Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people

Discussion in 'Linux' started by roga, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Easy to be "clever" with Google finding simple commands... As if anyone mentioned that. Try if drivers do not exist. Or if they are bad. Or for a different flavour of Linux. Or if procedures for installation are not precise because a lot of geeks presume "everyone should know xyz"... Or the general nasty atmosphere one frequently finds on such forums... One could go on...

    My son's PC had issues with LAN card one couldn't solve in either Windows 7 or Linux (I tried 4 different flavours). I had to buy more HW. Turns out again, even that was not supported properly... I mean, talk about frustration...

    I managed to get my wife on Linux (Ubuntu and Mint) but for her hobby she couldn't use the SW she needed and Wine did not work properly, Play On Linux either, she had issues with sound etc. Back to Winblows...

    My laptop is cool with it but I do not jump to conclusions from my own experience. There are billions of possible combinations of HW which are simply not supported, period. So, one should be realistic in terms of expectations...
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  2. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Common drivers come pre-installed on macs. Macs give you the best of both worlds :p
  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1224 Yen, Aug 15, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
    Macs do work well, because they are using selected (mediocre) hardware config. where they get most out of it. High efficiency on mediocre hardware at high costs, encased with cool design and a restricted concept of proprietary services that ties people to Macs.

    Mac means to buy a device with an OS and by that you are tied to their services.

    The freedom of Linux is completely different!
    Ever used a Linux distro when it comes to audio / video / streaming / media platform / media server etc.?
    But that is another topic. :)

    The Linux family has to deal with lots of different HW configs and is open source.

    The Linux family (actually windows, too) suffer from that even because you cannot get all out of each combination what would be possible. There are simply too many configs and new HW.

    To get new HW is mostly more of performance boost than to get more out of the recent.
    Mac is here different, yes. They have best efficiency by sticking to selected HW a longer time.

    But you have the freedom to decide and to build your own rig. There are different distros and you can have different HW config. And you probably have to make more efforts to get it to work, depends on what you have.
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  4. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    Debian with Mate is very usable for basic online duties so i can ignore ltsc telemetry issues cos its airgapped. :)

    Apple does have that in its favour :)
  5. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    Im "home user plus" and that suits me fine :)
  6. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    NO you are not tied to their services. I have mac installed on my windows machine
  7. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Ah snap, I meant the other way round
  8. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    The sad - but ABSOLUTE truth of what Yen said here is that those who use them refuse to accept that they are just re-badged wintel based PCs now:
    Just because they say 'Apple' on the outside and -seem- to be running a Mac OS just serves to hide that they are 100% wintel on the inside & have been for quite a while already.

    Again - what Yen said is 100% correct & as such it limits the user's choices to 'Apple' branded servicing:
    Indeed you did !!

    The most cost-effective way to get & use what now exists as the MacOS is to simply get an Intel PC that is compatible and make it into a Hackintosh.
    This avoids the jacked up pricing for what is essentially just the same thing in a pretty box with a fancy fruit symbol attached to it.
  9. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Excuse me, I do not appreciate being accused of being a liar. I would not risk installing malware infected os and would rather pay to install the original copy. I do regret not getting the option of dedicated graphics though in terms of gaming. Now I’m starting to realise that mid-range laptops that should cost around £500 cost around £1500 +
  10. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    No accusation made & none intended - just a clarification of what IS.

    So, this is apparently a misunderstanding of what you meant by what you posted, and;
    Perhaps a bit of a problem accepting what is actually inside ALL 'modern' Mac labeled PCs.
    This has proven to be very difficult to accept for dedicated 'Apple' folks - while it IS a terrific sales strategy.
  11. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Premium. companies may charge premium prices. According to many, proprietary means great, now that’s what i’m learning
  12. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Mac was first to introduce SSDs and so among non techy users, macs are known for speedy computers.

    Just like GHDs were the first ceramic hair straighteners, so non enthusiasts assume GHDs are the best although there are better ones out there now e.g. cloud nines.

    Not everyone realizes tech catches up and becomes the norm. I gotta admit I fell for this and in 2016 I bought a mac just cos it has a SSD :p
  13. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Early Adopter Syndrome.

