This is actually the very same approach Buddha you just need to go on... If it's uncomfortable feeling maybe you want to get to know what Buddha really figured by it and how he got enlightened. (Hint: Change plays a major role but as a cause....e.g. Sutras say: "Impermanence therefore suffering") Freud ever had problems with women and reduced any human problem to sex-related and sex-reasoned causes..... If God is drug then anything that's no drug wouldn't be God. Adherents of religions tend to idolatry.... If it's legal it is no (good)
Not quite... your missing out on those "legal" drugs called opiates, like Vicodin, Oxycontin, Oxycodone and a multitude of others the big pharm companies attempted to push to be o.k.'d by the FDA as if they were like aspirin Many Americans became addicted to these opiates that were pushed out to them and then the Govt stepped in and cut everybody off "cold turkey" Those addicts then turned to street drugs like heroin that was laced with Fentenal (rumored to be from China) .... A multitude of U.S. citizens started overdosing on heroin because of govt mandates, taking the judgements away from doctors to wean people off of big pharma opiates. It's a pathetic display of government intervention, Caused from a problem that was o.k.'d by the FDA (govt intervention again) way back in the 1980's
My favorite drugs are sugar, fat, caffeine and cholesterol. Gawd I miss trans-fat. It made everything taste good.
What....... No chocolate in that list? Sounds more like breakfast to me. Bacon=fat, cholesterol=eggs, sugar & caffeine=coffee
does one matter? anyone? can one outdo life? the game. or is it? are u? why all? ur a fool if u do. how many out and will when there is too much to deal with. the ones who suffer without knowing they us all. we do know health? do we, do u? tell me please, what that is...? it comes and it goes, correct. why? lol...another one of 20 querries. never answered, finalised. why...? oh no...not another one. do u know why we do not know... cos, the bastahs won't tell us... who ar e they? thawts perhaps. not men. they're only idiots. ass u me ing they do. same as alll of all here. son of man...daughter of man...also. yes? why not these too. they brought all of this upon us all, no? read ur book, of all books. says it there, in the air...the words create. unknowings...possibly. a guide[a very rough one man. it was and is ruff, ain it? yeah, it fekin is...cos there's no answer really. or is there. they say there is. who is they...ahh, thawts again. what are they? have a look at them. see wtf these are. if u know ur enemy. ur better than if nay...yay[?] ! ] answers within...look and ye shall find, no? or rubbish? what do you wan'? is de bibble gr8est con of all time? with a EULA to match... is it all a lie? or what is it? a collection of solves for all ills but, the sicks have to know. a 'medical' book for sick [mentals et emotionals]. why do it to anyone in first place? sickos who did it. ahh, the reason why deep thought, created the world and the bee-ings within, the lili-putians, the ones who can make anything. do u want an easy time of it or a grind of a mind time[with the emotions as guide lines...or u want to hang up boots and fuk the whole thing[it may continue somewhere else, with all of us, jumping around like idiots once more, etc...etc...seeing as there was so much success this time? be wise with all of us. then ur covered too. ur sorry ass. cos it cud be u, doing 16 + Xs w/o so much as any assistances at all. just...''we want''. we don't care about how much it costs u. we are not paying to help us, help us. ur a good guy...u'll do it fre of charge won't ya. ur a good guy ain't cha? how many others going to be in the show[this time and are paid off to stay quiiet who may be waiting[along with ur son or daughter] in the wings[with daddy/mum saying go ahead girl, u show em what u] to do their crosses[can not get around it, when ya never even saw it comin'] fix some other silly idiot...