Code: @echo off reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /f > NUL 2>&1 reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /f > NUL 2>&1 reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d dcf99ef8-d784-414e-b411-81a910d2761d /f IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( goto ERROR) :SUCCESS %SystemRoot%\system32\wuapp.exe goto END :ERROR echo Error pause goto END :END Copy and paste this into a text editor file and name it *.cmd and save the file. Run it as admin and reboot, check windows update, install KB937287, reboot, goto winupdate again, install KB938371, reboot, goto winupdate! Now you can choose SP1 final!! No fake ****!! BTW: I'm repeating it. Vista is still ****. I've copied a 500 MByte file from USB 2.0 stick to HDD (duration: 7 min!!!) At xp about 28 seconds (same system of course).... this is called power enhancement.....
Hmm.... It's reported to work, but first KB938371 will appear to install.... But there is still a controverse discussion weather it is final or not. Man, M$ didn't do well.... why not release it clearly named...... I've installed the one from wzor.... it works, but I don't care that much since it's my test or not... BTW: Install of service pack right from a USB stick didn't work!!!
RC1 or Final? I used your .cmd batch file, installed the smaller KB patches, and now I can install SP1 but it says that it's release candidate 1, not the final version. Has anyone else taken he plunge to see if it's really the final version? What happens if you have a release candidate installed and then want to install the final?
Nevermind my last message. I just had to install Office 2007 SP1 first However, it says it is RC1... Gonna install anyway
As silly as it may seem, but that seems to be the culprit! I burned the full image to a dvd and installed and low and behold I managed to get it activated. Now the process of finding out what I removed in Vlite that caused the issue (I can't stand running a full vista install) Thank goodness I have rewritable dvds
well, you can post to nuhi overthere at msfn....and tell them your error code when trying to run those commands to activate your vista..because you reinstalled to get away from all the 'pre-installed bloatware' and used your COA no feeling of 'warez' would be sensed...within your vlite you will see the Last Session.ini...that has the components you removed...someone can look at that and make determine you issue.
'gottahaveers' rushed out to buy the iphone too..only to be whining later that apple made a larger capacity phone available soon the only way to avoid being a possible whiner (lol) is to wait for MS to Officially Release it..and no doubt a Official 'integrated' DVD will also be available.
yes, and people need to realize that its easy to 'hack' any version number into a install via hex editor...but a Microsoft Digital Signature or Check Sum (MD5-SHA1) cannot be altered.
Same at wzor's X86 pack: 6001.18000.x86fre.longhorn_rtm.080118-1840 at registry! Now I belive it's really RTM! AND THE 500MByte file is now as fast as on xp (28 sec.). I have to say Vista is got really better now!
I will say this much...that someone from MS has made it known..that the SP1 Fresh 2 is the exact same code as the RTM build....and nothing has changed from the time it was released on WU to the time it went RTM on Monday.
Could someone who has installed this SP1 build check the DirectX/Direct3D version to see if it's 10.1? Thanks
Hello, I have three Very Quick Question 1. So I found my Abit IS-7 bios mod here, i wanted to make sure that I could use the Asus certificate and serial key (from Paradox.rar) to activate (since there aren't any abit cert/key included in paradox), is this true (I read the sticky and this seemed must be true ..)? 2. would using asus cert/key with abit board be undesirable in anyway? 3. I want to add vista to a separate HP laptop, would only HP certificate/key work for this job? Thanks
1. I have an XFX 680I LT Sli with a modded bios with Asus slic and it work with the asus certificate 2. Maybe with the WGA patch that will be released later 3. I think it will look more legit if you take the HP certificate but you can take any certificates here....