Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people

Discussion in 'Linux' started by roga, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The ET10K is a decent box, no question. Regarding 'outdated'. You have to compare the VU duo2 to the DMM8000 and the DMM7080 to the VU 4K (flagships)!

    The duo2 is 'old' already, it came out on August 2013 already.
    When the duo2 came out there was no better one. ET10000 and DMM 7080 came out a year later. When I got the duo2 it was the best so to say. Also a good price.

    So comparing to the VU duo TODAY results to outdated statements about Marusys either way.

    DMM 7080, ET10000 or VU 4k/DUo2. It depends on personal needs. I do not advertise Marusys and others have decent boxes as well, as posted already. The hardware is similar. Some have features the other's haven't. (Transcoding/4K support/FBC Tuner)

    It’s the image which is running on it, the tuners available, price and the support what matters to me most.

    Generally important (no matter what brand):

    -One is personally satisfied/stable and smooth OS.
    -A good price/performance ratio. Finally a VU Zero for 100 bucks could most of things.
    -No monopoly situation of DMM anymore.:) Credits to the inventors, though, of course. :D

    And: The community which is locally supporting the device and the image that's available.
    For some reasons Marusys took the pole position here in Germany.....

    Which one would you buy today? ET10k?
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I did. :D The first in a looooong time! ;)

    No, you can't compare DM8K with Vu Duo etc. for the same reasons, as it came out a lot later than DM8K... ;)

    And leave the myths out, eh... :D Zero doing it all my foot... :D
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  3. frozendwarf

    frozendwarf MDL Novice

    Nov 30, 2015
    #683 frozendwarf, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
    Long live open source.

    Well, most of the people I know, who are no computer experts but typical users, don't give a damn about privacy. They just want to hang on facebook, play games or write some numbers in excel.
    Sadly, most of these people don't realize that facebook, privacy and OS spying is and can lead to a potential disaster, like OP said, in the future.

    In a few scenarios, my friends who are more into computers are uber paranoid, and treat security as a priority. For a good reason they're using VPNs, encypted tunnels and other various techniques to provide them a secure feeling.
    In many cases is that secure feeling only an illusion and written on a paper or website, but not guaranteed from anyone in real life, anywhere.

    Also most of the people I know are afraid of using a different OS than their current one, simply because their computer knowledge is so low that they barely can control a Windows ditro. On the other hand, no other OS (correct me if I'm wrong) supports and plays games as well as Windows. So in that case, this is a must.

    Umm.. And to stay full protected from spying, I believe, you have to unplug your ethernet cable. And even if you do that, the men in black might already put a surveillance team on you. So, what you gonna do next? :nsa::date:
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hara-kiri from an ambush?:rolleyes::biggrin::D:p:clap:
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  5. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    :sofa:;) keep my head down....
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #686 Yen, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
    It didn't matter if I could, I had to! So you consider the 7020 the superior to dm8000???
    Dream screwed a lot, the DM8000 has been announced 2005 already!
    VU was first with dual core and IS first with ARM/4k.

    But why fighting if we both do not like dream and both like Xtrend?:biggrin:
    Congrats to your ET10K. :)

    On August 2013 when I decided to get a new one I had to compare what's available. It played no role how old the DM8K already was that time. The DM7020 was not better, still single core with low clock speed! The DM7080 still a 'dream' lol.

    Date of avail:
    DM8000 December 2008
    DM7020 February 2012
    VUduo2 June 2013
    ET8k March 2014
    ET10k May 2014
    DM 7080 September 2014
    VU+ Solo 4K October 2015

    VT zero...most of things is not all....read again what I have posted. :D:p

    Many clever people have vu zero in additional rooms.....they get sat-TV via streams (remote channel list) and Cam data from the vu 'master' box which is plugged to the satellite dish only...:rolleyes:

    The setup VU zero +Router+ NAS + smargo is also clever, one would be stupid to spend more for E2 devices...
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #687 gorski, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
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  8. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Anyone tried the Zgemma star H1/H2/S1/S2 ????
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I know a developer writing for it - see OpenPLi forum, Third Party Development (MastaG).

    Speak to him! :)
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #690 Yen, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I spoke of DM7020 since it was their current one on August 2013 if my brain serves me right.
    Dream confused me since they went on with DM7020 after DM8000 which seems like irrational branding.

