I don't know if this qualifies for "everyday life", but I hate it when our beloved politicians and the lamestream media use the word "reform". For example, Social Security reform. This is really insider code for "Congress has borrowed tons of money from the Social Security Trust Fund for the last 50 years or so and they have absolutely no intention of paying it back". Instead, We The People will be forced to accept about 70% or less of the Social Security benefits we planned on having for our retirement. This began with LBJ trying to seek the start-up costs of Medicare/Medicaid from Congress while trying to pay for the Vietnam War and the Apollo Moon Program at the same time, and forcing Congress to pass a bill which would allow the Federal government to borrow the money. This so-called "borrowing" from the Social Security Trust Fund has continued unabated ever since then.
Not only did the U.S. citizens get ripped off from their SS but now the govt considers it as an "entitlement"
i like it when people say lol instead of actually laughing, but i can't deal with them saying rofl or worse, roflcopter
Isn't 'the exact same thing' = one? For instance: "I use the same toothbrush as you." It means the same model but not a certain toothbrush (not your toothbrush for instance). If I use 'exactly' the same as you I'd use your toothbrush. Dunno. The German language differentiates: "Die Gleiche" and "dieselbe". Both translates to "the same" (Die Gleiche = same model a duplicate of it, dieselbe = a certain toothbrush which exists only one time.)
"Have you stopped beating your wife?" IF your answer to “have you stopped beating your wife” is yes, it means that you admit to having beaten your wife in the past. IF your answer is no, it means you admit to that AND that you continue to do so. If you have not ever beaten your wife, then neither yes nor no is an acceptable answer.
When I was I kid in the 1960's it was legal to beat your wife, and it was expected if she stepped out of line.
- Don't worry! - Everything is gonna be ok! - Trust me! Especially when all the 3 comes in a pack and said in this order!
"my bad" the next person who says that to me better make sure i don't have anything solid and blunt in my hand