[UNSUPPORTED] KMS Activator - The Original - Plus 8007000D Unbricker and Anti-AV

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Phazor, Dec 28, 2010.

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  1. uvg

    uvg MDL Novice

    Nov 30, 2009
  2. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    I just had a very long reply almost finished when suddenly the power went out.

    The entire text gone, and i have to resync my RAID1 because Windows insists on resynching 4 partitions with 2TB worth of data even though the volumes werent even written to when the power was lost.

    Oh well, seems like some things just arent meant to be. Better luck next time...
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  3. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Had similar things happen, except internet failure. Never could gather the motivation to rewrite the lost post.
  4. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    OK, lets try this one more time.


    And thats why it is of the utmost importance to have clear guidelines and a staff that pays attention.

    I hope you let that be a lesson because you cant use this excuse forever. This time im willing to accept it, though.

    Since this is directly connected to the just-mentioned guidelines part, let me reply to this with a little story.

    In our forum, where i co-administrate, (~170.000 members), the circumstances are remarkably similar to the circumstances here. We too are a site which exists solely thanks to the contributions of other people. Without these contributions, the site would be but a mere chatbox with very little actual value. We too have 3 main user-groups. Not counting the 'lurkers', the first group, which is by far the largest, consists of 'semi-regulars' who for the most part only stop by to say thanks, report a problem, ask for help, and things like that. The second group consists of regulars who are not actually developers themselves, but who are always around to contribute by sharing background-knowledge, procuring data/info and/or resources for the devs and also giving them detailed bug reports. Together with the third group they form the hard core of the community. The third group, you guessed it, consists of the developers. These are the people who actually do all the work. They are the ones who actually make the 'products' so the others can have their latest-and-greatest 'stuff'.

    Now back in 2001, when the community as it exists now was founded, we had to lay down a few ground rules. This became necessary after certain people started to (ab-)use the openness of the system to take other peoples work, make a few minor modifications such as swapping a couple of thumbnail-size images, and then publishing it as their own work under their own name. (Which of course upset the original authors who typically take several weeks or even months to develop a project from initial layout to completion.) To make a long story short; it was an ugly time, and the stubbornness of some people who felt that they are entitled to take whatever they want from whomever they want with or without their permission threatened to drive our still-young community to an early grave. Measures had to be taken to avoid a total collapse, so we (meaning the regulars and the devs) talked about it and ended up establishing the 'be respectful or be gone' rule. This rule states that whoever is interested in publishing a mod/derivative of somebody elses work has to contact the author in question and ask their permission. If the author gives a green light the modder is welcome to proceed and receive whatever community-support they need. If however the author says no, and the modder proceeds and uploads his mod/derivative to the database anyway, it will be removed and his account and IP banned forever. No discussions, no debates, no warnings. The same goes for the event that a modder doesnt even bother contacting the author first, and also in case somebody is taking/re-using bits and pieces from another authors work without permission. The only exception: The author in question has abandoned his projects and/or cannot be contacted by any means. In this case mods/derivatives count as quasi-authorized, but if the author reappears and vetoes the original rule is back in effect immediately.

    Its a simple rule, very clear, and it was established based on a democratically made decision. In other words, even though the rule is rigorous and absolutely non-debatable it has nothing to do with dictatorship and/or casual arbitrariness. Quite on the contrary, we do it this way because we agreed that it is necessary. Because we realized that there will always be people who cant or wont use common sense, and that we would therefore be going through the same crap over and over again unless we layed down a clear guideline that has everyone know the score. (So to speak.) And thats what the rule does. The staff knows how to handle the situation, which enables them to act swiftly before the issue can escalate into a real problem. A potential modder knows exactly what they have to expect if they violate the rule because every member is informed of it when they sign up. And the people who actually keep the community going, namely the authors, can rest assured that their own community wont stand for it if they are being disrespected and/or taken advantage of by people who just dont care. So far this worked pretty well.

    This just to illustrate that im by far no stranger to the issue, and that i had my reasons for reacting the way i did. Because in our place there is only one way to deal with such an issue, and like i said, this has nothing to do with 'dictatorship'. After all humiliating someone (as could be done via an infraction) doesnt help us at all. We are not interested in revenge or pointing fingers or making someone running the gauntlet. If somebody cant behave in a decent and civilized manner we simply want them gone and move on with our lifes.

    Replies to the rest of the points tomorrow.

