Any and anyone claims. Also in these cases. I already know this and I agree, fully. I want to make clear that my previous post is meant to agree with @Yen 's comment.
"Messiah" addresses that, also related to different people / people's belief. That's why it's an exciting series. It also addresses you -the viewer- it makes you think about: Would you be able to recognize 'a Messiah' at all.
I doubt everything. It's essential for a modern Human being! ESPECIALLY when it comes to "religious matters"! Agnosticism avoids the "fight to the death" between theists and atheists, which by definition is futile. We turn to this world, what we actually do and what we can do in it, in a responsible manner, trying to develop and deploy our potential for temporal intelligence as well, i.e. a rational relationship with our body, other Humans and Mother Nature. Speak for yourself, please. I question everything, look for information, educate myself, keep changing my "habits" along the way, my experiences are always informed by best progressive principles Humanity has evolved thus far, my gut feeling has also been continually tested and informed by my wider and deeper understanding of issues, i.e. where the Hell did dialectics vanish in all this, Yen? My sole "belief" in this context is in our potential to come up with creative solutions to our problems... Well put: "AFAYK", ergo doubt is implied and healthy...
I do not question / doubt what you say and do in your life. I only wonder what exactly is effect of a real evidence based idea / decision and how often does it really play a role in one's life. 'Evidence' frequently is cried out by lots of people in order to fight what they dislike. They are not able to recognize 'evidence' some even do not know what it really is. For them it's actually just a means to defend a personal opinion. "There is no scientific evidence!" as argument to disprove. In other words 'evidence' is commonly opinion. The individual itself decides what's (personally) evident and what not. P.S.: (Just a personal remark...actually for myself lol) Besides of that the German meaning of "Evidenz" is quite different. That what's evident needs no proof at all. For instance." A true statement cannot be false" This sentence is evident.
their is no meaning to life we have no clue why were even here....just be happy and enjoy what u have is a very short ride then is over....the rest is all BS created by our minds.
EDITED by ancestor(v) Yen, that is conservative "understanding" and misuse of the notion of "evidence", as in "used for bashing other people's "evidence" or "experience" or well grounded "suspicions", to avert the need to change anything"... A power game, if you will, until it's too late - just because they did not want to err on the side of caution, something many a politician and scientist are not ready to do, usually for the sake of profit... On the other hand, I am no fan of scientism, either - we do not need a replacement for religion... A critical attitude to everything is a must!
No, it isn't. It is an appropriate critique of a nasty post by him. The one you did not critique. Interestingly... Moreover, you are abusive! The word you used is intensely ABUSIVE!!! WITHDRAW IT NOW!!!!
IMHO this is very finally is about to recognize what 'really (in reality) goes wrong' also related to pollution etc etc... I think it is human to 'misuse' evidence to get own benefit! That's why I posted "it's remarkable that people claim for evidence when it comes to religious matters".... 'they' claim for it because they dislike at first place. (This applies also to people who 'dislike' the existence of environmental changes / damage). A denial. Besides of that humans are 'Bayesians'. (ref: Thomas Bayes). We tend to confirm our prejudices / pre-opinion. We insist on it. We are (unaware) looking for information which can / does confirm our (pre-)opinion whilst we ignore / are blind for information which can / does disprove / question it. A real evidence based change of opinion / change of mind does actually never happen.... A change happens by individual perception which is coloured by what we 'already personally know about' and that is not scientific at all.
and thus we are all living happily ever after in googles`bubble.. but it is hardly an excuse for google to exist at all. . or for us to let ourselves be fooled by it..