Great work on the WHDownloader. I'm currently downloading all X64 windows 8.1 updates via your program and would like to know what updates can be integrated to an offline X64 windows 8.1 enterprise with update 3 image, to make an up to date (Feb 2019) install. Thanks to anyone who can help. Thanks abbodi1406 for the help, appreciate it.
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, directory browsing is disabled. Need to hunt down the HFs, such a hard work. I'm grabbing ENU/PTB HFs for Windows Server 2003 x86 / x64 and Windows 8 / Server 2012 (original 9200 release).
I'm sorry for not reading enough, I'm grabbing everything I can. Does WHDownloader lists include absolutely all hotfixes for Windows 7 and 8.1? Is there an easier way to scan for hotfixes? Grab all KB pages on then do a text scan for a specific OS? Problem is requires javascript to be enabled for the article to be rendered, I'm thinking of phantomjs. Do you have any experience with it? Better would be get all available HFs in the request page, but there is an "Accept" license button for the first download request, don't know how to deal with it. Sure we can't automate request, but can see what software the HF is about.
All updates in Windows8.1-Update3-x64 list are needed Additional and Extra categories are for specific need
WHDownloader lists only include non-superseded hotfixes. Since many of the hotfixes are superseded (and hence, not needed), abbodi1406 does not include them. An MDL member (@komm) wrote a program (only for his personal use) that scans every single MS KB page and retrieves the download links for all updates/hotfixes. So it is possible. You may want to contact him for advice on this. He won't give you his program but he may offer tips on how to create your own program/automate this. Also (since you're using Win7 & 8.1), take a look at his Windows updating app: It's quite powerful and I think you'll enjoy trying it. He doesn't really post much to MDL any more but he's still actively updating it.
Thanks! So I'll be hunting for old stuff. Managed to create a JS script and a batch file to download KB download pages. At a rate of 1 page every 1,5 seconds, 10 instances running simultaneously, it shouldn't take too long.
Thanks question what settings you recommend for what I'm trying to do? what settings should I turn off or on?
Are you using the most current version (4.8), ? Code: ================================================================== 1. Target (x64) : "G:\WHDownloader_0.0.2.3\install_COEM.wim" 2. WHD Repository : "G:\WHDownloader_0.0.2.3\Updates" 3. LDR branch : ON 4. IE11 : ON 5. RDP : ON 6. Hotfixes : ON 7. WMF : OFF 8. WAT (KB971033) : OFF W. Windows10 : OFF S. ADLDS : OFF R. RSAT : OFF D. DISM : "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" E. Update WinRE.wim: ON I. Install.wim selected indexes: All (4) ================================================================== 0. Start the process ================================================================== Change a menu option, press 0 to start, or X to exit:
There are two scripts in abbodi1406's WHD-W7U .zip file. It looks like you're using the WHD-W7UI_WithoutKB3125574.cmd version, which menu is is a little different from his readme. That #7 for Features installs the updates located in the \Extra\WithoutKB3125574\_Features folder. You can look up the KB #'s to find out what each of them is for. For example, KB3042826 is for POSIX subsystem, KB2956990 is for NFS client..
Only Windows ADK is supported you can instead place oscdimg.exe or cdimage.exe next to the script for Dism, Windows 7 and 8.1 OS already can service W7 images without ADK
Great program but what difference between hotfixes and general updates?Do general updates contain Telemetry? I do see some general updates contain fixes and .NET framework but since going to integrate .NET framework 4.7.2 with MSMG ToolKit I guess I should avoid those .NET framework general updates? Are general updates even needed? or you guys recommend them?
Read MonthlyQualityRollup-Notice.txt and ConvenienceRollupKB3125574-Info.txt for info telemetry is overrated on Windows 7 and can be disabled .NET 3.5.1 is separate family from .NET 4.7.2 we don't sort updates per need, all updates contain fixes, thus recommended
Alright thanks for reply the only updates I'm confused about is WU.Satisfy updates pretty much did not make any difference in how much updates left in windows update in windows 8.1 but are they necessary to install? do you recommend them?I read the read me about clean search result did not make a difference how much updates are left.
In order for WU.Satisfy updates to silence Windows Update, you must first install all updates in General/Security/Hotfix/NET35