As my point of view life is - 1 Living things need to take in energy 2 Living things get rid of waste 3 Living things grow and develop 4 Living things respond to their environment 5 Living things reproduce and pass their traits onto their offspring 6 Over time, living things evolve change slowly in response to their environment
plants, animals, humans, air, Sensitivity, We react to touch, light, heat, cold and sound, as do other living things etc, and last is off course me
No, but i see the logic here i believe there more complex universes then here cos its not about physics and logic if god would be effected by physics and logic then he's human or living creator this universe made by god or just part of him... a universe with physics rules that can create it self [if u think about it for sec its amazing ] but there no final answer here ,this universe its too limited everything is just a opinion
That is a definition that exceeds the pure definition of life made by a Biologist for instance. I like it. People would treat 'things' in a better way when recognizing that they are living things an attribute which they have in common with themselves. Spiritualists say any appearances have one in common, they are alive and an aspect of 'one' life. Don't you think it is the human individual (intellect) that is limited and not the universe? I mean where is the limit of the universe you are speaking of....except in one's mind? Btw: With: Evolution and final answer are mutually exclusive. I mean they cannot co-exist. It is the fact not to have the final answer that is the driving force and it would vanish when found. "everything is just a opinion" in this is more truth than one might think, but science does not like it. Opinion = statement related to oneself...
u see science as ultimate physics, i see it as just another way of universe to exist i believe there more worlds with other "sciences"
I think here you will find that theists rationalize it by saying that their God is omnipresent. Specifically, "God" is both outside of time and space, as well as within them. It is not necessary for the theist to understand how that can be, merely to accept it. The problem I can see is: 'What about "before" the so-called creation if the God created the universe or the universe is part of Him/Her?'; 'What about "before" time and space?' In particular, how could any "Being" take action which requires time, if there is no time? In our experience it cannot be. The answer would be the "God" works in mysterious ways'.
As I've said earlier it's not a conclusion that I'm particularly happy about, but one I cannot find a good reason to reject.
There are theories of multiple universes that would allow you to have had 'baby food' and at the same time have burger and coffee in a parallel universe. Not knowing how these multiverses are interconnected, I cannot say how that would affect your idea of time.
if we agree this universe start 13.7 billion years ago it can be said its became from other universe that collapse or something like Blackhole turn matter and space to single dot and its was forever cos there no limit to size up or down the problem that we trying to understand things, with our current experience in this world like 4D world with 3D world model or being in 2D world trying to understand the concept of 3D world u can think as the System think, and its good no harm done if make something with science its working 100% all is great but if u wanna explorer god or mearly understand it/her/him we need to drop the System we living in it like time and space and logic cos god if is under those laws he is very limited "; 'What about "before" time and space?' " this world was revived many times, there no before for it its was same "time" god was, which was all time its part of him/her, a very tiny part...
We don't have to become even more confused by thinking of a parallel universe / 4th dimension....where would be the 5th? It is actually simple one needs just enough awareness. We are speaking of a past and a future. Anyway anything happens ever now. (Also the thinking about a past and a future happens ever now). How is time created from the timeless present? In other words: Can one speak of before and after ‘time’ at all? And from where actually comes 'progress' then? In other words: What is NOT parallel / at ‘the same time’, now? Creating time means to declare thoughts about 'another present' as real! Saying this one dimension of 'god' is vanished. (eternity) Our world is perceived relative to an idea of a perceiver. ‘Science’ and their laws are related to this idea. The laws are changing as soon as the point of reference is changing. What ‘happens with reality’ when the observer is identified with appearance? The second aspect of 'god' is vanished (infinity). So what is different to god/ or lets us 'forget' about our divine nature? Idea of time limitedness (identification with a finite object body) Here one needs to 'start' evaluate the idea of time and the idea to be identified with the body (where is 'I' located / show me / point to / prove the observer, not the observed it possible?!)
It is actually . It is not comprehensible with an instrument (intellect) that uses time to structure 'finite things'. The evaluation needs to take place at the intellect, though. God is 'nothing', but not in the aspect of Physics, it is nothing because it hasn't become 'something' yet. Absence of time / absence of becoming. Everybody needs to make own efforts or not. There must be doubts at 'common thinking' first...
How can something exist before the universe existed? The universe can be defined as "everything that exists", so saying that something existed before everything that 'existence' doesn't give any meaning and must imply a contradiction.
Life or life contents (that what happens in life)? Coincidental or noncausal? Winston Churchill said: 'life is one damn thing after another' Whereas Marcus Aurelius said: "Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?" Yes that's right. It is the time dependent intellect that assumes something before the universe --->creator of...../ cause of.... The same is with the time, to ask what was before time... If time is a phenomenon that has been acquired by evolution of brain functions (memory that can store present moments, can have imaginations, can have an idea of oneself), then we judge about the universe dependent on time. Also the first assumption is based on time (evolution). From where comes progress and where is 'future' progress 'today'? We can calculate 'the' age of the universe, also the place of existence. But that is flawed if time is a 'temporary' phenomenon -->illusion. And such linear backwards calculations end all in the same. In literally 'nothing'....time :0, space:0.........