You should be able to find most evals, linked at in the OPs of the build threads, published by @LostED and @whatever127 .
16299.15 Enterprise EVAL by @whatever127 17134.1 Enterprise EVAL by @whatever127 17763.1 Enterprise EVAL by @LostED 17763.1 Enterprise (+LTSC) EVAL by @whatever127 17763.107 Enterprise (+LTSC) EVAL by @whatever127 18362.30 Enterprise EVAL by @LostED
All of the Windows & Windows Server releases released here are GUI versions. Only Server SAC builds will have no GUI versions.
Looking for 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso Anyone else getting 403 error?
The whole idea behind these is that you have the public eval as the bulk reference point straight from microsoft, secured and mirrored world-wide. For example anything microsoft is uncapped at my mobile isp. So it would be pointless if eval's would be gone permanently - but I hope that's not the case.
yep, we have all, but it is not going to die task of our small 'collectors group' to be a backend mirror fo all lazy and ignorant MDL-members
If this is your contribution to this thread, please go f.. yourself, condescending creap. The OP has shown more initiative and with better intentions to help members then you showed the last couple of years.