What is the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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  2. f5aAh

    f5aAh MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2015
    The purpose of life is to move energy, the universe just wants something to happen instead of endless nothingness.
  3. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    #723 Opulent_Maelstrom, Aug 12, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
    Lifeforms are too complex, their DNA is too complex and its genetic expressions as well. Thus all lifeforms on this Earth are created, designed. Including us human beings.
    That creation comes from a powerful spirit, entity, god, call it whatever you like.
    For what purpose? I don't know, I don't understand... yet.
    I don't understand its purpose cause sometimes I see infinite amounts of love sometimes I see a ruthless environment of destruction and competition, both sides equipotent in reality.
    On the one hand the sublime presence of plants synthesizing secondary metabolites for our own healing, on the other hand the unyielding misery of human condition.
  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #724 case-sensitive, Aug 12, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2023
    @ YEN ........ If i have your permission please ? ---- >

    > I don't know, I don't understand... yet.

    EXACTLY . Just like someone else who i'm not allowed to mention ........... you dont know ........ but you still speculate .......... you dont understand ......... but you still speculate

    >I don't understand its purpose

    To have a purpose ..... it must have a design ...... = designer .......... hmmmmmmmm who / what created the designer ? Did grud go back in time and invent himeslf and time and the universe ?

    >sometimes I see infinite amounts of love sometimes I see a ruthless environment of destruction and competition

    You see ? !!!!!! ........ so what ? does that matter ? to who ? when ? where ? = You ......... a question ....... is ignorance subjective ?

    You believe because you dont know ......... and are so ignorant and egoistic that you cant acept that ......... so you declare your fantasy crap to be reality


    Reality has nothing to do with you . Reality is whats there when no inhuman being are there . You mean personal reality = Confusion . ( Psychosis is a form of personal reality ? )

    >On the one hand the sublime presence of plants synthesizing secondary metabolites for our own healing

    That was a lesson in the first year at secondary school.

    >the unyielding misery of human condition

    Did you read and missunderstand the same philosophy history beginners text book that yens friend read , didnt understand and keeps quoting from ?
  5. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    I really hope you apply your "wrong" way of moderation. There's a lot of personal addressing above. Plenty of nonsense to attack my thoughts. Enough.
  6. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    you guys feel confused on the meaning of life wait until the aliens get here:eek:
  7. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    The biosphere is dieing ........... inhumanity is shortly before extinction ............. because of the ignorance and arogance of some people ...... most people ........... because some people confuse intelligence with haveing a computer / internet ............ they ' think ' that they cant just adopt opinions ........ and that their adopted opinions ......... with no factual backing ......... have just as much weight as scientificly based opinions ........... and then when people like me have simpathy for their apauling ignorance and trys to help them ....... trys to save the biosphere .......... they get snoty ......... and acuse me / people like me of attacking them !?!?!?

    Learning that ........... I know what i know . I dont know what i dont know . I dont belive anything . Is a part of growing up .
  9. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    #730 Opulent_Maelstrom, Aug 13, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2023
    I don't come to defecate on any of your thoughts every time you come here to exhibit your stupidity and real ignorance. You are not helping me, who do you think you are? Just by looking the way you write you are not a person to take seriously.
  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    That post is off topic ......... and is an attack from the start to the finish .

    @ Adopting opinions

    Identifying oneself with what one believes to know is a big mistake . For instance .......... a person believes something , preaches it and another person comments on it , offers proof , explains it ............ and the victim is so egoistic and arogant that they feel insulted .

