Agree! You mean to say that we're free to choose what we want and responsible for the outcome. But many if not all people are gone astray though they are raised in good condition, i.e, a police man's son became a thief in his later life and a thief's son became police man. We understand movies because they have similarities with out life, but never the less, much more of it is fiction and we very well recognize the fact. When I watch a movie, I want to be cheated. So long as its done well, I have no problem. What makes us human Is the world evil for the good people then? Is there anything that you wish to do is not selfish?
Life for me its about learning to love and understand the harshness and cruelty of the world we live in yet also to see the beauty of life and wonderful individuality of every person you meet along with the way The never ending pursuit of knowledge and understanding we all sail in the same boat living on borrowed time as every minute passes taking us closer to end of this mortal journey I will never tire of the diversity we hold as individuals and as I grow older my thirst for life and understanding grow stronger and stronger I love this life and every part of its constant journey I treasure people and places I have met and seen and hope before my journey ends I touch the hearts of as many people as have touched this heart of mine just my 2 cent
@sid_16: What my life means to me is my business. I wouldn't share it with you, simply because my answer will only be criticized, as is already being demonstrated by you.
A long as you assign a meaning to it, it will have one. But actually it has no meaning, which it could have.....except to be. You are life and life is Now. Whatever is Now is its meaning. . ..especially to be merry...
Ok, got it sir. Right sir, Life doesn't necessarily have any meaning at all. Sometimes it is possible to construct subjective meaning and with somewhat greater difficulty, intersubjective meaning. Nothing new to add.?
Why does everything have to have a meaning? Most likely like a majority of babies born today, we all were unplanned: At least that is what I believe.
That is a question of what a word means, I prefer to say, it expresses a proposition that implies that there is precisely one (because of the use of the definite article) 'meaning' A simple look at a common dictionary will reveal so. Please have a look to the word meaning here . [Edit]Any term/word refer to concepts which in turn refer to "things". If we were to do nothing more than add concepts to our 'meaning' of words, we would still live in a rather empty world of words and concepts. In such a paradigm, there really would be no way, and in fact, no need, for you and I to associate the same concepts to the same words. But, then, we are, after all, talking about the real world, aren't we? In other words, the intention of our words is ultimately to describe the real world. So, ultimately, words are somehow related to real world stuff. Is not it?