[the island['']? lol...] so it doesn't havff to do the fekin thing at all...we all matter. do u...then we all do. one ewe, is same as all others. plain. simple. keep it clean for sure. complex means it can not be solved, unless ur there to breing it to it's close. ever hurt too much? how u know u won't next show[? ...u shure u wnat to do this again...even if okay this time...? really okay? HOW DO U KNOW...fur shure? make it known...make it so. farppoint...stng. a sign. a warning. word. whatever it make sure. u wont want to be de XT. you do not. no matter what... not. never mind, the salves. sadisitc. masochistic...fuk off, says most. yeah, what if not strong enuff, to say no. broken. totally. mind that fuking mind of urs. it will tell u anything. noweledge...a gimmick after all's said an done. looks like ''show's over'' ''is that it?'' what a rip off. word...the word[''] is valueless, worthless...of the wholly[quest]. nothing in end. not even that? what do u say? what is ur 'word'. what a stupid creation...created by word...the 'word'. aye, is. so, wh-eye not create something else ...other than stupid, grubbing, compromised s**te? that makes simple sense?# dumb question... so, what sayst with ur word.,..something good that keeps getting better. bibble was born in 1957 nor 58...ruffly. there was not the word prior. core of bibble was dead sea scrolls according to dated word. that too is a lie. popey dopey is only one who speaks word of word of god. lost in translation from popey to de udder dopeys. ex cathedra[is that a needle? oh no, that is catheda. oh no, wiat that is cathedra...oh no. deary confused, already!? and i am just starting...woe is me!..., bad lee] what creation wud do all here, good[ and gets better? is that possible-anything is possible--YOUR WORDS, not rubbish's, s**t] for each one in and unto themselves... for as long as was and long as wanted, needed or what that person wants for and in themselves! word up! what 'word' [ & moreso...Where is it, where? ] as in same ''something'' as seen using yes...w/o the nay, w/o the ... no? yes will get that which u want and all the domino falls of the benefits... no, the same...just the neg value, worthiness' of the yes or no potential. dominoes... fall. first is a yes...first is a no. u stop both as suits and or pleases. ur word[ahh] stops the ongoings.
what ever ya do...[sense wise and wise in here[ur eyes only et u look[ing]] DO NOT GO NEAR THE ONES WHO INFECTED US ALL. UNTRUSTWORTHY....TO SAY THE LEAST...yes? look what happened to anyone and all becos of a compromised bunch of idiots...more of the same by the same idiots. it can and wud lead to more of the same so, be careful with idiocy and the stupidity they render from U...ur person. careful, please. those who can not jump becos they are too badly damaged. these are truly the sacreds. the death ridden idiotos. the best of the best bee-ings. u want to test them again? how do u do u KNOW. ya can not trust anyone. ya knows then if anythign or anyone is trust worthy, at all. be smart. or die! they forced us all into that box by [buy] telling all they have to. do u see is easy to see, it it? the mind is the least. never mind ur emotions. the complimentary ones, standardised idiocy...folllowing on with and from, what is and what was known. ya do not know, do you? can u know w/o knowing? tink...outside de box. ahh, de box. box of life. ur already there. inside de box is de mind...and all in that etc. do u see. is it safe to sleep...stay awake and it gets easier. make it easy and it is then start with. easy. easy...easy. sickness is difficult, so these say. ur word is u. as ya feel and as ya do. reins on the hands...or YOUR HANDS ON THE REINS [ REIGNS ]. SEE THEM AS YA DO. EASE ON THE HANDS...URS. there ya go...easy. easy. lief. going along merrily and happily as ya go. easily but, not stupidly. nope...sorry churchy wirchy bad ass bastahs...fek off. and that is politely, ya hear. if these idiots persist trying to sell ya something in the name of charity...just lafff at the laddiohs. they deserve worser...aye... I, eye... they do. do these have they? really., ahhh, s& m born consciences. lol do you? ultimate visuals for an S & Mer. do u or does anyone here, need to suffer more than they need or want to, in order to not ever suffer again? can u answer that one? if nay...what do u or wud u see as a way to prevent such ever happening? can one do that? if u haven't suffered too much? heuristics...? lol...shud we seek assistance from an AV company? using their mental constructs dealing with unknowns? what if u cud write 'code'[moive-source code, as an example] for a bio-mechanical sentient pc? does this querry sound remotely familiar or logical, relating to hooman bees? ie. human beings.shapes irrelevant, but parts, the pc and heat dissipation...memory, storage, cpu-mind and it's tinking parts, etc. do the visualising-u'll see] is this too close to de boneo]. 