Google Translate: The key is to address EBE2 183 more at a 41h, b0h, 01h3 byte code, which also contributed to the C838 at the C8h to CBh, E8 78 8Bh Counter from the 88h into the causes, migration also increased by 3 bytes
No need to pad at all. In testing Ive just replaced the DSDT_NEW.DSL with the DSL generated from the AML you sent. Its about 10K smaller if i remember rightly The tool will sort the rest out Andy
Works here. Loaded modded BIOS into EZh2o 2.1.04 and gone Compontents -> Logo and i can see the HP logo Is this what u mean?? Andy
Thanks 1) Could you upload a setuputil hacked bios that fails in ezh2o 2) What is setuputil/what does it do?? 3) Could you not mod with my tool first, then run thru setuputil 4) In your 3 - did it pass/fail with ezh2o 5) Do setuputil modded bioses flash ok?? Andy
I had tried nearly a dozen older version to see which produced proper exe's... non-did and it's very hard to d/l older versions... However I finally took a hex editor and examined the exe produced by phoenixtools and compared it to the original from Dell... It appears a small amount of code is missing from the one's produced by phoenixtools which allows it to be executed in Windows 7, even if the original bios is quite old (2005?). However, AndyP's tool will work if boot to plain DOS.. I'm wondering if the extra code (which makes the original DellBIOS exe slightly larger) can be "binary" inserted into the exe produced by Andy's tool during bios creation.
Hmmm.... there shouldn't be anything like that at all. Just so we are both working from the same stuff... could you upload the original bios and the modded one you feel has code missing. Andy
Just so i understand: You have used the tool to replace the default DSDT table with your modded one Not replaced anything else Flashed the BIOS The already installed windows 7 OS works fine But when trying to run the windows 7 installer if fails Andy
Can someone help me I don't know what info is needed. But the OP of this thread says that for the the Dell bios that is will create a new EXE file. The tool successfully created a HDR file I tried the -readgz.. This would not even run. Is there an option I need to select in the andy's slic tool to create a new EXE? Thanks,
Could you send me a copy of modded module. Do you mean you edit the RAW BIOS in winhex?? If so are you correcting the module checksums and the containg FV checksums?? Andy