, work for intel mb (dg45id) which has a EFI/Insyde bios for modding slic2.1?