    Its a long post already and im starting to get tired...
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  5. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    I've written long letters too so best if it's important to write on notepad :p

    Go Phazor :worthy:
  6. stevemk14ebr

    stevemk14ebr MDL Senior Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    wondering if a 64 bit version will be released ever due to this debate over the whole isue could somone please give me a simple yes-no-maybe
  7. nash58

    nash58 MDL Member

    Feb 8, 2010
    #167 nash58, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
    We can only hope. Phazor is totally pissed off. But there is a hint of him cooling off a bit. A scar on any part of your body will heal eventually, but a scar in your heart will be imprinted for life.
  8. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Isn't that the truth

  9. DJAdmiral

    DJAdmiral MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2010
    First off, huge amount of appreciation and thanks to Phazor and anybody else who contributed towards this. THANK YOU!

    It's not said enough, so I will say it again. Thank you!

    I have just the one question. What interests me most about this application is the Fix-Me mode that fixes the persistent 8007000D errors for KMS activation. I believe I read somewhere that Phazor is keeping his method for fixing this by directly addressing the problem instead of registry or file alterations under wraps. That's perfectly acceptable to me and I have no qualms about that at all. Great job that you're able to do this directly with a far more efficient method! Kudos!

    My actual question is that what is the actual long-winded method of fixing the 8007000D errors for KMS activation on Windows? I remember that I managed to fix the persistent 8007000D errors for Office 2010 through some registry modification, but I forgot how I did that. I've searched all over and I can't seem to find anything except results on Windows Update, not activation. Maybe I'm not using the right keywords, so forgive me if I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but...

    What is the publicly known, long-winded method of fixing persistent 8007000D errors on Windows, and what's the method for Office 2010?

    Again, forgive me if I'm asking a question that's already been answered before, but I can't seem to find anything. I'm guessing somebody is going to say "why would you want to do that? just use phazor's tool, bro, it's easier" but I just really want to know what the old, 'deprecated' method is. I'd really appreciate an answer.

    Once again, thank you so much for your work and effort, Phazor!
  10. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
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  11. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    PS: I will try to answer the other inquiries as soon as possible.

    For now i have to leave.
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  12. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    Well, I do care about this. Just to let you know how this thing positively affected the MDL comunity :D, a few days ago someone asked about how trilogy code works to use it on his own way, this was my answer:

    I don't want to put myself as "the savior", I just wanted to let you know that your opinion does matter to some of us ;)


    Apr 28, 2011
    Yes you are right
    good post
  14. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Thanks Bosh. (And TS.)

    I appreciate your attitude and support.

    For what its worth; i think youd fit in perfectly at our forums. :)

    On topic: This morning a thought hit me, you know, the sudden and unexpected sort, and a theory, a very ugly theory, began to take shape in my mind.

    Ever since i cant get rid of the feeling that there are a lot of rather strange 'peculiarities' going on here, but, i dont want to jump the gun so i will wait some more for a reply from Yen.

    To close, a partial-qoute of a post which caught my eye at the frontpage:

    [No Comment...]
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  15. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #176 timesurfer, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
    Well your not crazy!. Not everyone in the world is good with dealings with feelings and ethics. They can either be scared of any responses of standing up against insensitive reactions or that lack there of. I will be positive towards MDL as I have mixed feelings! MDL has been great for me when in my first internet encounter I supported the biggest Daz loader/win 7 torrent ever on the net with over 3,000 posts when I was just beginner with beginner skills in supporting. However the site I was at was simply put Naztis in their moderation and mis-interpretation of my expression of just finding it exciting to support win 7 users using the Daz loader, etc...

