I really understand your point of view. On another hand, if I could pay just 2 bucks for (let's say) a OEM license of Windows, of course I would happily pay. Why? Because during the same amount of time needed to "read the How To" and apply the medicine, I would be able to (1) make more than two bucks or (2) do something much more rewardable. Laziness is surely bad, but learning how to invest our limited resources is the point that matters.
You have a point! However, in this case, after passing by Windows 3.11, 95, 98, XP and Seven... it's not that fun anymore. But I'm talking only about me of course...
is there a chance to get the mony back? of course it was a store fail from ms and now the will own the money??
I just installed the latest TP to a brand new PC. It didn't activate automatically, even with my MS account. I saw that offer, so I paid it and it activated the build. Now I will see once RTM and the final build is released, if it stays activated. If not, I am going to complain to MS. I just followed the links and in the store nothing was said about a temporary license. I didn't get a key, is there anything to read it from the system?
i bought in in build 10158. in 10159 i wanted to use the key. the store site was down and key cant activiated so its blacklisted. i want back my money !!
Activation is still working fine here for me after upgrading from 10158 to 10159. Microsoft Account as well. I'm not going to worry and lose sleep over $2. Although it would be nice to have some clarification from Microsoft.
You’re entirely missing the point. It’s not about hate it’s about reasonable behavior and blind stupidity. The reason why people took the offer was because they thought they would get a key for RTM. Fact is that M$ always changed the key definitions at RTM so it’s highly probable that it cannot be a RTM key. Also they announced the prizes for w10 on any news We can here clearly speak of ignorance. Second. If it is made to test the store how to release keys, then it’s plain stupid from M$ not to inform people about this test and that they’d get a refund. Either way you should be mature enough to admit when you took action because of a false assumption, rather than to name those hater who were intelligent enough to look through this.
The blind will lead the blind and that seems to be what your doing but remember only the truly moronic lead with out facts blind faith is deadly .
Since M$ made an error on there part though by not informing correctly what key you would get and that it was a test. Its possible they will refund or even give a real RTM key as a gesture of goodwill.
Wouldn't be the first time M$ acted stupid. Remember the Windows 7 KMS to Retail conversion with free Media Center Keys fiasko ?
Yes, sure. Actually the offer was made on a beta OS, so one should consider errors / mistakes can appear. But I actually posted this because I think some people are too naive. The idea to get something first and for a cheep prize seems to eliminate any reason....sometimes...people take care this is how malware /scam works....curiosity and the feeling to have got something special...
I Read this: Over here: blogs.windows.com/bloggingwindows/2015/07/02/windows-10-preparing-to-upgrade-one-billion-devices Gotta wonder about that $2.00 thing
Yup that's the weird part, its just Windows 10 Pro. Guess we'll have to have to wait till about a week or two from rtm drop.
i wounder when u make the purchase if theirs a microscopic disclaimer at the bottom telling u your basically a sucker.....sense very few people ever read it
I think the reason MS is not ready to inform about this $2 test is simple. No one is going to enter their Credit card details if people ever realize the fact and MS key selling system remains 'untested' but wondering a giant organization like MS cant even test their online facilities by themselves and they would like to take a free ride on unsuspecting users? Interestingly people's money is getting deducted and they needs to contact back MS for a refund. This system doesn't seems so transparent.