BB After spending months on Android kitkat and then Windows 8.1 Lumia, am back to Blackberry 7. None of the current OS can beat the ease of BB and the design of 9810.
I had iPhone and loved those devices. The music sound quality it's great but after I tested a few Android phones I can't think about goig back to iOS.
Pffft.... hoping for resurrection from the death on cheap devices? When talking about what will be....then it will be Tizen ... I'll come back to this thread 2020 when M$ isn't anymore on mobiles...
If MS could make my XOOM and Touchpad multitask (several productive windows), I would love it. Hell... I wish anyone would create such a mobile/tablet friendly OS. Wish I could. Until then: Android for sure. Fixin' to try the MIUI flavor.... F it. lol
I'm running Windows Phone now and won't look back at iOS in a while (unless something revolutionary happens in coming iOS releases).
Windows Phone? I have one that I keep in a glovebox and seldom use. IMO, the OS is nice, Cortana and the stuff that comes prepackaged with the OS are all nicely integrated. If there were more apps, and it played better with the Google universe, then I might start carrying it in my pocket. Anyone know when is Win 10 going to be pushed out to Lumia devices?
Sometime next few months. Hopefully they'll reach the milestone "it actually works, you can make phone calls and send texts reliably" before then. All the tools are there or on the way so that Android and iOS developers can easily push their apps to the store with minimal work. It remains to be seen how many of them will do it. I am really looking forward to the new devices with the Continuum feature. And there are rumors of an Intel-based phone in 2016, running some version of "real" x86 Windows.
Android has been the best so far in the recent years for me. Just the development around it will make you move to it.
Android all the way Funny thing is that in a French overclocking forum, there was the same poll, with the same results Do I have to understand that passionate people and techies prefer android? PS: R. I. P. Symbian