It's not really a tool but rather a search engine... I use this instead of Google...
I always use I like the idea of a low priority background process, that periodically issues randomized search queries. It hides users actual search trails in a bunch of ghost queries.
now it seems avg is selling your searches too... let them take their place in the queue... who wants them anyway?
Do you know honeypot? Many webpages mention that. This webpage says that exclude the honeypots while tor browser is running. If you did not run tor browser on your computer, please run and close. Open the torrc file in tor browser folder with notepad, and add these code DirReqStatistics 0 ExcludeNodes {cn},{hk},{mo},{sg},{th},{pk},{by},{ru},{ir},{vn},{ph},{my},{cu},{br},{kz},{kw},{lk},{ci},{tk},{tw} ExcludeExitNodes {cn},{hk},{mo},{sg},{th},{pk},{by},{ru},{ir},{vn},{ph},{my},{cu},{br},{kz},{kw},{lk},{ci},{tk},{tw} HashedControlPassword 16:872860B76453A77D60CA2BB8C1A7042072093276A3D701AD684053EC4C StrictNodes 1
What are these? Slave runners, people smugglers, gun and ammo "traders", drug dealers, paedophiles, necrophiliacs, zoo... uhhhh... I better stop somewhere...
Nah. This is an example for a manual tor configuration. It excludes nodes/exit nodes by country. If used reasonable one uses nodes/exit nodes run by privacy caring foundations. But I know there are people who presume that if people care for privacy a lot they have to hide something (or they realize illegal activities).... I also put my slaves into my cupboard when I receive visitors....
i found this;i knew some telemetry slipped through in my w7, just could not be bothered to disable an army of kb`s... so i moved to linux. this looks nice, and it is free,i could not find any malware in it; while i dont have illusions, it does no harm. so i went back to w7 for now.
Ahem... Yeah, that underworld - enabled by Tor, too - has no arms, drugs etc. dealers. No slave runners, no people smugglers, no assassins for hire, no thieves, no paedophiles, no... Yeah, nothing to do with me, Gov... Me an ostrich, me know nada... Sure...
Could you explain what is DirReqStatistics 0 ? Could you explain what is 'HashedControlPassword 16:872860B76453A77D60CA2BB8C1A7042072093276A3D701AD684053EC4C StrictNodes 1' ?
How about tor through socks5? Just prepare shadowsocks client(, shadowsocks account(such as , configure and use shadowcocks , configure tor browser to goes through shadowcocks
I know that tor brings me also to the 'deepweb' and I know what kind of business there is...but. I don't get your way to argue. That 'underworld' finally belongs to our world. According to you to interact with it means to support bad guys. Do I support the deepweb/criminals using tor? No, at least not more when interacting with the world outside. Since I do not know all the people exactly I ever talked to/interacted with...maybe I helped a pedophile accidentally already by showing him the way to a special place…or I visited a night club having fun which is in fact run by the Hells Angels without knowing it… I don’t know To me a criminal action requires a criminal (person) and a target for the criminal action. When I don’t have such a target (intent) I have nothing to do with a criminal action. I can use tor for privacy even though it is used by criminals. I can visit a night club run by ‘people’ who have no clean record. Should I lock myself in and never interact with the world to avoid a probable support of criminals? Lol… I use tor when I want to stay anonymous. When I go outside I neither have my IP address printed there somewhere nor my home address. Anyway I interact with people and some might have no clean record who knows?! Can you? And I introduce myself WHEN I want. Surfing normally is just like going out having my home address printed on my shirt. I am no tor configuration pro. DirReqStatistics 0|1 When this option is enabled, a Tor directory writes statistics on the number and response time of network status requests to disk every 24 hours. (Default: 1) HashedControlPassword hashed_password Allow connections on the control port if they present the password whose one-way hash is hashed_password. You can compute the hash of a password by running "tor --hash-password password". You can provide several acceptable passwords by using more than one HashedControlPassword line. Actually I use the standard configuration of tor. I just want another IP address, that’s all. And I know how to setup any client using tor. That’s all I need. Tor through SOCKSv5:
Nah, this is systemic: if you are a part of the "dark web" (by allowing your PC to be a nod/server), then you are aiding and abetting... Sorry, that's the inner logic of it all. You are - in that case - knowingly supporting it all, lock stock and barel... Now, if one's PC doesn't have to be a nod/server, then it's better, of course. Again, the logic of the thing. Then and only then it's 'accidental', if you meet a sociopath and unknowingly "give him directions" and hence "help" him... But in the "systemic" case one is a knowing 'aider'...