    So I found it quite the home and safe place to spend ALL my time helping and supporting Daz and his f'n awesome solution! In my journey to create an alternative "rearm" solution I still noticed much support and tolerance for an solution that I secretly knew that some administrators/moderators found to not be an good idea although IR4 never bricked any boards/bootsect or messed with system files all along giving same exact usage and appearance as activated hence an equally optimal solution to use for win 7 :p Given that there has always been a leak that informed me as to what was going on in the moderation/admin sector as to how people felt about my developments, etc... I at that time did not have scripting skills I do have now but none the less I put in hundreds of hours designing and developing/testing IR4 for the masses. Thank god for MD in his thankless job in entertaining my visions of an ream concept for win 7. Now having said that with as much neutrality as possible I must admit the administration could use a revamping in how they deal with conflict and respect issues regarding developers. I don't blame this for one instant on the fact that only Daz is developer in the moderation realm, I blame it on their inexperience in life and self-awareness in dealing with their inexperience in personal relations and intimate understandings of interpersonal relationships amongst our MDL reality. I say this with the most of respect and admiration!. However in an development centered environment this in not sufficiant and lacks human feeling and compassion for what WE dev's go through and our place in a hack/solution environment. We all have to grow in our personal lives as should we when we are facing problems within an MDL hack collective! Judging/being superior of each other as Alextheg has done many times is not the solution. Being harsh as FS has done many times also creates further tension and division and both expressions are not the direction we are going and our hearts can testify as their are better ways to deal with in moderation and adminstration. Given my pre-emptive statements I can say these two characters FS and Alexthg have good aspects although they are like everyone still growing and learning and deserve patience and understanding as it is a tough life on earth and we need compassion above all things in our interactions. Yen has been sometimes thick skinned in dealing with dev's and it has been an tolerance experience for me in being patient with him learing to wear the shoes of others before he drops the admin hammer in refection of his statements and "final" decisions for MDL regarding dev's. I can't blame him. If I choose to be member here i can contantly protest as you, me and Opa have done extremely or I can be patient knowing their personal growth is where it is and rather than judge, I must express patience and Yes love while they evolve greater than they are currently! So what's my statement expressing? It is that we have human beings at the wheel of MDL not a script or program. Ok that is simple metaphor but what is an angle to approach an answer that satifies all of us both on mod/admin sides of life at the MDL circle. Maybe greater brotherhood of man amongst our members. We are all here trying our best with the hearts we are currently embodying so lets not judge our current predicament but rather be like you Phazor just letting know how you feel with not giving Blackmail/ultimatum but honest answer as to what you want and then awaiting the admins/mods response as to how to act or not. This is exactly why I retired from MDL moderation regarding your same feelings that no one was listening and being oblivious to how we feel. Then we get stern not feeling responses from admins/mods and then we want to leave or limit our participation which serves no-one!

    In final expression MDL has some growing to do and we can either be patient or we can go our separate ways! Or we can wait a day for the admins to be at greater level of evolvement and compassionate consideration regarding dev's. Dev's are in reality what makes up MDL and without us MDL would die off quickly. This is not agressive nor an antiaginastic comment but like phazor has just stated an choice that administration must make if they want to have creative and sharing dev's in the future for the world to experience and be given too

    In respect, love and honor to MDL member, admins, mod's, "the owner?", devs and any lurkers out there that might be reading at MDL and especially to you Phazor ;)

    Peace and may the energy be raised for all :p
  16. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Still not as much as a peep, and since Yen has the time to post in other threads i think thats that then.

    Cant believe i was actually stupid enough to entertain the thought that i could have 'misinterpreted' what was clear all along.

    But then again, i pretty much knew what to expect when my 'Dictatorship' reply was rewarded with silence.

    So much for the 'positive learning effect'. (lol)

    I cant believe how wrong i was about that guy, whom i honestly believed to be on my wavelenght.

    On the positive side; i know better now. :)

    To those who waited for answers to other questions: Sorry, No Bonus. The Game is Over.

    For the record, heres why:

    ● I created an application for MDL users which contained a part which i wanted to remain confidential. This part was the result of months of analysing, trial-and-error, and devising countless concepts until i had a solution good enough to be released to users. The fact that i did not want the details of this part to be public (for good reasons) was common knowledge.

    Another member got jealous at my solution. The fact that i dont want the details to be public was irrelevant to them. Rather than being grateful that i was nice enough to solve the problem and provide a solution they thought they were entitled to knowing the details and getting them by force if necessary. Since they were neither skilled nor ambitious enough to find the solution by actually investigating the problem and doing all the tedious work i had to do they decided to take the quick&easy way and simply pryed into my application in order to steal everything from there. Then they went on to spread it around, acting like it was them who spent months developing the solution. To top it off they put my entire application in unpacked form up for public download.

    ● The administration of MDL did nothing to stop this, even though this went on for weeks across several threads. I myself was sick at the time and had no idea what was going on. In other words i had to trust that the administration here protects my interests. But they didnt. After i returned and complained the offender was given an infraction, but allowed to stay and continue as though nothing ever happened.