    The tech giants depend upon a combination of this, adding in other psychological trickery via confusion, obfuscation, misdirection and sheer ignorance of their salesforce which endlessly spouts whatever they are told - just to make the sale.

    Zip drives - remember those 100MB junkers ??
    Most folks have forgotten them now that 'megabytes' have become irrelevant.
    There were also other attempts at what then was 'high capacity storage media', all made completely obsolete by the arrivals of USB connectivity and storage.

    Got any 1GB USB sticks ?? (Very quaint, right ??)
    How about 256MB full-sized SD cards ??
    Most likely not - as with most folks who now depend upon microSD cards with higher capacities...until they are lost or fail.

    Folks like myself were fortunate to start in the computer realm BEFORE DOS - thereby getting a perspective impossible for younger folks who did not start back then UNLESS:
    They are students of computing history - which is not a paying hobby & therefore quite useless to most folks.

    I have posted before about the fall of the ORIGINAL company called Apple;
    It no longer exists independently as it did when I was rebuilding the original Mac computers to give to families too poor to get the (then...) $1500+ PCs just for their children to do homework on as the schools had begun to require.

    The actual demise of the original Apple company was clearly marked by the change from Motorola CPU chips to all Intel innards along with the OS being modified to run on the 'new' platform.

    So, concluding & reaffirming what Yen said so clearly up^ there:
    The Mac platform is not what its devoted users think it is anymore;
    It is very overpriced considering what is inside the boxes;
    It does tend to limit the options for servicing due to its supposedly proprietary designs;
    It remains quite reliable because it is still Unix based despite the platform changes.

    Given the negative response to the Hackintosh idea that I posted in reply here:
    Many, many folks are very happily already using PCs with the shoehorned in MacOS and those folks are having ZERO malware worries via any sort of "malware infected os" as incorrectly accused above;
    That is simply solid proof of the success of the commercial fear mongering aimed at keeping the Mac labeled PCs selling even as well (and as little) as they now do.

    And finally:
    I know precisely nothing about hair straighteners and have neither need nor ambition to get any such knowledge.
    This is pretty much in the same fashion that Mac devotees do not get helpful knowledge about their chosen platform - but with one major difference=>
    I have need & uses for computers whereas I have absolutely ZERO need for hair straightening devices, so it behooves me to get a good grasp of what I do need & do use.
  14. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    Regarding hair straighteners, if you re-read my post you’ll see the point i make backs up the fact that ppl will pay more for a brand just cos it’s known as a premium brand although there may be better products available

    This is a general concept, happens with everything including macs vs pcs
  15. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1237 Yen, Aug 16, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2019
    Macs are speedy computers, that's right. As being said the reason for it is that the OS gets most out of it. Of their selected wintel HW combination that has some age already.
    Another question is: Wouldn't you get more speed for the same price elsewhere?

    Especially when planning to use win either way to get rid of Apple's services? (You are running ATM win on a Mac right?)

    I don't get that. 2016?
    Tech catches up and gets the norm, yes. But if you rely on complete systems such as Mac (or Dell at windows PCs) one is always LATE when it comes to new standards and still with bad cost / performance ratio!

    To be on top level you have to buy selected HW on your own.

    It was not Mac that was first to have introduced SSDs. It were the performance / costs aware windows people who have got their own SSD to install it at their PCs at home.
    They are responsible that they became norm.
    And by that I do not mean the Dell or Compaq / HP proprietary complete win-PC users.

    In the 70s only supercomputers such as Cray had something like SSD.

    I decided to buy a 100GB OCZ Vertex II (2010). I knew that HDDs are a huge bottleneck on every system. You don't need to be much tech savvy to know that.
    It was 400 bucks. Expensive at first sight. But it is the best HW upgrade I ever made and every cent worth. It felt as a PC from another generation.

    Don't get me wrong I actually do not spend much money for new HW, generally for new tech devices (I still run a socket 1366 core I7. Overall performance is still good for me).

    I would never buy the latest GPU beyond of 1000 bucks only to have a few frames more on gaming (and that only a short time until the next GPU is realized).
    Price collapse is at both. But the eliminated bottleneck on the SATA bus when using SSDs was pioneering and could not be taken away.

