What is the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. amajmon

    amajmon MDL Senior Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    What is the meaning of life? It's easy, to die. You are born to prolong the species. You pass your life on to your descendants and then you die. There is no purpose or meaning, just a moment of life, before disappearing. You are dust and to dust you will return. The dead know nothing. Neither if you were alive, nor if you were dead, neither rich, nor poor, beautiful or ugly. Only void. People cannot come to terms with the fact that their life is empty and futile. Everything they create will disappear at the end of time and nothing will remain.
    But the GOD what about God?? What is God worth when that God does not need YOU. You have no signs that God cares about you. The fact that priests lie and deceive people does not change the fact that God does not need you. All those fairy tales and stories about this or that eternal life are an illusion. You are dust and to dust you will return. That is the only reality. Enjoy life while it lasts because tomorrow will be too late....:);):oops:
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  2. 55Percent

    55Percent MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2023
    It is commendable, amajmon, that you are so forthright in expressing your views on this matter, but I suspect that in the entirety of the vastness of the Universe there are other life forms and very possibly a very high life form that has the ability to traverse the Universe and has actually had some impact upon life here on this planet, although that is cloaked in a kind of mysticism by certain entities here on Earth, because they themselves have not quite figured out what is going on.

    The bottom line of all that in the above paragraph is I would be so very surprised if humans are the only life form in this Universe. I am not even sure there is only one Universe.

    As for that thought that "nothing will remain" - - - there are already pieces of equipment out there in the Universe that humans have sent away from this planet, and those pieces may very well be found by other life forms and cause a non-higher form of life to try and contact humans. If that is the case, then something will remain. And I am not referring to pieces of equipment in orbits around planetary bodies within our Solar System. I am aware of at least one piece of equipment that has left our Solar System. I am possibly forgetting a second or third, as I am not consulting notes or references as I write this, so that is why I used that plural form.

    And I might add here that our fellow community member did not grasp a key point of my first post here; what if the Universe and all within it is life itself? Thus the two questions I asked in that first post.
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  3. 55Percent

    55Percent MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2023
    #703 55Percent, Mar 20, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
    And now that I have a clearer understanding of that first response to my first post in this thread, and as we have moved on from that oddity, I think I will offer one reason for some of my thoughts in my first post.

    I wonder how many of you are familiar with Erwin Schrödinger's writings?

    May I be allowed to explain by using something from MIT?


    And I'll start by quoting the first paragraph written by that team:

    And for the credits:

    MIT Technology Review


    Cracking the Brain’s Codes

    How does the brain speak to itself?

    By Christof Koch and Gary Marcus on June 17, 2014

    I believe that Erwin Schrödinger was questioning the definition of life itself before questioning the meaning of life.

    And I concur. We have to define life itself before we explore the meaning of life.

    But please note my use of "believe" in "I believe that" which I hope opens the door to rational questioning of my contention. I hope it will be noted that I use the vocabulary "rational" in the obvious hope that there will be no more outbursts of an irrational nature such as is evident in one of the posts that followed my first one here.

    Discussions such as we have here can strengthen an Online Community, but can be derailed by oddities that seem to stem from outside parameters of thought that do not relate to the topic. I can state that now because of evidence posted elsewhere in this community since my first post in this thread.

    Plus I have now connected this discussion into the primary purpose of this Online Community --- our digital lives. Already we are seeing how our digital lives are becoming intertwined with our physical lives in such areas as using AI to help circumvent broken nerve systems to help some humans that have limb control troubles that could fall under a medical definition of paralysis.
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  4. Bruce NOTSpringsteen

    May 8, 2023
    Life is the rarest thing in the known Universe. The purpose of life is to continue living, individually and collectively.
  5. dypsis

    dypsis MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2008
    ALL life on this planet is temporary.
  6. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dont forget diarrhea;)
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

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  8. chillgates

    chillgates MDL Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    The knowledge of self discovered in India. :D Watching that video.
  9. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    wake up in the morning, and think about what good things
    you can do on this nice day ...
    not always work, but sometimes it works... :p
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  10. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    In the worst case the bored entity who coded the big SIM CITY clone we are living in, will be less bored :D
  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Hmmmmmm :) .......... god created the universe because he was bored ? = The universe is god masterbating ?

    I wonder when hes going to have his orgasm and what that will be like ?
  12. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #712 case-sensitive, Jul 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    @ Awakening mind

    Mitschnacker ?

    Its 1 hour long ......... and only the first episode ?

    and ........... jfc !!!! ............. ---- > https://www.teachersofgod.org/ .......... that page reads like just another esoteric fraud ......... with standard primative advertising tricks ........ ' self proclaimed teachers ........ with their ' truth ' ........ wich must be true because teachers are good and right and teach true things ........... and truth as a self substantiating proof of truth .......... and useing guilt and unhapyness to sell things ---- >

    >Have you been a spiritual student for years but the lasting peace and happiness you long for still eludes you?