    ● Upon asking how it can be that i have to come and complain before something is done at all i was told that the staff was 'busy'. (lol) Allegedly there was a thread about Windows 8 which required the constant attention of the entire MDL staff. When i went to that thread to see what they were talking about i was expecting riot and mayhem. I browsed circa 50 pages from the last page backward into the thread, but to my surprise the thread was as pieceful as a sleeping baby. No rioting members, no moderating posts, not a single post moderated by any mod or admin. In other words: The claim that this thread consumed the full attention of the entire MDL staff was either a cheap excuse, hopelessly exaggerated or a flat-out lie. Not to mention of course the fact that if a thread were really ever going to go so bad that it would actually require 24/7 attention of an entire forum staff it would already be way beyond the point where a thread is normally closed.

    ● Upon asking why they dont ban the offender i was told that the administration believes, against all common sense and evidence to the contrary, that he was 'not aware' that what he was doing is wrong. To me this means that the administration must be either awefully dumb and naive or they think that i am. After all we are not talking about something where one could mess up 'by accident'. We are talking about hacking straight and premeditated into somebody elses application, exposing the confidential parts to the public against the authors express wishes and then making the unpacked application available for download just for the f**k of it. And nobody, NOBODY is so frack-darn stupid that they could be in doubt about the rightfulness or wrongfulness of these actions. Personally i feel insulted that such a ridiculous idea was even submitted to me, especially since the offender himself admitted to having done what he did only BECAUSE i didnt want to make my solution public.

    ● Another excuse i got hear was that something like this 'had never happened before', which is why the administration 'was not sure how to deal with the incident'. This turned out to be yet another lie after a formerly banned person admitted to having been banned for posting RemoveWATs sourcecode. Needless to say that this was not only a similar case, but exactly the same one. This (not-so-)banned person is now happily posting Windows 8 related stuff with full support of the MDL administration.

    So say what you want, but i have seen enough. All things considered i am now firmly convinced that the administration of MDL does in fact fully support the actions of letsgotohell. (Or whatever his name was - this place surely is.) Right now i wouldnt even be surprised if they just made some sort of deal with him, you know, 'take a few weeks off, keep a low profile, when you return we give you a nice new account and with a little luck the phazor problem will have solved itself by then too.' In any case, after all this i wouldnt trust this administration if they told me that water is wet. Just a short time ago the freestyler incident and now this...thats just too much. They lied to me, they came up with excuses so ridiculous that i still cant believe it and their willingness to talk this out was practically nonexistent right from the start. And now, while i and my petty little problem arent even worth a reply anymore, (as if im the one who wronged another member), they are openly supporting someone who has been banned for doing the very thing this whole issue is about. So much for 'we take these things seriously' and 'it wont happen again'. All just a bunch of manure. On the other hand it sort of explains why they dont even bother to ban such people anymore. No point in doing so when you dont actually want them gone. And i sure as hell want no part of this. Not for all the good things in the world. TS did well getting out of that mess, although i dont quite understand why he sticks around. But thats none of my business...

    If you wonder why i bother to type all this when im leaving anyway; for two reasons.

    1) It might serve as a warning to others, who dont yet realize that the same thing might happen to them regardless of whether they are doing something wrong or not. I never wronged another member, i never made any trouble, i never gave anyone a hard time. All i did was doing my best to make this place more interesting by contributing all sorts of things. And look what it got me. Normally one would think that all these contributions count for something, but as you can see, when it comes right down to it, they dont. Their pride and their belief in the infallibility of their decisions, this is what counts here. Whats actually right or wrong (in other words reason) stops mattering the minute you request an action other than the one they took. Because at that moment you are not making a request anymore. Your request, as reasonable as it might be, sort of auto-transforms into an attempt at blackmail. And needless to say that this is much more than the average admin ego can take. Ergo the decision stands, (so they dont 'lose face'), and if the situation requires it they even start lying to you. In other words its the same old immature kindergarden crap where reason is being pushed out of the way in favor of ego. And you should simply consider this before you spend a lot of your limited time to contribute anything here. Some people here are by far not as 'enlightened' as they would have you believe.

