just a thought off the top off my head... Meaning in general can be factual or mythological (symbolic). Factual meaning of things or life is given by reason. It is superficial and straightforward. Factual meaning of things becomes boring as we take it for granted. In course of time factual meaning turns into meaninglessness . Science produces factual meaning. Mythological meaning is deeper. It is illusive to reason, hence it is so attractive, stirs up emotions. -religion and art produce mythological meaning.
Mythological meaning appears to be deeper because it is not that much determinable/determined, so it has more freedom. Science hasn't this freedom. But IMHO the degree of attractiveness is purely dependent on the degree of identification. Some are that much identified with it that they would die/kill for it. (Fanatic scientists or fanatic religious adherents). Emotion comes up because one is identified with an own meaning, it's purely ego related (personal object related meaning). It has nothing to do with 'Ananda', which is beyond duality. A meaning beyond of the object relation itself is undeterminable. Factual or symbolic means determination already, regardless of reason.
Just being human as we were meant to be.Pass the test & succeed.Finally Immortal life with the ultimate truth.Life is all about Worshipping in it broader sense.!
Life is beautiful because you have something beautiful in it. But if I took it from you? @Aninvitedsoul??? Everything what you love, what you desire? And I gave you everything opposite! Do you think then that life is beautiful???
i am lost my mom for breast cancer in my house 13 november 03:00 night italy time 1 day after my birth day 11 november 21:59 my mom he was well after 1 min 22:00 my start to accuse strong symptoms of tumor nodules and slowly slowly my mom life is going to 0
In some aspects life could be beautiful.Look at all the miseries of the world.As a believer life is a troublesome.How much good do we do,is what counts.It's just journey of tests and some pleasures.That's why,I believe, life is not beautiful at all.
Life is as it is. To know deeply that things are not 'predetermined', that one has a choice.... that is happiness beyond duality. People who look for happiness /luck there were duality rules will not find any peace. And one cannot fight duality with duality...in other words I cannot persuade myself / fool myself that a bad thing is actually good I just have to think 'positive' about.....it is 'too late' already.... The glass is half full / half empty phrase is cr*p. The water line is as it is. There is cognition before another instance/consciousness is categorizing it as good or bad. To remain 'there' brings/unveils happiness. This is meant with to awake....to wake up from pre-conditioned ego patterns that run automatically any time when unawareness predominates.
Life is the Best and The Greatest Blessing. Every born spices on planet has meaning of life. You have to find it
I say the meaning of life is to live and be loved. We are a communal species, born to find understanding within each other and higher purposes. I don't think our existence is merely a coincidence of dust and stars, but I do believe that everyone has the right to believe (or not believe) what they want. Through that, I faithfully respect everyone in this regard.