    >Are you ready to move from thinking and talking about spiritual ideas to living the non-dual understanding that A Course in Miracles points to?

    >The Awakening Mind Film Series will be released for free for the benefit of humanity and the awakening of human consciousness

    Bollocks . Its pure ego . People that ' think ' that they know things . People that have to know things ;) ...... and have to tell other people !?!? ......... and ' save ' people !?!?

    I watched the first 8 minutes ......... and i'm absolutely bored ............. 8 minutes of eso primeing for victims . 8 minutes that said absolutely nothing except how good those egoists like themselves . I dont want to buy a second hand car or washing machine ......... and i dont care if the beatles are better than the stones .

    Wheres the meat ? The message ? and why dont they just say it ? In a few easy sentances ?

    Reminds me of budism , and misionarys = The absolute peak of ego wanking . Ego worshiping .

    Turn your mind OFF . Stop thinking and talking . Stop trying to know things .......... and just experience things . Live life .

    MMN ......... a nice , quiet day in nature .......... and a big dose of psylocybin ........... drop ego and see that we are ( just ) a part of a whole . Not the middle point . Cry because we realise that everything is beautiful ....... and just as important as every other part of ' it ' ....................and not try to ' understand ' it = Take it prisoner , own and control it .

    EDIT : After 15 minutes i was so disgusted that i turned it off . I have a baseball bat and a can of pepper spray next to my front door for people like that .
  13. chillgates

    chillgates MDL Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Pity your standards. Even to understand what they are saying and feel it, you must be born at some spiritual level. The point is that you have no patience nor capacity to understand the essence of what they told. For egoistic people like you , nothing looks good. I think they told about people like you in mind.
  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #714 case-sensitive, Jul 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    @ Wounded ego

    NO . Other way around . You are ignorant , frightened , pity yourself , are gulable and are looking for easy solutions .

    I took the post from yen apart and explained some things . All you did was to slag me off .

    The post fron ...... yen ....... is pure religeous missionary . Wich . if you had bothered to do any research , you would have seen ......... and that they say that themselves ---- >

    >Our Mission:

    >Our mission is to inspire, encourage and support individuals to realize the Self, their true being as Awareness, pure Presence, in this lifetime and to integrate and live this understanding in their daily lives.

    >We provide a bridge from the progressive approach of A Course in Miracles and the nondual direct approach as taught by Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.


    Advaita Vedanta


    Kashmir Shaivism


    A Course in Miracles

    >The book has been called everything from "New Age psychobabble" to "a Satanic seduction" to "The New Age Bible".

    >Finding some elements of ACIM to be "severe and potentially dangerous distortions of Christian theology", he wrote that it is "a good example of a false revelation" and that it has "become a spiritual menace to many".

    >The evangelical editor Elliot Miller says that Christian terminology employed in ACIM is "thoroughly redefined" to resemble New Age teachings. Other Christian critics say that ACIM is "intensely anti-biblical" and incompatible with Christianity, blurring the distinction between creator and created and forcefully supporting the occult and New Age worldview.



  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #715 Yen, Jul 24, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
    “Awareness doesn’t belong to any one religion”

    It (the video) is as whatever it appears. Your mind struggles, it applies to the ego mind only.

    Know thyself is beyond.

    As always, you are talking out of contexts about something you even did not watch entirely...
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen: “Awareness doesn’t belong to any one religion” - C-S is right in as much as this is - knowing your musings on the subject matter - a "religious missionary" statement...

    *Beyond* what, Yen? How can you know it if it is "beyond" (Kant's problem)? And here you answer in a mystical way which returns us to the sphere of religious, mystical, unscientific mumblings...

    While "bourgeois individualism" gone mad, to the extreme, is rather damaging and one should attack such a metaphysical position as mystifying and petrifying - sorry but this is not a liberating way to do that!

    From a frying pan into the fire...
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #717 Yen, Jul 29, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
    No, I did not answer at all.
    Beyond 'that' what has asked that question.
    Beyond 'that' what would consider any answer as "a mystical way which returns us to the sphere of religious, mystical, unscientific mumblings..."
    Beyond 'that' to which any answer would be unsatisfying / a matter which is prone to discussion / something that has to be attacked etc.

    Well, why 'beyond', that's really an interesting question. Beyond is actually not the right expression, since 'thyself' is the subject itself, that what you really are.
    I guess 'beyond' can be used because as soon as one objectifies the subject, one misses 'it'.
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Heheheheeeee.... I don't need to intervene here... keep on searching... it's a good thing... ;)
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  20. berr1sfueller

    berr1sfueller MDL Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2022
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