@abbodi1406 sorry if this question has been already asked before, what's the point of performing a full resetbase when you already know that resetpc will be broken after that ? Resetpc is usefull option as it allows you to reinstall win10 by keeping your files intact in case you have stability system issue or another problem related to you win system later so this is usefull option not to be neglected.
Reset PC is overrated nevertheless, default cleanup options in W10UI are OFF for that reason the user is free to choose what he want
@abbodi1406 meant that a CU can be re-offered because they are managed by UUP now. It has nothing to do with the install of windows itself.
Why do I get this error with the UUP ISO with W10UI v4.4? Error: 769 Compression is disabled for this volume. The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
Why integrating old flash MS Catalog says its superseded by kb4074595 also does kb4077944 "Dynamic Update" is needed for integration. cant find info about it on catalog
In KB4074595 Update Details the update replaces the following updates including KB4056887 was Jan-2018 flash patch. but if you integrated KB4074595, WU still push KB4056887 to your system. so i decided do not integrate both of them and wait Mar flash patch comming.
Which Windows 10 ISO do you extract for the sources folder etc. to use in W10UI v4.4? When I make one from the UUP files I get an error 'Compression not enabled' and I think the 'Clean Image' and 'Reset Base' doesn't work.
It doesn't matter if you use correctly converted UUP>ISO or official MVS iso's. My example is from extracted 16299.15 OEMRET client MVS iso + Enterprise (+N) indices exported to it.
KB4092077 is CU, can be safely installed or ignored you also need to hide Update Assistant tool KB4023814