I think that florescent bulbs work differently that incandescent and led lights. I have seen very old video's of Tesla holding a florescent light while being in a charged atmosphere and it would light up, Comparing other lights with florescent lamps are like comparing apples to oranges
The difference is that you have a powerful energy source, the power grid. The electrons are moving back and forth according to their AC frequency. Those induce an alternating magnetic field around the grid (which is subject to complaints when it comes to health). The magnetic field carries enough energy to let the mercury atoms be fluorescent inside the tubes. The emitted light is usually invisible to humans, but the coating of the tube transfers it to visible light (that's how they work commonly as well). https://www.larkinweb.co.uk/miscellany/fluorescent_tubes_under_power_lines.html Despite of scientific facts one can easily unveil a fake experiment by following attributes: No info about used parts No explanation (attempt) No comments from the author. No relation to the setup of the experiment.
This well known children’s toy (the Drinking Bird) is the closest I've seen to apparent perpetual motion.
I would also consider water falls being very close to perpetual motion too, Some have been running for 1000's of years. Michigan does have a 100 ft waterfall but unfortunately it is on the bottom of Lake Huron
So, Judge MJ, any hint as to the veracity of this claim, based on double blind, no movement, no Star Trek beam of energy, no money taken in any way, no..... experiment? I mean, has anyone actually "experimented" with magnets like this?
@gorski: A lot of amateur experimenters tinker around with alternative energy. But their work needs to be well documented and reproducible. If not, there's no scientific validity. Look at the dilemma surrounding Cold-Fusion (LENR). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleischmann–Pons_experiment https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/its-not-cold-fusion-but-its-something/ And finally, this. https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/cold_fusion_01 As far as what Yen posted, When you have 1/2 million volts sitting some 100 feet above you, the electromagnetic fields are very strong. It was a good post, btw, since Nikola Tesla invented the Fluorescent light bulb. (One of his many inventions that others took credit for.)
@Joe C: An incandescant bulb works by electrically heating a tungsten filament in a vacuum until it is white hot. It then produces light. The fluorescent bulb works by driving a gas into an ionized state and then passing current through the gas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorescent_lamp
You can get Magnetic Levitation fans for your pc and save the world's energy crisis! https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Premium-Magnetic-Levitation-CO-9050040-WW/dp/B01G5I6O4Q
https://interestingengineering.com/...riving-electric-vehicles-sooner-than-we-think 17 Experts Explain Why the Whole World Will Be Driving Electric Vehicles Sooner Than We Think The past few years have seen electric cars move from an ambitious dream to a lucrative reality, and it would seem as though the days of traditional fossil fuel-guzzling vehicles are numbered. With many countries vowing to phase out their consumption of oil within coming years, and committing to replacing existing vehicles with electric alternatives, it appears that the electric revolution has well and truly begun. Though the full conversion to all-electric vehicles won't happen overnight, here are just some experts from a variety of different industries and fields who believe the world will be driving electric cars sooner than we think.
It could happen. The analog that comes to mind are self-driving cars. When I first heard of them, I thought we would have to wait for 20 years before they started materializing. Yet they hit the roads, albeit in experimental form, in 2 years.
they still need more testing... https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/19/uber-self-driving-car-kills-woman-arizona-tempe
no mention of finding vast quantities of rare metals (lol, I guess they wouldn't be called "rare metals" if there was vast quantities) to make millions of ev batteries yet?