What do you think about Electric Cars?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 24, 2017.


Will your next car be electric?

  1. My next car will be electric

  2. I’ll wait several years for prices to drop

  3. I’m not convinced by them, I’ll buy conventional

  4. I am undecided, far more info is required

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Of course they do - SOMETIMES and RARELY!!!

    ICE on fire is a MUCH MORE COMMON occurrence - but don't let that stop you in trying to rationalise your prejudices...

    I have a friend who still thinks vinyl records are "better" than CDs and VHS/Beta better than DVDs... You remind me of him...

    Or in automobile sphere, that the old cars, built rigidly and with no real accent on safety, thereby even decapitating people during collisions, are better than the new ones with all the protections built-in...

    As if science and technology aren't getting better all the time and as if you or anyone can stop it. Grow up, FFS!!!
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  2. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Gasoline is Flammable :confused: Autos catch on fire after wrecks :fear2: Who would have known o_O

    And frankly vinyl has a "purer" sound than CDs :cool: Even more better when played with a tube amp :rolleyes: Beta was a lot better than VHS :p And Windows 7 was a Hell of a lot better than Windows :poop:

    I Don't have any prejudices against EVs. Saying so is idiotic o_O So I'm Not surprised it was you that said it :rolleyes:

    Long before The Covid Scamdemic I spent time surrounded by people wearing masks in Manila and Cebu due to the air pollution caused by the diesel burning Jeepneys. I understand the Governments push for EV public transportation. That's IF they could ever get a reliable electric grid.

    I'm probably the only person on this Forum that can say they actually watched their 24V lead acid battery being rebuilt. I'd watched my brakes have new pads rebonded and my tire getting rethreaded so why not.? Done in a roadside shop in the middle of Cebu City by workers wearing no protective aprons or gloves. They all had their mask hanging so they could smoke while working :eek: After the battery was finished everything was hosed down with the runoff going into the ground.

    What environmental rules they may have in 3rd World Countries are never followed if it involves spending any more time or money. While advances in batteries are coming, they're not here yet and may even be Years if not decades away. The best option in my humble opinion for now would be diesel/electric hybrids. And yes, I know their are some people like that crazy Bat dude that would still delete the EGR and Tune for max "Coal Roll" ;)
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Idiotic is what you write or at least how you write it - it reads like a piece of piss...

    But keep missing the point 10000%: Beta is MUCH WORSE than DVD and Win7 is way worse than 10 etc. etc.

    Still, keep on trying to promote all that BS... Very funny...

    The global fossil fuel industry subsidies are cca $1.9 trillion! Imagine investing it into renewables, already 9 times cheaper than fossil fuel!

    R&D into fundamental issues, though, must be done by the state, so one day we can have a proper sustainable future! The system stinks!!

    But shove your head in the sand and keep on ploughing on... at snail's pace... right into f**king up the planet...
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  4. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Have to admit that what I said about your statement being idiotic was incorrect. I was giving you too much credit as it appears it wasn't just your statement, YOU ARE JUST AN IDIOT o_O

    Your attempts at showing wisdom fail miserably. Wisdom is not gained by education alone but combined with a lifetime of experience. You apparently have no experience in The Real World.

    You are also lousy as a Troll, but keep it up. o_O And keep drinking the piss they tell you is "Green Cool Aid" :rofl:

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  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Its realy annoying .......... morons with crippled personalitys also have acess to the net .......... and post crap that sabotages things ........ prevents people from gettung facts , learning and / or solving problems ........... clever dicks that think that they're inteligent ........ people that talk s**t in downwards spirals and just masterbat their egos in peopes faces .

    gorski like in a childrens pantomime , whatever happens he chants ' Oh no it isnt ' .......... just trying to score crippled ego points instead of trying to help . Trying to solve problems . To heal . To improve .

    The earth is dieing and people like that ' think ' that they're clever because noone can prove to them that they're morons ........... because they're to dumb to understand .
  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hello, TRUE idiots!!!! Suck on this for a while, morons!!! (No, you're not trolls, not intelligent enough, you're just either plain dumb or "high as a kite" talking bollox!!!)


    Cheap sodium-sulfur battery boasts 4x the capacity of lithium-ion
    By Nick Lavars
    December 08, 2022
    Scientists have developed a novel sodium-sulfur battery with exciting potential for renewable energy storage

    An international team of scientists eyeing next-generation energy storage solutions have demonstrated an eco-friendly and low-cost battery with some exciting potential. The group’s novel sodium-sulfur battery design offers a fourfold increase on energy capacity compared to a typical lithium-ion battery, and shapes as a promising technology for future grid-scale energy storage.

    The team’s creation falls into a category of batteries known as molten-salt batteries, which have been around in various forms for around 50 years. As the emphasis on renewable energy continues to grow, scientists are bullish on the potential of molten-salt batteries to store it, owing to their relative affordability and reliance on commonly available materials.

    This could, theoretically, see them built on the larger scales needed to store vast amounts of renewable energy. Typical versions of these rely on a sodium-sulfur chemistry and hold their electrodes at high temperatures to keep the electrolyte in a liquid molten state. Scientists in China and Australia have teamed up to develop their own version, which they say offers greatly improved performance at room temperature instead.

    “When the sun isn’t shining and the breeze isn’t blowing, we need high-quality storage solutions that don’t cost the Earth and are easily accessible on a local or regional level,” said lead researcher Dr Shenlong Zhao from the University of Sydney. “We hope that by providing a technology that reduces costs we can sooner reach a clean energy horizon."

