USB 3/XHCI driver stack for Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by daniel_k, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    Are they containing telemetry inside, because the main post says "Removed/disabled all telemetry crap" for the back-ported Windows 8 usb 3 driver?
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  2. Obuw

    Obuw MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2022
    Thank you so much! I had been struggling for days to get my mouse & keyboard working on W7 after changing my motherboard, and I finally have them working thanks to this!
  3. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    hey guys, i'd no luck getting this driver to work on my machine, which is a MSI B550M-PRO-DASH.
    i've tried this many times, but after installation, my mouse and keyboard just don't work... (i did replace vanilla Windows 7's boot.wim to Windows 10's, that's why it passed installation)
    is it a MSI-only issue?
  4. Chuterix

    Chuterix MDL Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2022
    have you integrated kb2864202 to install.wim yet?
    update integration tool (integrates all updates, but replace simplix updatepack and every outdated components)
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  5. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    #265 Nicolas S Griittner, Oct 11, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2022
  6. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Try getting THE usb driver for your actual controller and integrating that into a normal windows 7 boot.wim index 2. That way you can quickly boot an empty iso(without install.wim in it) and see if your peripherals work in the windows 7 installer. If they do, you can be sure that the driver you got works, integrate it into install.wim and finalize your windows 7 iso.
  7. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    #267 Nicolas S Griittner, Oct 11, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2022
    thanks for replying! unfortunately my controller doesn't have a Windows 7 driver, because it's a Matisse CPU+B550 combo. i've already tested other drivers like 2nd gen ones, that were provided from tools like Gigabyte Windows Image Tool or MSI Smart Tool, but none of them worked either. that's why i tried to use this driver, since i can use my mouse and keyboard under Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 (1507) with their generic USB 3.X driver.
    integrating this generic driver + KB requirement failed too, even though NTLite is at it's latest version... only Windows 8+'s boot.wim worked like a charm.
    bro, do u know someone that had successfully slipstreamed this generic driver with a MSI mobo?
  8. Chuterix

    Chuterix MDL Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2022
    those manufacturer tools only integrate supported usb drivers for close to modern hardware. there’s no official usb 3 driver for your mb so that’s why it fails. once again have you tried enthousiast’s tool i mentioned above earlier? this usb 3 driver that integrates to all .wim worked on my main system with ryzen 3 + a520 mb
    also windows 8 and higher boot.wim already has usb 3 drivers so no integration to boot.wim needed
    that’s strange no matter what nothing works. i see that even integration to install.wim fails
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  9. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    thank u bro, just checked the link u provided. the tool created "Win_7_HomePremium_x64_es-ES_SiMPLiXED_2022_11_10.iso" for me and i was able to finally get my USB mouse and keyboard working under Windows 7 after installation!
    TBH i don't know if it worked this time thanks to the new updates slipstreammed or because of some modded driver that was inside "Drivers" folder.
  10. alzcoew397

    alzcoew397 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2018
    see?when you used the old iso everything went wrong

    thats the problem whne people using the original outdaded now iso of 2011's Windows 7.

    but the problem remains as people dont realise that the original isos cause a lot of problems.
  11. Chuterix

    Chuterix MDL Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2022
    good the tool works for you!
    the tool integrates the required update for this usb 3 driver, + the driver itself, but it’s best if all updates are integrated into the image
    it is not present in the “drivers” folder, it’s part of updatepack
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  12. Chuterix

    Chuterix MDL Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2022
    true. those isos are 100% vanilla isos, from msdn, which only has service pack isos. this is why.
    issues would occur online (or even offline if using programs) if you you manage to install it. example sha-256 certificates took over and sha-1 is dead so you get certificate errors
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  13. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    yes, they're very outdated, indeed. in August 2018, Microsoft has made available updated isos, that included "Windows 7 SP2" update (KB3125574) and many others.
    however, those isos are limited to English language... so, i can't translate Windows into Galician, since it does require a Spanish installation.
    this issue forces me to stick with those outdated isos anyway. :(
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    MSFT didn't make them available, someone found those crappy sysprepped ISOs on MSFT servers, they are not meant to be used at all.

    Just update the original MSDN SP1 ISOs by any means possible and you have uptodate ISOs.
  15. Nicolas S Griittner

    Nicolas S Griittner MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2019
    :eek: whoa i didn't know about this! i thought they were somehow publicly available, because i've downloaded one of them once using HeiDoc's Windows and Office tool.
  16. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  17. alzcoew397

    alzcoew397 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2018
    personally i use Gen2's ISOS, are full updated with the usb drivers now preinstalled inside the os.but you can use the guide to make an updated iso withe the simplix pack.see above.
  18. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Ok, professor.
  19. asdf23451

    asdf23451 MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2019
    I've tried two VL805-Q6 based USB 3 PCIe cards in my main system, and after the XHCI driver is installed, Windows starts to freeze, then the entire system resets. Safe mode also crashes, but much sooner, before the login screen. I only once got a BSOD trying to boot into safe mode, but Windows being Windows didn't log it. All I remember is that it was an IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD with usbxchi.sys. Windows 8.1 on the same system works just fine. Using the same two cards in a spare X58 machine shows no issues under 7 with the same driver.
  20. Loloss

    Loloss MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2022
    Hey. I have Axagon PCEU-232Vl (VL805 chipset) and a really strange problem to. I want to use it instead of my mobo USBs, (because on my Asus TUF B550 I can't install Windows 7) and even when I was integrated an original drivers with my OS ISO (install.wim, boot.wim) my peripherals doesn't work :p