1's...0's...binary. but instead with the dominoe sets of falls as the ongoings, consequences mostly within the unknowns of certainty... ya'ld see it maybe. do u? within all limitations[fool-proofings, 'making sure ofs'--'fail safe housings' et.] ---nothing to do with priests and their nonsenses... [with in the hitch-hickers guide to galaxy-makers of worlds and the ongoings] fantastic stuff. our worlds our lives only[even theirs, the idiots! ythey too are men. let's hope not the vorgons, ffs! ]...there is all...the fullnesses of life. with all of us being the victims...incl the companys that make the worlds. do they want to make money and sell out there own too? or want to fix all. we want a fix all. tell the mind what u want...and the mind will do it. the mind is ours. we create it all the time. we are, the pc of all things here. dos[data os...operating system] was the start. simple dos. now look at it. same starting point...same mistakes...all of us suffered it and went from there. birthing room...with assaults galore, using a clean undamaged canvas['']. stimuli being the damage. stop haiving babies. murder charges otherwise. time line 1. no baby. time line 2. baby. baby can only die cos it is forced into life. ur lives. all of us. did u hurt when u got here? u were forced to be here. ur contract [ruules within contract law-two conditions to negate all contracts- if either of these are used to enforce the ore-iginal contract 1 & 2... 1] force or coercion and [or] 2] threat [ be careful here, of and with gr8est contract ever[fine print, watch it...[just in case] ] to payments et al is already null and void. look out for each other. else, there's no one to look after u. you matter. do u matter, to YOU? to any other you... we all matter to each we? we are all YOUs you are same as you within me. at core. a tree, is a tree even tho' they are all so different. ur words, not mine at their core., i use them[eye use uses them] to reach u, the way we word['']. my word is me. is urs u? or all of us YOU S. WE ARE ALL OF US, u's ___________________________________________________________________ what makes us all do anything regardless...? what does it? de mind is behind it all. we're all here, and no where else to go. too much for the free...yes? we are free. so, what is keeping us here, within the cage of freedom... are u? what is beyond free...? ahh, a word. hmm, mind is it? OA [] steps it standing in the way... if u don't ask or demand...tell it what u want...then ? what tels u. a mental quizz...? life is a mental quizical for idiots. a testicle they do not live it. they think they do...ha haah. ya fools says the idiot. ahh, we're the same, yes 51% of u wants to know or have it, within u... it is a majority. in de real world...step by step. it is and or can be, in real. can it or is majoity a loadah wubbidge. says who...? u. do all others say same...or just 1. if enuff drops of one drop put together, were...that which they become, is it just one drop of all drops... a tsunami, just the same [mentally and unto itself ] the same as [all the drops within] the entire tsunami within one drop, actually the same as the entirity and the all within that, tsunami. how do u mentally engage the creativity of such a thing, in the something...if u mess, then mess comes. if ur true...then, ____________ when ya has enuff, one, or you, stops looking... if doing so and it is fun and easy, wud u ever stop looking and thence, finding. making mentals and visuals...then emotionals...mento-emotos. stimuli towards what ends? grown ups... oh fgs, grown childers looking for godhood. xxxxx....something else perhaps. god[the word, became common in 13th century, proto-germanic. all of ''that'' thing, now encompassed in one easy word, lol but look at the poison that went with it. e.g. god = top of top...hierarchal system built by way of human stupidity. ie, non-equal[a serious hint, sort of] only thing or action that beings[hooman] have done since arriving here, 150K or 200K years ago[via scientific info], is destruction. that is all. and we are the superior mechanisms here, are we, meaning, animals are dumb. lol, badly. we're destroyers with the god, doing the ordering/s, meaning, it tell us all, for those stupid enuff to justify such a stupid set of thougts[de god], murderers