Are you "suggesting" you are a world renowned scientist with a crystal ball, then? Sooo, ermmm... what would you have said to Tesla when he claimed that whatshisname got it all wrong and that he - Nikola Tesla - will usher in a new industrial revolution single-handedly?!? FFS, REALLY, GET YOUR THINKING CAP ON!!! What a larf!!!
Sure, "free renewable energy for all" principle, with electric cars, using his electric motor, based on his coil, most patents in Niagara Falls first electrical generation facility of the kind are his, the type of electricity we use is his, wireless transfer of energy and so on and on and on and on.... Aha, it wasn't the oil magnates who prevented him to realise his vision, nahhhh... Perhaps if you were to inform yourself of various industrial revolutions... What a larf!!!
Obviously your being very immature with the name calling and I'm not here to argue with those of child like minds. Go play with the other kids until you can post as an adult
Name calling? Where, what, how did you come to that conclusion?!? On the other hand "immature", "child..." This sounds a little strange, from my POV, you know... OK, get it straight: you are making yourself into quite a larf, as you are obviously NOT in any way QUALIFIED for the grand statements that you are indulging in, so I don't need to say much, really... Just larf me arse off...
The use of any technology to increase productivity has to be seen in light of lag time and buffer resources. More important, if it is employed in a global capitalist system, then it will be implemented based on the assumption that there will be more energy and resource consumption, not less. That's because increased productivity means more goods and services made, and to profit from that more goods and services have to be consumed. The result is an economy that requires increasing amounts of energy and material resources each time vs. a limited biosphere that won't allow for such.
Energy is not a problem. We have the tech to sort it out. Socially/economically - that is another matter... In Neo-Lib Capitalism, if automation/roboticisation is to take over, then not many people will have a job but they will have the minimum income "agreed" (read: allowed to the state) by the corporations, hence no growth to speak of will be seen, as demonstrated by the austerity dogma.... Biosophere was allegedly very limited to Malthus already and we pulled it off... Conservative "estimates" are always wrong, in these matters, since they do not count on Human ingenuity, only ever seeing human failings, ergo they are never right about anything! Our population numbers in Capitalism, as seen above, are going down and since Capitalism is now going global full on ( ), the numbers will go down everywhere, as demonstrated in the North West of EU and US in particular, i.e. mortality rates will be higher than birth rates (2 kids per couple max, ergo...). You are making assumptions for which you seem to have no grounds whatsoever, as ever...
Just look at this: Yen said: And then you said: Here is a hint: "Tesla himself"... (he is dead, sadly...) Here is a hint: taxis, delivery vans, commuting to jobs in all corners of the Earth, electric trains, buses etc. etc. Boy, what a larf! Capitalist economy can learn - it proved it many times, just as it proved that it can go back on those lessons, being a Human product... Here is a hint: political sphere can and indeed it does REGULATE economy... Another hint: we have the tech to supply Earth with energy from renewable sources already... Here is a lesson in thinking: just as we "invented" that, we can re-invent the phenomenon and turn it into its opposite. Nonsense, from start to finish - those roads are the same for any type of vehicle - you really are a troll, arentcha? As ever, jumping to conclusions from one issue to the next with careless disregard for even minimal logic. Differentiate, please! Energy we have from the sun, wind, water etc. Resources (mineral and so on) we do not, they are limited and that we shall have to rethink, plan all over again and learn. FAST, there I agree with you. But you have no crystal ball to tell us we are lemmings right now... To pretend you do makes you into a doom and gloom merchant of conservative roots, so I just smile at ya... C'mon, people, like you never heard of (Nikola) Tesla...
@gorski: Not all of (N.) Teslas' projects were winners. The idea of pumping vast amounts of energy into the ionosphere to transmit energy is totally frowned upon these days. e.g. H.A.A.R.P. Please don't think I'm comparing e-vehicles to HAARP. I'm not. However: We do need to realize that the answers to our problems may lie in the use of exotic, potentially toxic metals. Everybody knows about lead and mercury. Very few people know about beryllium. And there are others. In some cases, the metals are not super-toxic by themselves, but once they combine with certain V.O.C.s, they become super toxic. e.g. Dimethylmercury: You can touch Mercury with relative safety. If you get even as much as two drops of Dimethylmercury on your skin, you'll die a horrible death. We need to make damn sure that we do not pollute the land like the auto makers have done. This requires patience and diligence. And a -lot- of research.
Indeed, it does and we better regulate all the industries, as well as inspect them most seriously!!!! I do not approach anything or anybody uncritically. Tesla had his flaws. However...
Yeah he could not manage money generally and was a sort of neurotic. He preferred to live in luxurious hotels' room number 3327 because it's divisible by three and also the digit sum is. He obviously loved number 3
Tesla may have been on the autistic spectrum,or at least a highly functioning Asperger. His biggest mistake was giving Westinghouse the patent rights to the electric motor
Has he? I know that he tore apart the contract that obliged them to pay him for his contribution in the Niagara Falls project and hence saved the company from going under but... That alone could seriously question one of the "characteristics of Asperger's", i.e. not being able to empathise... Btw, it has been removed from the index...
Oh, brother, here we go - to the sea... 281088008 A new all-electric pilot boat unveiled by Robert Allan to ferry pilots emission free
What would have been better then? Without Westinghouse Tesla would have been nobody and vice versa. Remember world exhibition Chicago ... Tesla's mistake probably had been not to insist on his 12 million USD which Westinghouse still owed him for the patents. Tesla suffered from OCD...I cannot recognize something autistic...IMHO AFAIK the 'tore up the contract gesture' was made out of gratefulness to him and prevented J.P. Morgan's plans to take over...Tesla thought he's found someone (Westinghouse) for future big plans. But finally it saved only Westinghouse Electric Company...Tesla remained in financial difficulties for that. He was not capitalistic minded the thing itself was most important...dunno how much Tesla is still in Tesla today....
With or without Westinghouse, Tesla's electric motor changed the course of history, and helped enable the industrial revolution. We still use his a/c electric motor design even today
@Joe C: He was an altruistic man who did not place much stock in material things. He did what He did to save Westinghouse. One of the many reasons that I admire him. @Yen: Yeah he had a thing about threes.
Asperger's... think of the movie "Rain Man". They get stuck on fixations like certain numbers or any number of other things, but can be highly intelligent
I don't know details of his behavior anymore which could classify his sickness precisely.... I thought he was rather an 'Adrian Monk' type. Extraordinary clever and genius, but obsessive features....he had fixed (absurd) rituals. He asked for 18 towels in his room, the love to number 3....he never welcomed people by shaking hands (no contact, fear of infections).......