Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people

Discussion in 'Linux' started by roga, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    it takes a bit of getting used to it, and i confess that i find windose more comfy too. but in the title of this thread it is about m$ spying in general, not limited to w10. in the end m$ got umpteen servers from which they can slip in their garbage. it looks like work to block it all.
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1082 gorski, Oct 18, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I suggest to dual boot anyway. Choose a recent LTS Linux distro maybe mint 19. Try to fix whatever isn't working out of the box after you have applied any updates.
    Go for it whenever you have time else use w10. Since issues have an end you once end up with a working Linux distro and fun can come. :)

    Since 'issues' are dependent on hardware config don't hesitate to post them on MDL so we can learn together. :)
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  4. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  5. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Err.. Bad news after checking more closely the new compilation of Ubuntu (18.10) I found that it has support only for 9 months which is quite different from the build 18.04 whose support extends for 5 years; Sometimes I wonder if the open source is changing its philosophy equal to M$FT or I will be mistaken! ;)
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, no, you were just uninformed - that is normal, this is how it is done - 04 is LTS...

    Your "disappointment" is based on not having the info how Ubuntu creators work...
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  7. twl1999

    twl1999 MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2017
    I have to say after reading op post started typing around 2xA4 about linux, bsd and windows. Heck, I think after typing spoiler 4 about "Get your foil hats on people.." with verisign forcing browser vendors to implement green lock for HTTPS scarecrow, I realized it makes n difference what a singular person says.

    However, about subject windows -> linux... few pointers:

    - Linux has improved on drivers as their drivers take 5MB in windows world that's 1,1GB Audio driver.
    - Linux usage still sucks, stop mimicing systems build your own.
    - When linux application says "I don't work" or "use another to do your job" or "use the shell", what does normal sane person do ?
    A. They walk to shop and installs something that works. (Hello, returning windows customer).
    B. See you in 20 years after you finished 50 million man pages, webpages and forum topic ending some linux guru giving you "it's not supported".
    - When windows application says "I don't work" or "use another to do your job" or "use the shell", what does normal sane person do ?
    A. Google the cmd line, registry key or code hack, done.
    B. Installs system again or decides "yeah, lets try linux for 50th time, maybe it works this time".

    All in all it won't really make any difference which system you use facts are that we are living 2018. Code should of improve to run simpler, faster, but instead we waste our minds developing more complex coding, so, people just has to buy new hardware.

    "Why is my web browser taking 500MB of RAM?" -- "Welcome to 2018...."
  8. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  9. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    what a miserable negative post is this. ln my experience, you dont even need to read the manual. it just installs. simple as that. i sincerely wonder how you even managed to make
    windose let you register here.
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1090 gorski, Oct 21, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
    Tiger, you missed my point: 04 is LTS, 10 isn't. If you installed 10 with that in mind, you were simply not informed of their policy. That's all...

    In other words, I only install LTS versions...

    EDIT: I was not precise enough, it seems - "A new LTS version is released every two years."

    I was on 14.04 LTS on my laptop and then later I installed 16.04 for me (great results!) and my sons. For them it that didn't work right, so I went to 18.04 (not "perfect"), so I went for Mint 19 (which is 18.04 LTS).

    In other words, I missed odd ones and went for even numbers 04 version, always... :)
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  11. - Nice trolling, Linux is as easy to use as Windows if you're brave enough to learn a bit.
    - He/she searchs here or reddit, and doesn't spit on devs work.

    It's funny how people complains when all they do is complain and doesn't contribute at all to make things better.
    And please don't say "we" to refer us against your poor criticism/thinking.
  12. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  13. twl1999

    twl1999 MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2017
    Actually, wasn't trying to 'troll' or sound "miserable" against linux. I use linux, bsd and windows everyday, but what I was answering was to this topic
    "Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people". Contributing, o boy, I think dedicating 20 years for contributing code is quite enough, still do constantly waste my time over fixing for people and for each lair of OSes, while too bored and too shy to release my own distribution to public.

    but I still had an opinion to exactly why distribution hopping from m$ side is so hard. :)
  14. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    well, okay, no need to turn this thread into the chatbox, but you were pretty negative about linux nonetheless. While it may be the only viable alternative
    to windose10 spying in a few years time,when EOL of w 7 is is rushed into being by m$. and dont be shy to launch another distro. you dont have to
    worry about getting rich as gates, at least.
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1095 Yen, Oct 23, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
    I'd say: "When linux application says "I don't work" or "use another to do your job" or "use the shell", what does normal sane person do ?" then......

    ........the person blames Linux for it and goes back to win. Whereas on windows they blame the app itself for it and they wait for an update of the app.

    "Code should of improve to run simpler, faster, but instead we waste our minds developing more complex coding, so, people just has to buy new hardware."

    While I agree with the former (Code should of improve to run simpler, faster..) I do not with the conclusion. If you are no gamer you do not need new hardware for the last 10 years in order to run Linux.
    This applies to windows as well, BTW.

    You can replace the HDD with SSD, but not because of your mentioned argument. HDD is a bottleneck either way....code improvements made or not.

    And you can get more RAM. But 10 years ago 6GB+ were standard and that is sufficient for ordinary works today as well.

    It's all about to overcome human habits....and the 'force' to realize the change.
    You have overcome old habits when you make efforts to stick to Linux and you either change the distro or you try to fix the issues by yourself when encountering...:)
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  16. psi7

    psi7 MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2018
    Games in Wine for Linux will probably make your head ache. You have to patch every single game to make it work. If you just browse the Web or use "office" computer then it is better,
    Canonical should make Ubuntu easy as Windows, make more GUI to get rid of frequent Terminal use.
    I have hurt myself while using Linux :) So hard that was. Three distributions, struggling with obstacles in two of them.
    Great programs are still not ported to Linux --> need MacOS or Win.
    But it's secure and private if doing right. And free, also.
    GUI is everything... I like you, GUI.
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1097 gorski, Oct 24, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
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  18. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    i did not even try.. i had my grave doubts if you could run windose games
    under a totally different operating system that they were made for.
    so i did not lnstall it, at first.i run an antique lenovo lappy with mint.
    too antique for any games. it can run wine, sure. more or less.
    but after i installed wine, out of curiosity, wine slowed it down
    dramatically. i do not need it for gaming, so i did not even try to
    install any games on that lappy. i only need it as alternative
    for my desktop, i use it mostly for emailing, and text work. if i want
    games, i can use my w7 desktop, that has sufficient oomph for that.
    and canonical? ubuntu?
    is strictly a nono for me. i distrust canonical almost as much as i distrust m$.
    they play with telemetry, and cooperate with m$. worse; they are a company,
    and they want to make a profit. over the users`back. they have no business
    with open-source, imho. and yes, i know that mint is based on ubuntu.]
    you say you tried three diferent distros. linux users tend to
    distro-hopping, i noticed. but the other distro`s grass is not always
    greener, and you hardly get to know any distro halfway well, if you
    keep distro-hopping. so i stick to mint, hoping that i will eventually get
    used to it. i have no issues with it. i admire what you can do with an
    antique lappy, and i had absolutely no trouble with installing it.
    and GUI?
    that is totally overrated, i think. the graphics almost
    force you to a cutting-edge machine, with all the costs that entails.
    better to get used to the terminal.just my 2 cents.
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  19. LiteOS

    LiteOS Windowizer

    Mar 7, 2014
  20. psi7

    psi7 MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2018
    nodnar - Maybe you are right that you don't trust Canonical, but I believe you are in control of your Ubuntu. Telemetry package "ubuntu report" can be deleted - that's what I did. Anyway, it's quite popular OS, and supported by many app makers like Valve (gamer!). Active company is probably a good thing for a distro. There's another, Novell company, that develops OpenSuse.
    Never tried Mint, but I heard it's good especially for those who are new to Linux.