    2) Once MDL has lost all of its serious contributors, and the leekme ztuffz people are all who are left, the administration here might want to recall why they have nothing left to offer them. People with good experimenting skills and in-depth knowledge are turning up thin already; MasterDistaster, Jinje, nononsence and so forth, they all seem to be gone. I wonder why. (BTW, when i joined MDL i thought that these folks are the actual MDL community. I thought that this sort of people is what forms the core of MDL. Imagine my surprise when it dawned on me that MDL is mainly a leech-pool (got leakz?) where 99% of the people dont even possess the decency to say thanks when they download your crap. Of course what sux even more is having to realize that the administration isnt really much better. But i digressed. Sure, right now everything is fine and dandy, there are loaders, drivers, trial extenders, KMS Host emulators, etcetera. The solution to the persistent 8007000Ds is now public knowledge too, and Phazors KMS concepts are alive and kicking in other peoples apps. Thanks Phazor, we have what we need so you might as well go now. At least that way our fragile egos wont be hurt. But fact is there will be new versions of Windows, new ways of activation, new sorts of problems, and that is when the copy-happy script kiddies just wont cut it anymore. This will be the times when the thinkers and innovators are needed again, a.k.a. the truly resourceful people who figure out the tough parts and devise new concepts. Am i such a person? Well, decide for yourself, you know what i have contributed here. Other than the obvious i have also written tutorials, posted scripts, gave help and advice, suggested the Thanks system and the Apps forum, hell i even made a MDL wallpaper and a MDL song! What you probably dont now; when i joined MDL, Daz was just about beginning with his loader. By that time i had already developed my own loader application which used custom filenames instead of grldr and i also thought about enhanced obfuscation measures such as storage on an external device and encryption. In fact the first person to ever suggest an encrypted grldr here in the forum was me. Daz presented the first encrypted grldr a short time later, although he says that he didnt get the idea from me. But thats not important. The point is that i could have continued to be a valuable asset to this community because i never run out of new ideas and because my tenacity allows me to find problem solutions other people would never find because they are quite simply lacking the patience to repeat the same tedious trial and error procedures for hours on end, even for days or weeks if need be. And i want the administration of this place to never forget that they have lost this asset because of their own actions. Am i replacable? No doubt. Will i be replaced? Who can tell. The point is that i will be gone and with me go all contributions i could have made in the future. So if i were them i would start asking myself if the non-ban of a person who disrespects and steals from his colleagues was really worth it. Personally i think it was a bad trade, but then what do i know.

    Thats all i have to say.
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  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    lol...I wish I could write as well as you concerning pointing out lies till there are none left by way of reason alone

    Take care Phazor and thanks for sharing with me ;)

    Your friend

  18. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #179 Yen, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
    Phazor, you are wrong with your opinion about me. You should know me in a better way and not judging about my decision about that only.

    You never have PM'ed me! I am asking you why?

    And honestly you cannot claim that I should have everyday a look at your thread and see if you have replied or not.
    I wished we could have discussed that via PM to find an agreement, but therefore it's too late.
    You were not everyday online to post an reply, so you cannot claim that I have to reply immediately when you yourself have had the time therefore.
    I am administering the forums voluntarily and I have a private life.

    [No Comment...]

    This is simply not true what he's posted. I have had a look at the logs: Reason for ban: "Deceipt and Abusing Moderation Team". And different to a dictatorship we do not condemn somebody for lifetime, we are willing to give anybody a second chance, all attributes you are lacking of.

    The issue with your app IMHO is one to be clarified via PM and not at the public. The fact that you are doing it anyway makes me believing that you need to attract attention to show how bad the MDL administration really is. Are you really in need of that?
    To post a warning to others. You think you are not heard, as conclusion you have decided to leave, but anyway you need to warn others by badmouthing MDL. You need to be on stage, don't you?

    Why don't you simply leave?

    You should not try to 'interpret' me by thinking about me. You should have PM'ed me, that's all.
    Your behavior is predestined (only thinking, no conversation) that there is only one result from the very first beginning:

    You are leaving, you always wanted to, otherwise you would have taken my offer to PM me. Instead of your only intention is to agitate.

    I don't start now to count where I am an expert in and what I have done for MDL already. But believe me I do not need to hide me therefore.

    It had been up to you. You can throw away what you have achieved here at MDL with all the members who are enjoying your apps, or stay.

    This says everything and this is my last reply at the public here. It seems you know everybody here by judging about their abilities and you are diminishing their efforts and intellect. Do you think they have to listen to that and take it seriously?

    Anybody can read your thread and read all my posts I've made at MDL.

    The members are mature enough to decide about on their own.... about me and the MDL team and your arrogance.
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  19. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
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