also if u want to be homest...the mind sounds like an awful lot more sensibel as a source of trouble as a managable tool, rather than a thawt set called god...when it is given by idiot parents et al [through ignorances of truth] the ability[within fullness of cognisant and higher levels of reasonings] to do as we say it CAN AND THEN DOES...cos we told or SAID by way of word[not necessarily ours] to enable itself. be careful with word. look what it does with the ongoings. if u fuk anyone, u'll get fuked... yes?] to do ''what it wants to do'' becos u[or groups of you] say it does. a destroyer is all it a spade a spade, not a shovel. even shovels can do harm, if used by the idiot word... esp as or if planted into anyone's head. can a window do u any harm? can a thought do u any harm[yes, if self inflicted knife is used by a thawt. the knife on it's own won't but when thawt is used with intent[will] that knife will do skin et al harm[plus alot of other extraneous' also]. can a thawt hurt u. not necessarily on outside...but internally... oh fuk yes it can. u may well want to die becos of one of these... 16 valued taxi men, went by wayside here in duvlin, a few years ago...cos their abilities previously fed by greed[perhaps] to ''pay back'', was no longer viable. they died by their[lol] own hands[indirectly. does it make it acceptable to say indirectly...? nope. what if it was u or someone who u knew? cut to chase...but, do not use something sharp...for ur sakes, please hitch-hickers guide book...2 ''who knows'' where[?]. and how to get, there[?]. [a collection of guided instructs[real ones] and or manuals... or '''real world APPLICATIONS'', mechanisms [a movie named ''jumpers''...well, de first part is in place. wud u have thought of such a thing as a CD or standard[!] or similar. what is really available that we do not know['' !!!] about or of...] lets ask who. cos who knows, right? wud that one be easy...esp if we know where the feker is or even some of it's buddies... then see if it's okay...for each one of us...] depending on when we can leave . a bit of ole fun aye...via words. hm, how did they come about? what way are they designed to make sense...enuff to be something here, other than not here.. thus not even being able to be red... meaning, not here! not of invents did the words appear to be here but, thro' processings [like peas, but these, are in order. they make sense...and are real... and true. fun too...for intro. can you add, to make somethng else, rather than sad... [''the dream is over'' john lennon's take on it's own mechanism's not fully enuff enabled super pieces of 'work' and suffered experiences. keep j. l. et al safe, within ur person and bring the wonder along with u... him. he started it for all here, in a ruff way. we[the advanced wonders, wud and cud and more so, shud...can and will as can] make it, easy for the future... as we make it, all of our own unique way's. dunno..not able to make it the way needed perhaps. enuff and too much damage done... notably...importantly, the dream is just starting. go gently into sleep, being awake all the time and seeingly-enjoy every part of any of it. the, a living dream. all here... fantastique!], 'very' insightful. ty. I [eye] in-deed... wud any of this...float any boat? prolly wud. wud an X be starting, s**ting another one of the 're-lig-ions'? eff no. okay now, am in reprieve, to all having red or tried to follow this stuff. i take it seriously. ppl are... [many] tys for stickin' [''] [wit it. for letting me pan it out as far as has been done by site folk here. result: this schema, does not do well. not good enuff really. not theory. this stuff is lived. not philosophy except this is being lived. locked into hypothetically at this analytical via yor ears/.eyes for now, was able to look down the 'road' with the alias, ''variables unknown'', viewings to 'mistakes' too many. they were present allready...thus, might or wud be[ happening more than once again ]. experiment in[and of] using 'words'...the onsets and then, potential. as composer of [own] fix/es, cure/s, innoculation/s... fort 'verbally damaging viri [self-replicating types using varied and different, anomolous [verba]l methods[ologies] ie. 'self-replication[ & what nots] by way of ? 