Tool to Insert/Replace SLIC in Phoenix / Insyde / Dell / EFI BIOSes

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. compton2012

    compton2012 MDL Novice

    May 6, 2011
  2. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    I'll try - seriously - I've done so much in the tool over time I can't remember what some of it does :L

    There are 3 main code paths
    - One for Dell
    - One for Phoenix (old and new)
    - One for EFI (and Insyde)

    Exactly what happens varies for each one. Generally dynamic means an existing slic is updated and SSV2 means a NEW slic is inserted.

    - Module - doesn't exist
    - SSV2 - a new SLIC is inserted in one of the first modules
    - Dynamic - an existing SLIC and any OEM/Table ID strings are updated

    - Module - for interest only - uses the Phoenix tools PREPARE/CATENATE (old) and FI/FP (new) - this often screws the bios and causes bricks
    - SSV2 - a new SLIC is inserted in a new ACPIxx module
    - Dynamic - an existing SLIC is updated, OEM/Table ID strings updated, locks removed

    - Module - a pubkey and marker are inserted as two new modules with a typical GUID (this was how Insyde was originially done - but still works for some EFIs)
    - SSV2 - a module is modifed with code to build a SLIC table at boot
    - Dynamic - an existing SLIC table is modified and strings updated

    Guys - if anyone feels this is wrong please correct me :L

  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Just a thought... God asks us to find bugs in the creation of the universe!! ;)

    Andy, u r so humble :worthy:
  4. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    Lol... thanks :)
  5. 0rez

    0rez MDL Novice

    Jun 13, 2011

    first of all, :worthy:

    secondly, In the notes it says the tool can now handle HPs encrypted EFI bios. I've done many attempts with both dynamic and ssv2(no slic) to modify my whitelist but it never makes it past sig check. would it be a waste of time(and a bricked laptop) to try it in module mode? its one of those .bin ones on my dv7-4294nr. I can't seem to get a response from anyone on on any bios forums on what the best settings would be to mod this...
  6. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    Could you give me a sample BIOS for the DSDT.

  7. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Welcome buddy!!! :)
  8. spetrie

    spetrie MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2009
    Having trouble with your tool for a Dell Optiplex 745 Tried the beta V1.90b2 version too but still get the same error: Unable to compress HDR to bios.gz

    BIOS used from dell website: O745-264.exe

    Any ideas? Have used your great tool on other BIOS and no issues.

    Original BIOS size 983132 bytes
    Checksum found at F0054
    $RBUT header moved to start
    0 extra bytes at end of HDR
    $RBUT at 0
    Block at 54
    Block at DF054
    Block at E7054
    Block at ED054
    Header pattern 41
    Block at 54
    54 Module 2C Size 44707
    AEFC Module 01 Size 25291
    111CC Module 02 Size 22530
    169D3 Module 03 Size 34934
    1F24E Module 12 Size 1888
    1F9B3 Module 32 Size 2370
    202FA Module 05 Size 68229
    30D84 Module 28 Size 41077
    3ADFE Module 08 Size 44486
    45BC9 Module 21 Size 30349
    4D25B Module 0B Size 36196
    55FC4 Module 35 Size 1575
    565F0 Module 17 Size 9068
    58961 Module 15 Size 19195
    5D461 Module 14 Size 87168
    728E6 Module 16 Size 4986
    73C65 Module 0F Size 1081
    740A3 Module 33 Size 74873
    86521 Module 29 Size 158
    865C4 Module 2A Size 169
    86672 Module 34 Size 21173
    8B92C Module 1D Size 1406
    8BEAF Module 1A Size 2651
    8C90F Module 1B Size 728
    8CBEC Module 23 Size 2350
    SLIC module size is 374 bytes
    SLIC module checksum is 0
    Pubkey found in 29_19.ROM at 0
    ** Pubkey found in 29_19.ROM at 0 replaced
    Marker found in 2A_20.ROM at 0
    ** Marker found in 2A_20.ROM at 0 replaced
    'SLIC' string found in 02_3.ROM at 5264
    OEM/Table IDs identified are:
    1. DELL B8K
    RSDT table header found in 02_3.ROM
    ** RSDT table OEM and Table ID patched to DELL QA09
    ** XSDT table OEM and Table ID patched to DELL QA09
    Updated 02_3.ROM written
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 4F44 in FACP table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 4FB8 in FACP table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 50AC in APIC table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 513E in BOOT table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 5166 in ASF! table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 51F8 in MCFG table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 5236 in HPET table
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 526E in SLIC table
    ** DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 526E in SLIC table replaced
    DELL B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 5492 in TCPA table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 4F4A in FACP table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 4FBE in FACP table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 50B2 in APIC table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 5144 in BOOT table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 516C in ASF! table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 51FE in MCFG table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 523C in HPET table
    B8K string found in 02_3.ROM at 5498 in TCPA table
    Module 2A at 865C4 reinserted
    ** 2A_20.ROM reintegrated successfully
    Module 2 at 111CC reinserted
    ** 02_3.ROM reintegrated successfully
    Checksum at F0054 corrected
    HDR checksum corrected
    Unable to compress HDR to bios.gz
  9. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    @spetrie - It works just fine here. Disable your antivirus while you're creating the mod and try again. If you want mine, I'll upload for you.
  10. xtlove2000

    xtlove2000 MDL Novice

    Feb 18, 2010
  11. Karmit

    Karmit MDL Novice

    Jan 20, 2011

    Dear andyp,

    I am using Phoenix Tool 1.85 to try mod BIOS for Samsung R60+

    After I load the BIOS file, 3 messages pop-up :
    Pubkey in MOD_4A00.ROM(x1)
    Maker (2.0)(SECCSDLH43STAR)in HOLE2.ROM(x1)

    I suppose they are okay.

    Then I choose Manufacturer : other and load the SLIC. Before I load the RW file, I try to verify the cert and the following appeared :
    Pubkry in MOD_4A00.ROM(x1) does not match with certificate(x1)
    xxxxx.bin match with certificate

    Are they okay ? Can I go ahead to load RW file and mod ?

    Thanks !

  12. spetrie

    spetrie MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2009
    Thanks, I finally got it working by using an XP virtual machine. Not sure what the issue was as I had tried it on a PC with no AV, W7 raw install. Have now managed to create the updated BIOS.
  13. astro

    astro MDL Novice

    Sep 1, 2009
    Thank you!
  14. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    No need to verify certs. That's seperate (and for after modding)


  15. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    Found and fixed.

  16. armada

    armada MDL Addicted

    Dec 8, 2007
    been away for a while again but i can not download the tool from your link?? any idea how to get the latest release? it gives me a 404 and says The requested URL /Tools/Phoenix_SLICTool/ was not found on this server. thank you!
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