it is still alpha, so we would have to be fairly tolerant. just tried to start a new thread under other operating systems.there is a real niche market there, imo. and not in virtual machines. either. any idiot can run an experimental os in a vm, but the real proof of the pudding is in the eating. i am totally not interested in virtual machines.. i want to actually use them.
Can you post a link for convenience? Definitely a thread to watch. I'm perfectly in that niche being a WinXP lover, it was like my pet died when they retired that one. I'll feel the same way about win7 since it ~can~ be made to look just like XP with some tweaking. Plus compared to win10, win7 was still pretty easy to manage.
I meant the thread here, but I can look for it myself. It's actually sad to me what happened to Windows, MS really nailed it with winXP and still pretty much with win7. I feel they diverged into no-mans land after that. The whole reason to run Windows is for something easy to manage, quick to set up, and fully supported third party. Those days are long gone. Win10 is like this internet octopus with it's tentacles reaching deep into the net. I'm definitely not a proponent of Windows as a service, more like Windows as an internet attack of the blob. I think I got just about all that shut off, but that damn device setup manager service is a real bastard. It can't be shut off or configured and insists on internet connectivity. That business with managing my device drivers "for me" without option is simply over the line.
Specifically relating to ALL post-xp versions of windoze=> A great friend of mine says this: "No matter how many times you paint a turd - it is still a turd." Trying to fix something that is itself the problem means basically re-creating a totally new version of that thing... Why bother ?? It seems less difficult (and/or stressful) to simply choose whatever alternative that can do enough MINUS all such additional frustration, aggravation & difficulties. My suggestion: Rather than trying to fix the nastinesses that are BUILT into all the newest M$ OSes (veeester, 7,8.x, 10), I suggest to use an older, better version as a guest OS on top of a Linux base OS. This is how I do it, it is not difficult, runs very well, and if/when it misbehaves, it is much easier & quicker to just restart. (I use XP & win2kpro this way - pretty much trouble free.)
React OS has been in "early development" for a long, long time now. I believe this is a hobbyist project that will never be usable as a real OS.
I seem to be using the term "turd" and "Windows 10" a lot in the same sentence lately. I sure as hell would be using an old version of Windows if I could. Problem comes from 3rd party software and hardware, they insist on never versions of Windows so the environment where it runs is not the issue. Now as soon as developers jump to a new defacto OS, I'll be all over it, zero loyalty. Problem is what developers are doing, not what I'm doing. Now I could jump around from OS to OS in virtual machine, run a browser here an old app there, but it's something I want to avoid, just want to boot into one system and do everything in the same place. Pretty insistent with that, maybe being too inflexible with that thinking.
BS! Ubuntu and Mint are pretty darn stable nowadays... And well developed for newbies, too. Show some respect where respect is due!
@gorski: Yup. Mint is a great starting point for new Linux users. Linux coding is different than using Linux. Learn how to use the OS. You will see that there are many ways to write programs and scripts for Linux. Python is commonly used, as well as C / C++. Assembler is rarely used unless you're writing some kind of device driver.
Is this statement based on significant statistics or is it just a smarty-pants phrase? It's remarkable to assign an absolute (=without problems, means absolutely no problem) to a relative (originals)... I mean you criticize a site while you argue with the same faults. (Personal generalization) Stability is very dependent on one's own hardware config and the integrated desktop. Kubuntu 18.04 for instance (KDE version of Ubuntu) is not as stable as Ubuntu mate 18.04. The developers never can test any combination in advance nor is the communication good enough to get the same quality for different desktop versions of the same distro (KDE, gnome, Xfce, LXDE and so on)... Your arguments do not convince. Going for the 'originals' does not mean going for the ones who are most stable. Some are, some rather are not. But going for the established ones means a high probability of stability, though. Many users means many different experiences and chances of bug reports. Mint cinnamon and Ubuntu mate are very stable. And this statement is based on own experiences. And this may vary during different versions...
I and all the other folks whom I've helped into Ubuntu variants have experienced wonderful stability - yes, rock-stable. As to the statistics from this 'testing' - this has been going on for between 5 - 10 years already, depending upon which installation we look at. The oldest of the bunch has been prefectly delighted through multiple version upgrades & especially happy with no longer paying the 'AV Tax', as he calls it.
Well, I can say I'm an experienced linux user, already. I'm using it since around 2005... On that time, I start using SlackWare, it has a pain to compile the modem drive by hand... I install slackware, figured out I had no internet connection, and reinstall windows, log into irc and ask why internet don't work... Download the driver, saved it to other partition, or burned a CD and install again... To discovery that don't compile because of a missing library, re-install windows again... I felt I was into paradise when I discovery I can dual boot. LOL. Then, the pain was about make X server work with some weird integrated graphics I own back them... And than how to figure out the missing dependency to compile any thing that don't came with the CD. Even debian apt-get sucks back the day... Today, I use debian or ubuntu and just do a apt-get install <what I want> and the software is installed with all dependency... If it is not on repository, the software developer most likely have the .deb version and a repository to it. Today I only use Linux as main OS, and a virtual box with WXP to configure some weird hardware that is impossible to do with Linux. Like the wifi printer I own, and some others things... The only thing that don't change in linux is gaming capability that still suck, not because of linux it self, but because of poor driver, and lack of a good gaming library. On the past, steam try, some game houses also try, but efforts don't move forward, because Linux don't represent 10% of desktop usage. Even cross compiling of my code is done with out effort... I feel like pepper farm meme saying that, but it true. People who thinks today GNU/Linux distros is hard, simple don't like to get used to a new environment, because I can ensure you, by experience, it is not. Ubuntu even install proprietary device drivers with out asking a thing. Talking about Debian, the only down side on it, is the lack of a good LTS version. It is a pain in the a** need to do a distro upgrade, even year or so and fix missing or broked configuration on a production server.