'words' [i can not stress IT, enuff] i can and will do... quit fr now. head[ing] for and to self-cure. damage done = similar to movie... visuall hints and worded by way of, with potential provided possibly by insider informings!] '''''mad geniius''''' [movie] ___________________ 'posession': as in 'the exorcist' cure also [similar]is word usage but, in new variable, reverse order 123 > = < 321. _____________ 'exorcisms' [worked out mentally using logic] are or wud or cud be done with one of their famous tools[sets], the 'xxxx'... used or deployed with touches of and measured vocal ''finesse'' to reach parts of a person[same as hieniken does. ''to reach parts that other beers can not reach'' and it does!!!! just like the words do, yeah? psyche profilings at their best[over long periods of time maybe...a constant customer base, and older and then yunger one, when 'older standards' are in place, then loved!!!! and wudn't be replaced with the ''newer ones''...advertising! across the boards] we cud, might...say[using mental words[lol] not truly or well enuff known by experiences outside thus, conjecture. does any of above make sense? like any misery can and does considering mysteries always end up as miseries since the beginnings mostly because there is not final solutions. we don't know...even after all and sundery have been explained. we still do not know. [mysteries without the cuppa T [ea]. in other words, not comfy] what is it that makes knowns, known? thought sets that are constructively built to make sense as the result, that is what does it. even as or if, a result it is still something that may not or is not there yet, until it is. if agreed upon, that then, is it... the way[oh no, not 'the way' again]. as mojo risin' said. 'we do not need another path or way...simply an answer wud do nicely' . a set of '' xxxx '' [words]. [refer to above...posession and it's cure, always. start and end, always. it is rule. urs] this wordy...[birdy]...what of ''freed-on''? freed-on [and on-wards] freed [om ] [condone] 'on'-e freed-on [as going al-on-g..] [freedong] FREE we are anyway...always was. we tied us up? ...why wud we do that. we didn't know...what we do? sure we do not know, do we? no we do not. why not? paranoid are we? __________________________________________________________________________________________ [[ i don't schmoke no more. nor do i trip [that said, as when done only in past, entire world [ + ] was back gardren. some might know well of this place here on site.] if one did do a sorjourn...wud...happen....what?. a-gambling wud be stupid. a little.? fur sure]]. rested case. [[ty men... ''nothing is as good as stating a case to someone else''. Sherlock Holmes' genius via it's tool, arthur conan doyle.]] ]] P.S. all [the] 'aboves' are not 'boasted' or 'boastings' or any such as might be seen as or seen to be. words badly put or soundings of that are provided in-sufficiently/efficiently... apologies for them. but, via damages caused by horrific [safe[?] in the end] birth.
If the Merovingian--the French guy on The Matrix--was, instead of being a rich gangster...just a wino on the corner, completely stoned....he'd sound like Chris888.
hey man...thnx. notoriety at last...whooo-hoo[?] hmm, am i a fool. no foll[y] like an old one. is 'safe-from-failing or fool-proofing as in no mistakes[so no fall offs] allowed as a [decent] gangster? a very wealthy gangster. am i? a ganster? what is money? root of...or another lie[and they are liars are they? but, they are servants to the one[the ole neo, is it?[lol]... 'the way, the truth, the light' when theirs is the riches of all the 'what's it nowz', the kingdumb] Lol...? is a dead man, dead...or can u kill 'im? agin! so said de Bush-ey park. what an idiot irregardless...or was it a mis-under-estimation...[['''which one...i is confused. oh fm pink.. or was it the brown one...can't remember which one i is supposed to 'head' for...funny for one or all or even a few. who's to''']] there are many doors within the place...which 1 u at? now...where u gonna be in 20 seconds. or less? lo...l do u remember? blake supposedly said, a fool's folly is a wise man's search. imptromptu, in place[lol]. oh i know well enuff...but, which has advantage/s with stupid. stupid or one who feels?. dumbo [or was it jumbo] ends up saving buddha's sorry ole [and probably] small ass[sitn on de ground way too much, it got wore out...was wasted away] with similar words as these: '''listen 'man' [or one of yours, from the root of] ya gots to 'go back