    = Instead of subjectivity try objectivity ?
  11. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    Of course, that's my intention. To attack you.
    That's your opinion, not mine. I don't insult and attack you though, for expressing yourself.
    What proof you've offered to your claims or proof that discredit my claims?
    That's your problem, if you feel like I'm being egoistic and arrogant that's your problem. Of course I feel insulted every time you call me ignorant, arrogant, confused, moron, etc.
    LOL who told you are a master or teacher and I need your knowledge?
    Who says you hold the truth and you're entitled to correct anyone posting their opinion on this forum?
    What proof you've offered?
    What proof of what?
    What explanation you offer but only attacks?
    What the hell?
    What's wrong with you?
  12. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    #733 Bat.1, Aug 13, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
    Bat solved the puzzle on who left their bag of cocaine at The White House :clap:
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  13. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020
    Selective quoting....


    ps: Alles goed verder? Niet zoveel ruzie maken aub.
  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    You are insinuating that there is a god ......... trying to use your own ignorance as proof ............ did grud create itself ? ............ and talk cliche crap about love ........... and then you preach about ' the unyielding misery of human condition ' ........ and forget inhuman history ? The damage that gruds followers have done . One long war . One long abuse . Mass murder , slavery and injustice . Mass paedophilia and rape from priests .

    That god must be a sadistic psycho bastard ....... a real piece of s**t ............ f**k YOU GRUD !!!

    My 1666 post ;)
  15. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    So what
    This argument of yours is plain nonsense, for me this argument is just plain attack by someone who has a profound hate.
    You're talking about religion here. Believing in a god does not implies to be adherent to any religion (you ignorant at this point).
    All the misery you are talking about here is all human responsibility, again human condition. We have the freewill to make choices.
    God does not forces anyone to make bad choices.
    Me being a theist does not makes me a religious person. I don't believe in religions, especially monotheist religions let alone Christianism.
  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #737 case-sensitive, Aug 14, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
    >You're talking about religion here. Believing in a god does not implies to be adherent to any religion (you ignorant at this point).

    Belief in wini the puh / god / grud IS RELIGEON !?!? YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT RELIGEON !?!? https://www.wordnik.com/words/religion

    Do you understand that your sentance is pure ignorance ? It doesnt make sense ? It disapears up its own arse . You are mudeling up two different things , two different meanings / use of the same word ........... but different things .

    You slag me off for the way i present myself / how i write / the words i use .

    Do you think i dont know what i do ? Or why i do it ? ........... Theres a reason why i say f**k / cunt / s**t ........... Why i use working class terminology / words ......... why i try very hard to apear to be common ..................................................................... allthough i didnt go to and then boast about going to university ......... and i havent got a degree ............. and i dont post quotes from philosophy history books that i dont understand ;)
  17. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    Theism might be the core of most religions, yes, what I want you to understand that I am not adherent of any established religion or cult, you must understand I don't visit any church or temple at all. I still believe in a superior entity though, which is creator of all things including lifeforms and us on this planet.

    Why does it upset you so much?
    You should answer that.
  18. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    Still waiting...
    Why you so upset?
    You say I'm ignorant, well show me, show us what is the right thing to understand to explain this Universe, the meaning of life and us?
    You don't just attack and then go away, come and answer!
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This convo is hard to moderate.
    I only removed the very personal addressing for now.
    I hope I can leave open this thread. Up to you as always. :)

    The word 'God' is historically burdened. Believing in a higher entity, though, should not be a point of getting attacked. It also does not mean being adherent of a religion. Most spiritual people refuse religions, even because they are flawed due to practicing people and zealots who did not get their origin and have abused them.
    Also asking for 'proof' makes actually no sense at all, is it 'God' then which makes it even possible to have a claim for a proof.

    It would be the same to ask for proof of your existence. "Prove it, that you exist!" Or if being adherent of the Big Bang: "Prove that the universe as we know it originated from a singularity."
    And then there is the principle of the horizontal and vertical attribute. Infinity and eternity. So the question who has created the creator makes also no sense at all.

    Science has exactly the same issue. "What was before the Big Bang?"
    The answer is actually very simple, but the human mind cannot stand it.
    "There never was / is / will be 'something' before, because the singularity shares exactly the same attributes."
    According to the theory time was created together with the universe as we know it. But out of a singularity which is timeless. So how could there be 'something' before?

    There is no reason for a fight. Science and religion are struggling at the same point. The only difference are expressions. Singularity and God.
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