Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people

Discussion in 'Linux' started by roga, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    Sorry but I fail to see your point. We are definitely not rude... some post here as a rant for their frustration - we even understand that - so how can we be arrogant? ... we definitely do not attack fellow Nix's!
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I see rather the fault at generalizing than at a 'group' which seemingly should be rude..and if generalizing then as much as needed. All finally is an (human) ego issue. :biggrin:

    I went for mint and I'd not consider myself as being rude. :)
    One does not even need more time for it. People have spent time to get familiar with windows when it was new to them.

    Nothing more is needed at Linux.
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  3. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Grandad and teddy (bear) [=dedo i medo], hehe.... :D Nice! :)
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  5. fakowski

    fakowski MDL Novice

    Sep 19, 2009
    I use Mint for few days, learning some new tricks and my idea is - have to run windows 10. It's possible with no connection to Internet?

    I mean, I don't mind to register in M$ server but I would like to use Linux only for the Internet and on Win 10 I will do my music (Reaper) graphics and many other things which are not on the Internet.

    Linux will be only to Internet/ d/loads and d/load fro yt.

    I will make some folder to share with Win10 and Mint but no Internet on Win10. Whatever I will do, Internet only on Linux.

    If you browsing in Linux, even if you sometimes have to have Windows on the Internet for... let's say 'update' can't transmit anything valuable to M$ because you're doing nothing on the Net.

    Internet and history of browsing and d/loading is important to M$!

    So I would keep all my stuff on Linux.

    So basic question is - can Windows work without being constantly connected to the Internet!?


    Jan 25, 2012
    Yes, Windows 10 works offline. If the spyware crap is not disabled in Win10, it will transmit everything to M$, even if you just update it. You can use Wine in linux to run Windows programs.
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  7. fakowski

    fakowski MDL Novice

    Sep 19, 2009
    Thanks for a good news.

    I had with Win8 a nasty problem. I have installed it on second (or third) hdd). And when I wanted go back to Win 7 I could not read my files because Win 8 was changing preferences for different network on other hdd's. That was my first experience with Win 8. I use Reaper DAW memory hungry and resources and that beast needs sometimes 4 GB RAM.

    I would not risk running any emulation and that program on emulation of any sort. It's great that such program is running well without many glitches and sometimes it's running with 30 plugins simultaneously which I can compare to adobe running 30 different plugins in the same time.

    Win 7 32 bit does not give me much RAM and Win 10 would be a great. And Internet on Linux... just perfect.

    Now I'm running Win 7 on two monitors - 27 " and 22" so I could run Linux on 22" and Win 10 on 27". Maybe having external hdd instead of networking with Win 10 sharing one folder. hopefully Win 10 will not go on the net if access would be disable with the Internet. In worst case scenario I cam always disconnect a cable fro modem!

    Actually that's a very good idea IMHO, running two machines side by side, Linux on the Internet meaning emails, d/loads, browsing, watching Netflix or whatever.

    Making Win 10 free of viruses work horse! :D Gotta make the decision.
  8. Jhkh

    Jhkh MDL Novice

    Oct 23, 2015
    I read part of this thread, it's very interesting.

    I am a windows user since windows 95 (I'm young, I didn't have DOS on my computers).

    At the time, and even with 98SE, manually locating a driver was almost as complicated as installing a linux one.
    I remember downloading a driver for my usb pendrive from another computer, foud out that it won't fit on 1.44MB floppy and had to buy another usb pendrive, whose driver was 1.35MB large. Copied this to my computer, manually installed it in device manager, copied driver from first pendrive to the second one and finally got the two pendrives working under windows 98SE :death:
    Let alone old registry keys with error messages at startup : Ding! Ding! You had to manually edit the registry after uninstalling some programs.

    Windows has come a long way since that time. Today I use windows 8.1, because 10 is not displaying Trutype fonts proprely inside some windows, and it is very annoying on my high-end display.

    I tested many linux distros, like ubuntu, debian, slitaz, fedora...
    For beginners or simple internet users, I particulary like puppy based distros. Or Xubuntu. Saves old machines with XP from being trashed.

    Often a requirement, apart from ubuntu, is to change UEFI to legacy mode if you don't have a BIOS.

    I also used debian on a server with no GUI for two month, it was my second attempt at setting up a server.
    With the help of numberous tutorials scattered around the web, I successfully configured Apache, proftpd (vsftpd is still too much for me), iptables with custom rules (very secure, because it is the main point of this thread), fail2ban, and rkhunter. And the marvellous Midnight Commander :D

    Had a static website with no php installed. Despite being attacked hundreds of time a day by bots on port 80, the system standed still.
    All that on a 2002 laptop with single-core!

    At this occasion, I discovered that command line and .conf files were much more powerful than opening tenth of Windows'windows with ready switches and options. Hard to learn and unforgiving, but you get straight where you want with rock solid logic features. If it dosen't exist? Just install it. apt-get, and voilĂ !
    Thanks to my 8 A4-sized pages command list near the computer taken from MAN pages (not kidding:D )

    For MY workstation, things are not the same.
    What keeps me away from using linux based system :

    -Drivers. They exist, like the one for my network printer. Alas you have to compile this one manually as it is uncommon. I don't know how, I'm lazy.

    -Programs : I use avisynth for filtering videos, and the modified linux version doesn't have the plugins I use. I need photoshop too.

    -Hard drives wear : I crashed two system drives with intellipark function annoyance because linux seeks in the drive too often on standby, wearing them out (can be disabled on the drives themselves with special tool). I also crashed another with an old ubuntu version because it was parking heads too fast on shutdown.

