What do you think about Electric Cars?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 24, 2017.


Will your next car be electric?

  1. My next car will be electric

  2. I’ll wait several years for prices to drop

  3. I’m not convinced by them, I’ll buy conventional

  4. I am undecided, far more info is required

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  1. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dude thats far from a commercial airliner.
  2. pcnavarra

    pcnavarra MDL Senior Member

    Nov 13, 2017
    #1022 pcnavarra, Jun 23, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
    well what about :

  3. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Don't take no rocket scientist to figure out who's behind the push ev cars...

    and to the Real Reason as to Why:
    (Consumers also approved for $99 million rate increase)

    Sure, Ev's sound like a great cause and good reason to go that route, but in the end is where your going to get it once they gain that monopoly on charging your car
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And that just about proves that you're far from a thinking person, since you can't figure out this is still the beginning and the whole thread is all about things yet to come, things we are envisaging at this point but working on them credibly, constantly pushing the limits, even visibly so, in some respects... but hey ho... not all of us have to be thinking persons... and there are quite a few of us who are serious to moderate conservatives who - unless forced to - could not see future for the life of them... or everybody else... They just want their "home comforts" and "no waves, please" attitude...

    Gimme a break...
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  5. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Joe C: And P.T. Barnum is laughing his arse off.

    "There's a sucker born every minute." :laie:
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Jesus, it's like a thief telling you "You're in danger from a burglar, here, lemme show you how you can boost your security system - errmm, what's your password?"

    Boy, you bought the "vested interest" BS story from the biggest vested interests on the planet and you're telling us we're being brain-washed... Mama mia!
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yep, like suckers "believing" the existing vested interests' little scare story about "coming vested interests" which are puny by comparison...

    And if you really wanna think about it: unless we remove Capitalism as such and come up with something rational - whatever comes, just like whatever we have now, will be in the hands of the few and then those "vested interests" will ruin your life and this planet, for sure...

    Climate hoax.jpg
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  8. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    i understand your point all inventions start small....now as for me i dont see electric boeing that carry 200 Plus passengers anytime soon.
  9. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    u want to end capitalism is easy heres the answer Global Nuclear War.
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, that's EXACTLY the ONLY option in town, said the Feudal Lords to the knaves... And they believed them!!! :rolleyes:


    Airbus, Groupe ADP and the RATP Group, along with the Paris Ile-de-France region and the French civil aviation authority (DGAC), have announced the launch of a feasibility study to demonstrate an urban system of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicles for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

    This collaboration, encompassing all components of land and air mobility, marks the creation of a team of recognised experts to develop not only French technology, but also a model for urban mobility, associated services and export potential.

    The goal is to integrate the entire value chain: design and production; maintenance; flight operations; low-altitude air traffic management; urban integration and planning; infrastructure, both physical and digital; and passenger interfaces. For more information see the IDTechEx report on Manned Electric Aircraft 2020-2030.

    The project is based on technological building blocks such as electric propulsion and autonomy, in order to comply with energy and sustainable development requirements. Work will include the investigation of secure public digital infrastructure standards involving public and private stakeholders to promote the development of the project.
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  11. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #1031 Michaela Joy, Jun 24, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2019
    @gorski: If you think that America will adopt Socialism, you're delusional.

    Why is it that even Communist countries are interested in having a free-market economy?

    That's capitalism at work.
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Perhaps if you'd first inform yourself on the subject, MJ, start thinking, as in make various crucial distinctions between
    you might find that "the Left" does not equal Stalinism... Not even Communists by and large agree with that nowadays, never mind the rest...
    What "rest"? Well, you might find Social Democrats, Socialists, Anarchists, even Anarcho-Libertarians and whatnot...
    Then, perhaps - once properly informed (as opposed to brain washed, as you appear to be) - you might look abroad and see Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists at work in Scandinavia and elsewhere... You will find ordinary folk living a much better quality of life than their fellow American proletarians...

    No, forget that: don't go anywhere - most Americans never had passports, spoke any other languages and so on - so, stay right there (most people on Earth would prefer that, trust me!) but go back in time a little - to New Deal - instead and see your country prosper under a Social Democrat and the richest amongst you paying over 90% of their higher end income, progressive taxation, legislation which prevented banking and financial sector abuses, decent minimum wage, free education, stability etc. etc. For almost 50 years America has prospered like never before or since!!!

    Then, cometh the conservatives and liberals, libertarians and de-legeslation, 'liberalisation' of it all...

    You know, unless you guys are of the 1% and you are voting your very own corporate thugs in - you have brought unthinkable shame on yourselves, as proletarians and middle classes!!!

    The same goes for my countries (UK and Cro) and so on... All of those places have seen better times and yet people like you are trying to sell them this TINA rubbish! And it is utter rubbish!
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  13. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dude i dont know what your talking about but Europe has major inflation....the only different between us and the Europeans is they live by large a more simple life were here in US people want biggest CACA that capitalism has to offer only a few can have it and the rest live in debt all their lifes and never have anything or travel the world and enjoy real quality life.
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @gorski: America is not, nor has it ever been a democracy. It is a republic,plain and simple.

    It's about the haves vs the have-nots, but mixed into that ideal is the possibility of capitalistic success.

    It's actually called "the American Dream". And what's funny is that so many people from other
    supposedly better countries than the USA come here to live free and raise their families.

    Did you ever hear of "famous amos" cookies?

    Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famous_Amos

    From a dream to a million dollars. And there are countless stories like that in the USA.

    Something for you to think about before you try to shovel Socialism in our faces.
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Depends what you mean by it: criticism of it (and it is true!) or conservative cynicism?

    From what I see, you have been brainwashed into thinking that an infinitesimally minor chance that somebody might "make it rich" (as if that is important or even essential) somehow maketh a meritocracy...

    Well, chew on this, since you just fell from Mars: see (if you dare) OECD and Rowntree Reports on Social Mobility and they will dispel this utter (ideologically distilled and rather cleansed of any reality) nonsense!!!

    May I point out that you "neglected" the Social Democratic USofA from the late 1930-ties for about half a century, as mentioned above... It wreaks of intellectual petty weakness called a McCarthy syndrome...

    No, not this: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=McCarthy Syndrome (although... :rolleyes: )

    but this: https://www.historychannel.com.au/articles/mccarthyism-joseph-mccarthys-witch-hunts/

    Wake up...
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  17. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Your posts hold about as much weight as a virgin preaching about the evils of sex...

    Talk to me when you can survive and thrive in the USA. If you could, you'd be here at this very moment.

    Since you have derailed your own thread, perhaps it is time for you to wake up and go back to pandering electric cars.
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  18. Tonyblair

    Tonyblair MDL Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    #1038 Tonyblair, Jun 26, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2019
  19. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    And with donkeys we will have more "gas"
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  20. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Money talks... all the other bullsh*t is FUD
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