    I consider 4K still as gimmick as well. Although my mobile can record such videos...

    Finally if you cannot compare side by side the current one is good 'enough'. I love the vu support community and their VT images and plugins that's the reason why I got another one from Marusys. I don’t feel fooled, lol.
    The community there makes VU to what it currently is, best-seller...why? Coz we are all stupid? lol...:D:p

    Yes dual threaded is not dual core. But it depends how 'they' are used and clocked...drivers etc.

    The box runs smooth, transcoding also due to extra hw support, also WOL works.
    Yes there’s been a lot of confusion about the SoC used:

    Facts just called via telnet: (There's processor 0 and 1) due to two different registers=dual threaded or 2 cores?!..not clear to me.)

    root@vuduo2:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
    system type             : BCM7425B2 STB platform
    machine                 : Unknown
    processor               : 0
    cpu model               : Brcm4380 Broadcom BMIPS5000 V1.1  FPU V0.1
    BogoMIPS                : 864.25
    cpu MHz                 : 1305.034
    wait instruction        : yes
    microsecond timers      : yes
    tlb_entries             : 64
    extra interrupt vector  : yes
    hardware watchpoint     : no
    isa                     : mips1 mips2 mips32r1
    ASEs implemented        :
    shadow register sets    : 1
    kscratch registers      : 0
    core                    : 0
    VCED exceptions         : not available
    VCEI exceptions         : not available
    processor               : 1
    cpu model               : Brcm4380 Broadcom BMIPS5000 V1.1  FPU V0.1
    BogoMIPS                : 655.36
    cpu MHz                 : 1305.034
    wait instruction        : yes
    microsecond timers      : yes
    tlb_entries             : 64
    extra interrupt vector  : yes
    hardware watchpoint     : no
    isa                     : mips1 mips2 mips32r1
    ASEs implemented        :
    shadow register sets    : 1
    kscratch registers      : 0
    core                    : 0
    VCED exceptions         : not available
    VCEI exceptions         : not available
    Cool is that we both are satisfied with what we have got. :)
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Indeed, it is! :)

    Yes, you are a bit confused... :D dual core = quad threaded. What you have is single core, dual threaded. Not the same as advertised... :D Write to Buddha! :D

    But if it does what you want it to do... ;)

    Cheerio! :)
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  12. jayaretoo

    jayaretoo MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2009
    Have you ever tried Manjaro?

    manjaro <dot> github <dot> io

  13. XxBrazilianoxX

    XxBrazilianoxX MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2011
    Tried linux for the first time ever.

    I installed Arch Linux with Gnome desktop and it looks amazing. I kept my Windows installation just for my offline games.
    Spent few days trying different distros and then decided to learn how to install Arch and I'm very happy with the results!

    I combined instruction from Arch beginners guide and 2-3 YouTube videos to get the perfect guide for my needs (system).

    Then I reinstalled Arch multiple times just so that I can memorize the procedure.
  14. Mutoid

    Mutoid MDL Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    If it's your first time with Linux and you chose Arch , then you sure " dived in the deep end " - :biggrin:

    I hope it's working well for you.
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    Jan 25, 2012
    What are the specs of the laptop/PC you installed Arch on?
    Did you manage to install proprietary drivers (ATi/nVidia) in Arch?
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  16. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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  17. aaronfranke

    aaronfranke MDL Novice

    Apr 30, 2015
    You should install VirtualBox to fool around with installing Arch and other distros. That way you can't screw up your real machine and can easily start over and look at the manuals on your host.
  18. Mutoid

    Mutoid MDL Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    VirtualBox also allows you to take snapshots of your system state which makes for a really easy "rollback"
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  19. BigJon

    BigJon MDL Novice

    Feb 23, 2011
    Interesting read, this thread.
    What i've learnt is: linux fanbois really are as rude and arrogant as people say.

    You do NOT need to be *more* tech savvy to get a working linux system. you need patience and time. lots and lots and lots!!!!!!!
    The guides are written by the illiterate for their geek friends. There are a *few* well written guides, by well meaning enthusiasts, but even they cannot address the inherent design flaws in linux.

    But really the main problem is having a job.
    We 'working stiffs' just dont have time to create/develop the software we need.