U.S. Government Shuts Down Megaupload

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Matty Lowe, Jan 19, 2012.

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  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I am an optimist as well.
    But one should not underestimate the reporting on TV. TV media have a lot of power and they manipulate.
    There are many people which use the TV as source of information.
    Thank god there are still a few broadcasts which can report questioning about.

    But when I think about it gets worse. We lose everyday a bit of freedom. People which need to control others go on and on until massive suffer will imprint the word 'freedom' into their minds again.
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  2. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    i`m afraid so, paiva..

    but i`m not looking at MOST people in this..
    there are millions of brains on the www,
    and NO us lobby can stuff them all, imho..
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  3. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    My friend:hug2:
  4. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011

    good.. it did not look too optmistic..
    and at the moment it is an uphill struggle allright..
    but no-one can get away with oppression, when they
    are just a minority, like this us copyright lobby..
    takes more then them 2 get me scared, scary though it is..
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  5. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    I wish it were just the one lobby. It goes deeper. The reason that there is only one lobby is because that's all they need because the rest of congress has been bought and payed for through campaign contributions. Fact: there is not a single person in the U.S. congress who is not a millionaire. I have nothing against millionaires per say but I'm convinced it is not in the best interest of our country or the world to have that majority.
  6. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Were they millionaires before they got to Congress or did they get the wealth in Congress. Maybe the US needs something like this
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  7. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    #87 nodnar, Jan 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2012
    well okay,

    i have got something against millionaires per se..
    even if the don`t drive around in cars with god
    on the number plate.. sorry..that is all about
    using up more than you need in terms of luxery,
    while people elsewhere have trouble to give their
    children a decent chance,,maybe i`m just
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  8. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    The quick answer is all were millionaires before. It is almost a given that in order to run for congressional office you have to have an enormous amount of cash. That means although there is no economical qualification per say given the landscape the result is the same. Campaign reform lawss are badly needed here if we are going to preserve what is left of our democracy.
  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    It's a Dog-eat-Dog World :eek: you should have known that by now.
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  10. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    That is the only way we will survive is together. IMHO:worthy:
  11. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    They are concerned about the dirt out.
    But internal Did you forget the bad.
  12. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011

    after 60 years under the sun i do indeed, my friend.
    but i still don`t condone it..
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  13. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    The Inventor Of The World Wide Web Says SOPA Violates Human Rights

    Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, has voiced his frustrations about SOPA, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

    Speaking at IBM's annual Lotusphere conference, Berners-Lee said, "If you're in America then you should go and call somebody or send an email to protest against these (censorship) bills because they have not been put together to respect human rights as is appropriate in a democratic country."

    SOPA is currently being held for "markup," which means it may see some changes considering all the criticism it's drawn.

    Source: http://articles.businessinsider.com...man-rights-tim-berners-lee-sopa#ixzz1kIbma0Rq

  14. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    pandora`s box is right!
    ill-considered arrogance, stemming from the notion
    that they can get away with it,
    based on an absolete look at the world..
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I see the problem in imbalance. Money means power. It's like physics. Imbalance of money / power polarizes. The more it does the bigger the electrostatic discharge.
    All the money on the world should be suffiicient that anybody could live in a good way. But even if you share all the money, it'd be a temporary solution only.
    The humankind is growing, the space on earth is limited.

    There is no perfect way. Communism has failed and capitalism will also.

    There is a simple rationale. The requirement that something can come at all is that is passes by later in time.
    This probably sounds very pessimistic, but if once understood it can be your salvation.

    Edit: oops this thread grows very fast..:)
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  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Someone forgot to tell Al Gore :laie:
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  17. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    no oops..
    but are we not getting a bit off topic i wonder,
    quite unintentionally..
    i for one seem to look harder at fair distribution of
    resources, than a democratic use of the www..
    no apalogies..
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    No, I don't think it's off topic. It's all about money.
    Why actually megaupload was shut down? To keep the money! (To protect US original ideas)
    And what does the US government? They blame megaupload to have made money.
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  19. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    that`s right, yen,
    but there is some divergence here, i think..
    there are our us-members, wondering what they can do,
    there are our non-us members, rightfully indignified at
    having to put up with random us censorship,
    and there are people losing their data, when one site
    after another takes cover..
    and yes, it is about money..
    what i would like to find is a consensus in these
    separate groups, about where we stand in this..
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  20. theclamp

    theclamp MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2009
    What I dont get is their ability to take down web sites and not catch real criminals.....:cool: