who said anything about paying? laptop already came preinstalled with windows 8 core, i then removed the core version and installed w7 ultimate daz, upgraded for free to 10 pro I hate MS NSA features, but as long as there are privacy protection tools such as Shutup10, i prefer to stick with the superior OS Much much much better than crooked shillary thats for damn sure
I did. #1 You paid for the licence, you did it when you bought your PC. Clearly paing for a bundled OS isn't any different than buying it separately #2 Even if #1 isn't true, say a "free" W10 licence, you are going to pay it, and you are going to pay a steep price for it, because your data and your privacy have a value. Unless you're convinced that M$ is a charity organization.
Biased mind, unreasonable arguments and you said 'I think'.... to get a real impression you would have to try it yourself. You would get real arguments to argue pro or contra Linux and could leave phrases such as poor man OS alone. You're right. Controversy is OK, but no politics here please. I wonder what is it worth to be rich (money) to afford a superior OS when being mentally poor due to prejudice anyway...lol... Everybody can use what one wants, but for real arguments I'd expect own experiences without prejudice.
Well, what if the 'controversy' is fundamentally political? And this is your schtick, Yen: it goes back to monopolies, now inextricably linked with the unregulated powers of state... Tell me that is of no concern to us (Humanity) generally, to MDL in particular and to you specifically, please... No, that part we agree on! But that trollop Trump (as vacant a fascist as he is) may be better than her, given the fact people like him are the root cause of the crooked system, in which crooked Hillary has to win against people like him... Achhh, gimme a break...
Yes much much much better to have a "racist" president than a criminal who changes her ideals on the spot when it suits her, she basically sold out her own country for donation moneyz. She is much more corrupt than trump ever was/is I use quotes because thats up to ones personal interpretation,
Why worry? Hinckley Jr. is free now. Probably itching to prove he can get the job done without bungling it.
No, goz, you understand what "root cause" is? Plus, unlike Trump who will forever stay a racist, xenophobic etc. pig, plus of very limited capabilities and a sociopath of some "standing", Hillary - as we have all seen - can be pushed in the right direction, such is her lust for power... She is bad. Very bad. But oodles and oodles better than ANY conservative we have seen in this cycle. Seriously! From Christian fundamentalists onwards, to all sort of 'mentalists', like trollop Trump. No contest! Maybe pcspecialist delivers to US? Check it out and tell us, please. Just interested to know. I ordered to Italy, at some point, they delivered. I am in Croatia now and they deliver to Cro-Magnon as well... I would advise against amazon, for many reasons, not only political. Technically, the cheap laptops I saw there (no OS or freebie OS) were really cr@p. Better to add twice as much and get a pcspecialist one, of your specs and covering your needs properly. I have one and I can vouch for them: you have easy access to everything, being able to maintain and clean it properly, upgrade components (like I did, both SSD and HDD) or just change stuff in there, the drivers are cool and everything about them is great!
With no politics here please I mean this particular thread. Dunno what relation could be made speaking of 'moving to Linux' and current candidates for US president. Although I have to admit my decision to move to Linux has also a political component.
Misunderstanding: "You're right. Controversy is OK, but no politics here please. " As a PRINCIPLE, I asked, what if the controversy is fundamentally political (forced to open up the OS in question to gov agencies etc. - coupled with a virtual monopoly)? This is a question of principle, rather than "let's talk political details"...
OP encouraged me to try Mint I'm giving it a go, hoppefuly it can run some old games/emulators without so much trouble