    To get a 100GB system SSD in the year 2010 for 400 bucks was reasonable. Why should I have waited 6 more years for MAC?!?

    If I spend money, then rightly.:p

    P.S.: And don't get me wrong, I do not argue against your purchase of your Mac!
    It's your buying reason, because it was first with SSD. :)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    SH, I am NOT at a "negative place" - please, read fairly! I am advocating caution and care when one expects flawless stuff and no worries... It does not work out like that, most of the time, with Linux...

    Lots of money behind Winblows dominance means it will stay like that for quite a while to come. That's facts for you.

    My laptop is fine with it but 4 other devices in my house are not, sadly. Most houses I've been to - of those that bothered, which isn't a great number at all! - have similar issues...

    All my STBs (satellite TV boxes) are Linux based (Enigma2) and this is Winblows-free zone! Great! But...

    My younger son still has Linux on his PC but he is not using it - just as well as I can't control it as well as I can Windows (time spent on it, websites visited, apps installed etc.)....

    My elder's PC had HW/driver issues which I tried solving by buying USB2LAN adapter which "should" have worked but didn't... How many times does one have to buy "something else" before it works under both OSs? Extremely annoying and frustrating, you know....

    Winblows under Linux - Jeez, it sounds like a perversion... If Wine or PlayOnLinux do not work properly for a small piece of SW - how can one expect them to work properly for a whole complex OS? Honestly...

    One of my friends had a MAC and to use some Winblows apps she asked me to install WInblows under MAC OS, in a Winblows emulator. I did and it seemed OK but as Yen said, this is all a very controlled market, narrow parameters by comparison to an open one, dealing with Winblows and Linux...

    I would be careful, in other words, as to what I would advise somebody to use, Win or Lin. Never Mac, obviously! I am not of the MacBiggot clan and I will never be. I would love to change over to Linux completely but this is just impossible for now and it may remain so for £$€ and political reasons, sadly...
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  18. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Hi Gorski and thanks for replying to my reply !!

    It is your pronouncement of 'most of the time' which I disagree with, because=>
    I always test with a live boot or three BEFORE having any expectations - and for me, MOST OF THE TIMES since Lubuntu 11.04 (~2012) went onto some very non-technical friend's PCs - no H/W driver issues.
    Admittedly also:
    These were systems which I had built from components rather than any box store pre-built stuff.

    Again, here, you say 'most' - but then say also that it has not been many:
    And I reply again that I -have- done a great many & seldom have problems except for onboard Wifi, which does seldom work correctly from what I've seen.

    Truth be told I had reason to test a bunch of them to assure that one of my elderly friends moving far away had a reliable & replaceable dongle, and:
    I found a particular chipset that can be had from a bunch of sources cheaply, and does work 100%.
    Too many are windoze ONLY - but it only takes a minute each to test them and I only got cheap ones as well.

    Nope, it sure isn't - nor is it any big deal - nor is it unusual to encounter:
    Linux does exceptionally well with either Virtualbox or VMWare running windoze as a guest.

    I did this for another friend after I'd been using it this way myself for a while back in 2012.
    These were running under Ubuntu 11.04 with a VM of win2kpro.
    For my friend it was done in order to run 2 database centered apps (NOT SMALL !!) that demanded windoze absolutely.

    His PC had a 'mere' 2GB of RAM & a 160GB HDD running on a (2 core ??) Athlon CPU, and it did everything flawlessly & smoothly.

    That same guy now has a desktop PC as well as an HP branded notebook, both running Ubuntu Mate 18.04.2 & running a VM of XP Pro as needed for those same apps - also flawlessly.

    If you desire to know the Wifi chipset I confirmed that works very well with Linux, I can get that chipset info & post it for you - and if you choose to get several as I have done, that problem is solved for a good long time.
  19. QueenOfTech

    QueenOfTech MDL Junior Member

    Apr 2, 2019
    First computers to come shipped with ssds were macs , I have windows on my mac and actually, windows is just as fast or faster than mac for a lot of things imo.