Does your system have a msdm for education? Put this ei.cfg in the ISO/USB:\Sources folder and all available SKUs should be there to select:
This is about ESD>ISO not install.esd. You need to provide one of these ESD files for ESD>ISO: Win 10:
thank, you this works but Even when I created an my .esd file that contains more editions and is for more architectures. I can't convert it to an one ISO file that would work for all accritetures: x86. x64. ARM64. ?
Not possible that way, as the installation routine from MS is vastly different for different architectures, especially ARM64. ARM64 is completely incompatible to the Intel ones. You can create a combined Intel x86 + AMD x86_64 ISO using the method explained by @Paul Mercer above (using x86 Setup as it is upwards compatible and can serve x64 install.wim/.esd). ARM64 cannot be combined into the mix, as the Intel-based Setup won't run on ARM and the ARM-based Setup won't run on Intel platforms.
hi I want an Arabic language pack for this release 19045.2965.230505-1139.22h2 To add it for iso cd to make it multi-languages thanks
Language packs are not updated or changed all 1904x versions use 19041.1 LangPack then, add or re-add latest cumulative update after adding language pack
here is W10MUI thread, you can find all info there in short, it's better to build base 19041.1 build on UUP dump and integrate languages and updates in it
lang file coming in ESD form I try with decrypt-multi-release but did not work I want something to decrypt thanks