    Zhao and his colleagues set out to address a couple of shortcomings with current sodium-sulfur batteries, relating to their short life cycles and limited capacities, which has hindered their practicality in commercial applications. The team’s design makes use of carbon-based electrodes and a thermal degradation process known as pyrolysis to alter the reactions between the sulfur and sodium.

    The result is a sodium-sulfur battery with a high capacity of 1,017 mAh g−1 at room temperature, which the team notes is around four times that of a lithium-ion battery. Importantly, the battery demonstrated good stability and retained around half of this capacity after 1,000 cycles, described in the team’s paper as “unprecedented.”

    “Our sodium battery has the potential to dramatically reduce costs while providing four times as much storage capacity,” said Dr Zhao. “This is a significant breakthrough for renewable energy development which, although reduces costs in the long term, has had several financial barriers to entry.”

    Having demonstrated the technology in coin cell batteries in laboratory testing, the researchers are now working on pouch cell versions as they eye a path to commercial use.

    “It probably goes without saying but the faster we can decarbonize – the better chances we have of capping warming,” said Zhao. “Storage solutions that are manufactured using plentiful resources like sodium – which can be processed from sea water – also have the potential to guarantee greater energy security more broadly and allow more countries to join the shift towards decarbonization.”

    The research was published in the journal Advanced Materials.

    Source: University of Sydney
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  7. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    US scientists expected to announce long-awaited nuclear fusion breakthrough


    BUT :) ---- >

    A UK fusion scientist told CNN that the result of the US breakthrough is promising, but also shows more work needs to happen to make fusion able to generate electricity on a commercial scale.

    “They have worked on the design and the makeup of the target and the shape of the energy pulse to get much better results,” Tony Roulstone, from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering, told CNN.

    “The opposing argument is that this result is miles away from actual energy gain required for the production of electricity. Therefore, we can say (it) is a success of the science but a long way from providing useful energy.”
  8. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Bat would say that anyone who spent the last THREE YEARS sitting in front of a keyboard alone in their house WEARING A MASK afraid of a virus with a 99% +/- survival rate is suffering from brain damage caused by Severe Oxygen Deprivation o_O The survival rate for LIFE is ZERO PERCENT. I'd rather die enjoying life. ;)
    Since Bat is Not a Idiot like @gorski, He knows Not to argue with one Like #Gorski so have fun kids Bat out of here :cool:
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And yet Bat is doing exactly that and losing the argument and still arguing cause he is plainly just dumb...

    CS, they already proved it in a small battery...
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  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >CS, they already proved it in a small battery...

    Congratulations . I didnt say that they didnt , or dispute it in any way . IF its true , from what i've read so far , its cool .
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    They re pushing each other - just a matter of when now...


    “We will bring the coin cell to market first. It recharges in less than a minute, and it has three times the energy than with lithium,” the Barcaldine product said.

    “It’s a lot less adverse effect on health, too. A kid can be killed by lithium if it’s ingested, but not with aluminum.”

    The coin battery will be the first Graphene Manufucturing Group aluminium-ion battery in production, ... [+]

    Another benefit would be cost. Lithium has risen from US$1460 a metric tonne in 2005 to US$13,000 a tonne this week, while aluminum’s price has edged up from US$1730 to US$2078 over the same period.

    Another advantage is that the GMG graphene aluminum-ion cells do not use copper, which costs around US$8470 a tonne.

    While it is open to manufacturing agreements, GMG’s preferred plan is to “run” with the technology as far as it can, with 10 gigaWatt to 50gW plants, first, even if Australia may not be the logical first choice for the manufacturing facility.

    It’s not the only Brisbane-based company pushing battery solutions onto the world, either.

    PPK Group has a joint venture with Deakin University to develop lithium-sulphur batteries and the Vecco Group has confirmed a deal with Shanghai Electric for a Brisbane manufacturing plant for vanadium batteries for commercial energy storage.
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  12. markokk888

    markokk888 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    everything is possible the problem is people they don't want to change or believe in anything most of them don't even cares..
  13. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    the electric grid is already straining to supply electricity to heat homes and run all the electric devices we use today ! the electric cars are great we just dont at this time have the power to charge them for every body and supply all the other things that are necessary
  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Indeed. And why is that?

    Because of the sociopaths who knew what they are doing to the environment for many decades now - but they buried their own reports stating precisely that long ago(!!!) and they LIED to us all, kept buying off some scientists to tell a little story to us all, that we can't live without fossil fuel and they kept polluting - ever more, getting ever filthier richer!!!

    Well, they are getting $1.9 trillion worldwide in subsidies! Now, imagine all that money given to both
    -fundamental R&D (towards a wholesome move towards renewable sources of energy), as well as
    -into practical transition to renewables (sun, sea, wind, water, geothermal etc.), which is already 9 times cheaper than any other source of energy...

    But OK, believe those who are destroying the Earth, whydontcha...
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  15. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    You have got to be he most Nastiest low down GRINCH of any on line troll I have ever witnessed in my life. You must be one very sad soul to post in the fashion that you do. I really do pity you as in the way that Bilbo had for pity Golum in LOTR!
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  16. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Cobalt that is necessary for all rechargeable batteries including EV's...
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Why should anyone believe anyone who is talking old bollocks and never reads and never listens to anyone but "old authorities"?!?

    Look up, sit up and get serious, for once....
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I actually thought hydrogen would 'perform' better...but....

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  19. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #1439 Dark Dinosaur, Jan 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023
    Interesting argument upload_2023-1-21_17-48-36.png
    do they can turn it off ? first ever to heard this claim

    Andrew Tate reveals the secret behind electric cars

    let me ask you question …
    - US government tells Elon musk to shut down your car ?
    - ransomware of tesla main servers, hackers gain access on your cars ?

    he have another nice video.
    it's actually make me laugh out loud

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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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