    -Office. Yes, the bad one that runs in Wine. I don't want to open a VM/winelike everytime I edit a document, it's not handy. And why not LibreOffice? Because of the workflow, and the little page arrangements that are not perfectly reproduced in Openoffice/Libreoffice.
    Your colleague spend five hours setting a nice document with custom margins, spacings, tables rows insertions... And you open it at home all messed up?! No way. And what about fonts, how do I install the ones I have in windows? Lazyness again.

    -Updates gone wrong (xubuntu) : full system reinstall because system was messed up, and just the home partition kept :eek:

    This is my personnal opinion. I understand if you tag TL;DR the whole post.

    My point is that Linux is great, if you are accustomed to it. I would setup linux with no worries if I was more experienced, but I don't have more time for that. Already spent quite a lot to learn what I know.

    It is not a problem for me to deal with badly infected windows machines, reinstalls and so on, but I still feel like a rookie in the linux field, despite the time involved.
  9. awaisagha

    awaisagha MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2010
    Why spying from Microsoft is such a huge issue at all or being created a hoax that it is horrible while you use smartphones of iOS, Android and they do this spying all the time. Applications asking for locations, access your contacts, reach your gallery and auto backup of photos. Now you cannot say that auto backup is not problematic at all. The pictures go to your preferred drive AFTER passing through the server. When you live in a world where Google, Apple are constantly spying on you, why Microsoft is being shoveled.
  10. tmf2

    tmf2 MDL Junior Member

    May 5, 2010
    Most people don't store critically sensitive data on smart phones so that argument has no basis, I wish people would stop parroting that comparison to justify and support
    Microsofts position its weak at best. I suggest reading the Windows 10 EULA. :rolleyes:
  11. ThoreauHD

    ThoreauHD MDL Novice

    Apr 3, 2015
    #711 ThoreauHD, Feb 19, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    Interesting points in this article. I moved to Linux Mint from Win 7->10. I saw all the ports opening up and my wireless devices starting scanning the H out of my network, and I had to kill it. It was damned near 80 connections from each device sitting idle. I had to crush Microsoft, so I curb stomped every OS with Linux. The stakes are too high in this day and age to have my network info shipped out to Microsoft/Feds. The risks are more than real. I can't think of a single government or corporation that has helped me by collecting my data- ever. And as far as VPN's go, I can recommend torguard. Their Linux app is as good or better than Windows. They update constantly, and they're fast, foreign, and cheap($30/yr).
  12. ThoreauHD

    ThoreauHD MDL Novice

    Apr 3, 2015

    Only celebrity morons put personal data on their smart phone. And they got "The Fappening" as a reward. This is not the same issue.
  13. leis

    leis MDL Junior Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    Using Linux in and for the same reasons as you have disclosed is why I would rather try Linux or in this sense, have been thinking about it for the days coming that, eventually we'll be thrown off of windows 7 too, and forced on to windows 10 or stripped searched for everything else. But in the meantime, why not have freedom of selecting another Operating System and that is why I would like to try this out. But what size or qualifying resources of PC does it take to accommodate and run the Linux Mint (Cinnamon(?)) as I have more of a moderate customized Biostar/Amd processor. (And not essential to run antivirus on Linux, as you point out in your thread. Wow.)
    There is a lot of the language or the words/terms used for this whole switch over it seems like from your thread and it may be a bigger task than to just "switch" and learn. The browser is ? I guess I'm so used to IE11 (by now) and Start Page.
    For the most part, though, the need to partition it looks like, is part of the whole process. It could be a project to try out at least, is what I was thinking and maybe I can on separate whole computer. I thought of how downloading the Linux Cinnamon Mint would be something using a flash drive.
    Thanks for your input when I saw today, as I have been searching online for this very Linux v. Windows 10 ...And it is*
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  14. Meat[On]A[Stick]

    Meat[On]A[Stick] MDL Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    I suggest living as long as it takes to read the Windows 10 EULA.
  15. ikkizenho

    ikkizenho MDL Novice

    Apr 1, 2015
    Linux of course have a hard learning curve, but on the end of way, it's good..
  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Linux has actually become very easy, most distros are point and click these days. The problem is change, humans don't like change and especially when the Windows OS comes preinstalled with your pc.
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  17. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yay dude, I agree 1000% and sometimes I think that M$ ever make OS's with some species of magnet on it ;) I know with my own experience since times of old M$ 3.1 LOL that's gui remember in some parts Apple; then people attempt using Linux OS suffer a lot so returning all to M$... but the things are changing after Windows 10 trust me :cool:
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  18. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    I'm not so sure, we now know that Linux is not as secure as claimed and we are spied on just the same. There is more choice and superior open source software written for Windows than is available for Linux, Linux just seems to be floundering along in the wake of the big boys and always will. I am constantly reading in this Linux section of people "testing" this that and the other distro, what does that tell you? It tells me that Linux still isn't up to the job, so how long do we have to wait? I think I know, when Ubuntu is exactly the same as Apple and Microsoft, have your credit card handy.:(
  19. Mutoid

    Mutoid MDL Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    I beg to differ on several points there....

    Spying .... yes , Ubuntu comes with unity-lens amazon/ shopping or whatever it's called .... EASILY removed / disabled

    Compromised ISO for Linux Mint in February ..... already dealt with , and it only affected people who downloaded the ISO
    within a narrow time frame

    systemd .... yes SOME distros come with that bundled in .... again , easy to get rid of .

    And all of those things put together don't even come close to the intrusive nature of W10

    Best of all , you can put your credit card away ..... almost all linux distros are free AFAIK
    Not just free in the money sense , but also in the Stallman sense of the word.

    Just my 2 cents :)
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  20. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yep I agree in some parts, we have yet options as FreeBsd is very dificult to configure at least to me; who know when PCBSD is ready then waiting ;) and I think that all things is moved by $$$ since ancient times :cool:
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