The best way to update an 1803 iso would be to get the original 17134.1 iso and use W10UI on it with the following updates: kb4456655 - SSU kb4230204 - Dynamic kb4457146 - Flash kb4458469 - CU kb4457190 - Dynamic Install Media Update If you use your sept-2018 "updated" iso, you'll end up with a not so clean iso.
Here you are again! I can't thank you enough for that appreaciate it much! Back to your reply I just want to ask a few question; can I skip the Flash update (kb4457146)? About the dynamic update, do I need to integrate both kb4230204 and kb4457190, how do you track what dynamic updates to include? Also how do you use W10UI5.2, can I apply all updates at once or is there a proper update sequence?
Thanks helped a lot, the only problem I have now is how can I edit W10UI to just update a specific index in my case index 6 which is Professional cause updating all indexes takes eternity on my crappy system.
Ah yes good thing you responded pretty fast, I remembered the post while backreading which is actually just a few replies from here, sorry for being a nuisance, these are just too much to take at once, lucky you guys are around to help, thanks a lot.
Mount your windows iso, then open command prompt as admin and type this: Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"X:\sources\install.wim" /SourceIndex:6 /DestinationImageFile:"C:\AnyFolderYouLike\install.wim" Where "X" is the letter assigned by Windows to your mounted media, so don't forget to modify that bit. That command above will result in a new install.wim file that contains only your desired index. Replace the original install.wim with the new one you just created and then start the update process.
Actually, the correct command is: Code: dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"X:\sources\install.wim" /SourceIndex:6 /DestinationImageFile:"C:\AnyFolderYouLike\install.wim" /Compress:max /checkintegrity if you want index 6 and then you copy the C:\AnyFolderYouLike\install.wim to the X:\sources\ folder and replace X:\sources\install.wim You SHOULD use the '/Compress:max /checkintegrity' switches.
I think this entire thread of posts was related to installing hotfixes to a single index with W10UI, Enthousiast, so it is related to the hotfix repo content.
Deleting, exporting and mounting indices is not hotfix geraleted, It should be basic knowledge to learn before going to offline service wim files, imho.
It's not required, it's good, but not required. I always do this without compression to just solve >4gb wim file problem, and it's enough.