What do you think about Electric Cars?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 24, 2017.


Will your next car be electric?

  1. My next car will be electric

  2. I’ll wait several years for prices to drop

  3. I’m not convinced by them, I’ll buy conventional

  4. I am undecided, far more info is required

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  1. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #501 Joe C, Dec 18, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    How on Earth did you see me "advocate" this? C'mon, guys, if one mentions something does NOT automatically mean one uncritically advocates it....

    For crying out loud...
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  3. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #503 Joe C, Dec 18, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
    I thought since your link about Tesla and his radium clay battery was pointing towards using nuke batteries. And if they could make them safely, it would be a major break through in battery tech. Imagine a battery lasting 10yrs on a single charge!

    Edit: I know that the powers that be ($$$$) can handle making profits on oil and petrol, and they know in the future they can make profits on EV charging stations per KW used, but using a nuke battery that can last 10 yrs would be off their support list for profits
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  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I always liked Nikola as the real genius and Edison was 'just' a good businessman with some tech skills.
    Westinghouse recognized the talent of Nikola and the future of AC...

    Remember the 30th November 1888, New York?
    Edison 'demonstrates' the danger of AC.....he toasts a Newfoundland dog live on stage...to death.
    He wanted a 300 volts restriction and killed dogs at 300 volts to demonstrate that AC is evil....a 300 volts limit would have meant the end of AC...

    He already created alternative facts and tried to destroy opponents by spreading lies.....
    The phrase 'to westinghouse' = electrocution

    Actually the electricity war started between George Westinghouse and Edison...and Edison lost big time.

    Three phase AC is more efficient and that has not changed.
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  5. Katzenfreund

    Katzenfreund MDL Expert

    Jul 15, 2016
    The great superiority of AC over DC lies in its ability to be transformed (change voltage), thus cutting long distance losses at High Voltage and be distributed as Low Voltage to households. Otherwise it's no better than DC.
  6. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Used to be a time where everything residential was A/C, but a couple years ago we had to get a new washing machine and it uses a D/C motor. For a long while now the high efficiency furnace blower motors are D/C too, There must be something about electric appliances going to D/C to be more efficient now day's

    Just had a thought... D/C motors can easily have a variable speed where as an A/C motor would need extra wingdings (copper) for different motor speeds. Or in the case of a washer, a transmission
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  7. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Oh. So you again CHOOSE to ignore that legal document from your beloved Tesla.
    stating that for example taxicabs are not allowed to use those superchargers.
    What does that do for your argument about those cabs ?

    You do remember that do you not ? :D

    Here it is, in reply to MrMagic.

    How many hours without access to that supercharger will it take to charge ? What is it they say ? He who larfs last ? :laie:
  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Heh, what a twit: there is no great big problem for private use but for industry as such to profit from free electricity... Is it really that hard to understand how these guys will fu** it up for everyone, in order to earn profits?!?

    And even for private use, when moronic, such as your good self, where one plugs it in and parks there over night, thereby stopping everybody else from charging - will be banned, of course!

    For them, the industry (EV trucks, vans, cabs etc.), on such a scale, they will build a different, even more powerful chargers and probably they will have to pay for the electricity...

    The state will possibly have to chip in with subsidies, to build the infrastructure, in order to move the markets in the right, strategic direction and so on and on...

    But never mind the little matter of "thinking", "facts" and so on, eh... Carry on, troll along... :rolleyes:
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  9. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Cool. You tell Tesla they are trolls. :D

    • That is right from the horses mouth trollboy :D
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Idiot. How are they trolls? Yes, that's the point - private, not commercial use... (Jeeeezzzuuussss!!!!) :rolleyes:
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  11. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Yet it was you who said it would take no time to charge those taxi's with a supercharger, How long will it take now genius ? :rolleyes:
    Damn, you are thick as two planks.
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I certainly am not, but you - oh, boy...

    Whatever I wrote is what the documents state, 30 minutes to 80% or 40 - 50 to full charge, while you eat, as the reports we have seen from the users state...

    So, WTF are you on about again and again and again? The more you write the less you understand and come across as more of a moron...

    Taxis fleets made entirely of EVs and commercial activities of other transport companies with EVs must be treated differently, can't you understand that?

    Hence the promise to build such extra-sooper-dooper chargers because private vehicles are left short handed. The commercial companies etc. are overwhelming the supercharger stations. Them and the idiotic private users abusing the system, parking over night at the superchanger station.

    Boy, you can't understand a simple point - you really are hopeless...
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  13. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    No kidding, yet your argument was that it would not be a problem because of all these superchargers all over the world. :rolleyes:
    Do I really need to go through this thread post by post and show you what a blabbering idiot you really are ?
    Others here, all of whom you have insulted, have tried to help show you that already.
  14. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    It is an only temporary freebee for individuals, as soon as more and more people decide to go with EV's that free electric ship will sink like a rock and every body is going to have to pay, of course they will adjust the cost to be comparable with gas/petrol prices already in place
    Super Charge = Premium fuel
    Fast Charge= Mid-grade Fuel
    Regular Charge = Regular Fuel
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  15. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    And double the tax because it will be a "Green tax". :yes:
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #516 gorski, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017

    Yeah, under normal conditions, as was envisaged by Tesla co., it would be possible to go into a restaurant, have a break and then go with a fully charged battery. (And that must remain so, hence their measures.) I said in the context of your "You can't go from A to B, if it's a long journey." That was BS, since you write nothing but BS, and you were shown right through, as BS-tter. (It is worth noting, for the uninitiated, that being a BS-tter, there is no stopping your s**ity trolling, so you carry on regardless of the fact that you are constantly moving the goalposts, like a weakling little poor excuse for a troll you are...)

    And then, as they become more successful and more EVs get on the road, more supercharging stations will get built etc.

    In the meantime, not only have various companies taken advantage of subsidies and free electricity but individuals have also started abusing the system.

    So, what can one do? Build more charging stations, ban abusers, reduce commercial usage, as in send them to special commercial chargers, involve the state to invest in the infrastructure.

    What's difficult to understand? But you guys have not exactly understood anything at all, have you? Trolling by twisting facts and elementary logic to suit your unintelligent purposes, a little child could see through... :rolleyes:

    On the other hand, even when you do start paying for it - it will still be cheaper. And even if it costs the same or if it becomes a wee bit more expensive - it's the right thing to do.

    But OK, go on, tell your fairy tales to kiddos who know no better...
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #517 gorski, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
    Moron, that will eventually be bestowed upon the fossil fuel users, i.e. gas guzzlers, as is right and proper!!

    In the USofA, allegedly, these are still not considered what they really are and taxed accordingly.

    Hence, USofA is swallowing a quarter of energy the world uses today but it only has 5% of population.

    Therefore, since it is polluting the most, it must do the most to stop this in its own backyard!

    USofA started it amongst the very first ones, developed the most, used the most, polluted the most and so it ought to lead the way in stopping it!!

    At least, this is what "leaders", as in "adults in the room" would do...

    Got it?

    (A rhetorical question - kids like you have no chance in getting it... :rolleyes: )
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  18. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Don't worry gorski. Time will tell, and now there is a written record which WILL tell exactly who the troll is. ;)
  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Fuel cell, fuel cell, fuel cell ;):D
  20. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Chinese are much more offensive at using energy and polluting the planet, Why not rant about them?
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