to' mentally[visually] beginnings...before ya started and caught by this: This '''terrible trip' to the adverse irreversible and ''non-returnable ever to normal'' horror''...looping confusion. look... LOOK...from where ya are right now, mentally. go to the beginning of it all. the start of the trip to '' the confusion ''...before or where u came in to the start of this puzzle...way before u ended up knowing u were in trouble and knowing u cudn't stop it,. way past will ability such that, ya weren't aware of even being confused. [[[ever do the monster named...''question the existance of ur existence'' NOT do this kids...f*king dangerous beyond. there was little failsafe, even then..nearly too late did the 're-shapen,' do things correctly before confusion became so bad, near end came in twisted beyond reformation...]]] from there, where u can see the entry point, so u can see the 'tickle' that brought u or led u into the [ongoings of] confusion, skirt 'round all of it, the entirity of 'confusion' u can now see, like a swollen here... to 'the now', where u are. to 'clarity of seeing' u, safe right here. [how many of any here or any of all knew this blankety one time or another[or more]...? warriors of future. make sure for these. not the sofa safers. wasters who might what now...? ya tink? waste some more or skip and jump for anything seen, triggered to illnesses...etc] 'You, are free of it. You, are OUTSIDE of it and thus... right here. safe. u're out and free of it. it is seen. it is KNOWN'. __________ ...goto end a 1 [single malt] or 2 ['two'] malts. echo [chris...888] '[o ` o]'
leave the above. one question. wud the church tell ppl the truth? do ppl want ''the truth''? cud or wud or shud they? if yes to the last one...wud folk be able to handle it? as cruise[rs] nearly fell down as informed of it by nickle...? was the name only worth 5 cents or more...was it a 'nikle-bag'? was it a real[''] truth...rendered to and given over by the nick himself? were u able to deal with it. t c seemingly wasn't or so, it looked like. was cruise, able? wud u be able for it? the truth. am not saying i am knowing of it. a few ideas that make sense, probable sense. sensible real-ity. based in the 'real'. what is reality. does anyone know of it, what it really, really is? not human interpretations of reality and the root of that... but, in, similar to...''real is steel, steel is real''. REAL. REALITY. only one thing is real. one thing that we are, we live with in and on, thanks to earth...thus it is and can only be. the real is real. the physical-ly real. not the reality rather, the real. 'quia est ibi'. if nay, what else is there, that real[ly] is? mental and emotional flavourings and layerings, etc. renders us all [virtually, lol ] useless. what use is a tool, when it is partially or somewhat working or functioning...? was it broken or damaged? cut when it should have been gently smoothed, eased into ability...not smothered or drowned by overdoses of stimuli so much so, that the tool in/ of itself forgot, it's gift. ienstien said['']...i am too old to know everything. inverse of those words...? what do u know, before u come here or are born? what u did a re-incarnation[how many here now, even of the passed, have or have had, experiences of 'deja-vu' [these are considered somewhat generally to be indications of rebirth[multiples of[?] one can not know, for certain. the mind, assisting in some or in different ways, perhaps.]. as 'yes' maintains the populace standards, what value[''] does this have to all? we are gifted by such folk. do we matter? any one, anybody... do you. you do. how do i stop paying? how wud u? you are energy. u know that yes? u are. die...and u find that out. when u is a mini-death. tink of it and what way u feel['']. if u see when or as someone dies or is leaving, DO... feel it again. emotions be a terrible thing...sometimes. esp when miss-managed. tap the tum. see what happens when emotos go sideways too much or even a little. do, do it. again and agian til the obvious happens. see it enuff times and use a mental link, a trigger, to turn the overall generalised effects[mental inmterpretations of these chemically induced stimulantive effects ocurr] OFF. take a neggie feeling/s...twist it round...or trick it to a '' posi '' ! a good one. using the mind enhancing tools created already. knowledge of good[or better than 'not good' or 'not well'...[any] 'neggie'].