Fireshark - First thought..... run from c:\TEMP (and have the BIOS there also) or something similar. I saw a similar issue once when it was being run from C:\Users\..... Acer 8940g - fixed in 1.01 RSDT - wait one... Andy
I tried this one on the intel mobo + p4 2.8G with xp, put everything in c:\temp, still "RSDT header NOT found" by the log.
Do you mean the tool should always look the the split table ID from RSDT in RW??? The only problem with this is that some are really non-specific (ie. Sony 2.1 VIAO then 00 00 00 00) - this could potentially be found alot... I am sure I have seen cases where having this on my default could change all sorts of things..... Ideas?? Andy
Yen You can achieve the same thing by UNticking Replace existing SLIC elements. You then need to change SLAC to OEMS to make BIOSCOD1 fit. So.... for which SSV2 mods does Replace existing SLIC elements need to be ticked/unticked..... I think actually having it ticked is a throwback to the other tools... perhaps here it should be UNticked by default??? Andy
Sorry for it takes so long to answer. Well, this is a new laptop, I never have chance to break the seal to look inside. I think there isn't any problem with connectors and cables since they are at original state. I don't think this problem is such specific though I only own an laptop of this type :/ After mod my BIOS with this, there was a lot of changes I noticed. On the boot screen, if you press F2 it doesn't show Entering BIOS Setting... like it does with the unmodified BIOS of the same version. It took me to the BIOS settings though. I experienced blue screen (BSoD) once each several hours with the mod BIOS, which I've never experienced with the unmodified one. Yes, they are the same revision. I reverted to 2.30 MOD (2.30 is like 1.30 with an additional Olympic logo) and everything works again. I used the same tool called flas**t for every flash which cames with bios download from Acer.
Yen, Thank you for posting the resulting file. It resulted in bad flash. Lucky there is easy Insyde recovery method. I will perhaps see what went wrong tomorrow. I flashed with your file from Windows, InsydeFlash.
That's a good point! To keep the tool's safety we should make no changes then. It are a few only...I'll keep an eye on them..