You also will need Baseline updates (only the updates in main category KB2989647,KB3000850,KB2934018,KB3014442) Extra Updates are not needed, unless you want RSAT or Browser Ballot and don't forget to read Additional\NET452\NET452-LPs.txt you will need only LP that matches your system language
Why ? I don't get it, rtm is the final windows version, do you mean those rtm updates are only for the rtm version, not for later versions ? Thanks
I did, but still didn't get the RTM thing. Also, although ive read the included readme, it doesn't say how to proceed to just download new patches (i mean, say I download all patches post u1 now, how can i just download the new ones from next month ?). Thanks
Let me explain, WHD provides Updates for Windows 8.1 RTM and Windows 8.1 with Update Images (Windows 8.1 Post-RTM). If you have Windows 8.1 RTM DVD ISO as a source then you also need the updates from Baseline\RTM and Baseline folder. This will Update your Windows 8.1 RTM to Windows 8.1 with Update with latest servicing stacks updates. But you have Windows 8.1 with Update DVD ISO as a source then you don't need to download the updates from Baseline\RTM folder instead the Baseline folder is enough to update the Windows 8.1 with Update to latest servicing stacks updates. The updates form baseline folder doesn't change very often and until only Microsoft provides one. The rest of the updates keep changing very often and the WHD update list is modified to reflect the changes. Every time the WHD update list is updated then the WHD Tool will inform you and you need to download the new update list You need to check for superseded updates and remove them. then you will get the list of latest updates or the new updates that has to be downloaded. Select the updates and download them.
Aaaahh get it, i thought latest rtm was already including "update" (8.1.1)(what a s**tty name). Thanks a million for your detailed explanations. As for superseeded and new downloads, i guess WHD checks in the specified download folder for whats already there, doesnt rely on a "previously donwloaded list" or something.
Yes, When you update the WHD Update List, the WHD Checks in the designated folder structure and lists the new updates in Available Tab and rest of the previous downloaded updates in Download Tab. The suppressed updates are shown as Old updates in the Download Tab but when you use the check for Superseded Updates button then the WHD will move the superseded updates to Superseded Updates Tab. If you don't download the WHD updates list and use the old list then the WHD won't show up any new updates and it will remain as it is when it was checked last time. So, every time when there is a new update list, then the WHD Tool will indicate it in it's System Tray Icon.
Hi abbodi1406! Maybe you have missed these updates in the Windows7-x86 Update List KB2496290-v2 KB2556532 KB2640696-v3 KB2716513 KB2719033 KB2760730 KB2818604 KB2891638. Regards.
The last 4 exists in the list, the others are old/superseded WHDownloader have search function (right-click on the bottom bar)
I'm trying to create my own USB bootable, with the help of MSMG ToolKit 1.4 and WHD, I have Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) SP1 U (media refresh) ISO and I want know what updates POST-Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) SP1 U, I need to integrate, how I can identify the Post-SP1 updates that I need to download? Thanks for the help.
I already told you, all updates offered by this tool are Post-SP1 normally, you will need the main categories: General (Mandatory) Security (Mandatory) Hotfix (Optional, but still recommended) and from Additional you will need: _IE11 _NotAllowedOffline (those are for live system) RDP the rest of updates are optional you can read these for more info: Additional\#Info\Additional-Updates-Info.txt, Extra\#Info\Extra-Updates-Info.txt
This update (_NotAllowedOffline) can not be integrated into the ISO image I want to create? Additional-Updates-Info.txt: Code: - Packages that adds more features or have special functionality: IE11 (Internet Explorer 11) NotAllowedOffline (Updates not allowed to be integrated/added to offline image) RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol 8.0 and 8.1) WAT (Windows Activation Technologies) WMF4.0 (Windows Management Framework 4.0) - requires .NET 4.5 Framework or higher
WMF4.0 (Windows Management Framework 4.0) - requires .NET 4.5 Framework to be present and .NET 4.5 Framework cannot be integrated to WIM Image. So you need to Install WMF4.0 (Windows Management Framework 4.0) on After the Setup.
So after reading through 193 pages of posts I am left with a couple of questions. I really enjoyed watching the development of the original Windows Hotfiix Downloader as Alphawaves would post update after update with new features all the time. I never got to use the original tool, yet I felt as disappointed as some of the other posters when the tool was redone to bring it back to it's original intent, as it looked like it had become quite robust and comprehensive. I found this thread when I went back to RyanVM to see if there was a Win7 tool to do what I had learned from them to do with WinXP and this was cross-posted as a good resource to get all the Hotfixes. I had finally set about moving my WinXP machine to Win7 and could not believe all that needed to be downloaded after the SP1 install and it has failed to update several times leaving me to do an update in place on the brand new Win7 install to fix problems. I thought having an integrated install with all updates and some slipstreamed applications would be a better place to start when I reinstall next. So now for my questions: 1- Is the file and folder structure of the original version and the new version the same? ie Can I use the new version with the better download engine to get the updates and then do the integration with the original version? 2- If not, which tool should be used to integrate into Win7 SP1, and can they do 3rd party applications as well, like the RyanVM/nLite method for WinXP? ie Acrobat, Firefox... Alphawaves, Thanks for a great tool and some very entertaining reading for me over the last few days.
Hello, hopefully someone can help me out here. I just installed Windows 8.1 Pro N x64 from murphy78's Windows 8.1 AIO x64 en-US ESD Baseline iso from TPB. I have downloaded and installed every update from Windows Update that was available (attached to this post) and am getting ready to activate with KMSPico (or should I use Windows Toolkit?). I've downloaded WHDownloader, but I'm clueless as to which updates I need to install from that. The Windows 8.1 x64 list includes Baseline, General, Hotfixes, Security Updates, Additional Updates, and Extras. Can I install all of these? Does this tool account for what I've already installed with WU? Also, the instructions.txt included are telling me to install baseline updates in a very specific order. Can anyone explain this process like I'm 5 please, because it's confusing me to the point that makes me want to just purchase Windows 8.1