Probably do another play through of Earthbound, and then again with Mother 3. Probably play the original Mother afterwards (GBA version with translation patch).
Just got done (for the day) playing Mafia 1 on the PC.... With part 3 coming this fall, I wanted go through 1 and 2 again. What a great series with good stories... Too bad you cant buy 1 or 2 any more...about the only way to get it is to buy it used (console), or visit your local torrent site....Sad isn't it ?
Just have finished Soma. My first game as Linux64 version It ran very well and compared to the windows version it requires less space and lower hw specifications to run with the same quality. Seems one of the last reason to dual boot windows vanishes....Linux can be a very efficient gaming OS..hope for more games
Xcom 2 and next on list deux ex mankind divided I'd like gears of war 4 but my rig is getting old lol
Replayed Sniper 2 on XBox360 recently on moderate difficulty, was fun. Yesterday started Doom18+ on XBox1, pretty cool.